Bailment: A Delivers His Car To B, For Repair. Y Lends Her Cycle To B To Be Returned After A Week
Bailment: A Delivers His Car To B, For Repair. Y Lends Her Cycle To B To Be Returned After A Week
Bailment: A Delivers His Car To B, For Repair. Y Lends Her Cycle To B To Be Returned After A Week
Classification of Bailment
Non-gratuitous bailment
Duties of Bailor Duties of Bailee
Disclose known faults To take responsible care of
To bear extraordinary the goods
expenses of bailment Not to make any
To indemnify bailee for loss unauthorized use of goods
in case of premature Not to mix the gods bailed
termination of gratuitous with his own goods
bailment Not to set up an adverse title
To receive back the goods To return any accretion to the
To indemnify the bailee goods
To return the goods
Rights of Bailor Rights of Bailee
Enforcement rights Delivery of goods o one of
Avoidance of contract several joint bailors of goods
Return of goods lent Delivery of goods to bailor
gratuitously without title
Compensation from wrong- Right to apply to court to
doer stop delivery
Right of action against
Bailee’s lien
Termination of Bailment
Risk of loss: loss falls on the Risk of loss: loss falls on the
buyer, even if the goods are in seller, even if the goods are in
possession of the seller possession of the buyer
Sale and hire-purchase agreement
Subject-matter of contract
Goods form the subject-matter of a contract of sale
Classification of goods
Existing goods
Specific goods –identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale
is made
Ascertained goods – identified subsequent to the formation of a contract
of sale
Unascertained goods – not identified and agreed upon at the time a
contract of sale, defined by description and may form part of a lot
Future goods – seller does not possess at the time of contract
Contingent goods – the acquisition of which by the seller
depends upon contingency which may or may not happen
Effect of destruction of goods