Compounding Words: Prepared by
Compounding Words: Prepared by
Compounding Words: Prepared by
Prepared by:
Sameeha Elwan
The components of Compounding words:
The component of
Compounding words
in English
Endocentric Exocentric
The meaning of the compound is The meaning of the compound
classified according to the meaning doesn't result from its component
of its components Example: Read head is a person with
.Example: dog food is a type of food .red head, not a type of head
Compounds formation
Types of Compound nouns:
Solid or Closed form: consists of monosyllabic
Examples: lawsuit, wallpaper, makeup.
Hyphenated form: two or more units are combined
by hyphens.
Examples: good-for-nothing, salt-and-pepper.
Opened or Spaced form: long words such as :
distance learning, player piano, lawn tennis.
Analyzability: ( Transparency):
The meaning of the compound can be analyzed in different
1. The relationship is attributive. The meaning of a
compound noun is a specialization of the meaning of
the head. The modifier limits the meaning.
(endocentric compounds) Example: black board.
2. The relationships are expressed by prepositions, there
is no obvious semantic head. (exocentric compounds)
Examples: Footstool, armchair, office manager.
3. The meaning could be a generalization when the
meaning could be induced from both units.
Example: fighter bomber: it is an aircraft which is
both fighter and bomber.
Compound Adjectives:
It is a modifier of a noun. It consists of two or more morphemes where the
left-hand morpheme narrows or changes the modification of the right hand
Verb preceding
adjectives with
an adjective or
high and low
Feel-good factor
Numbers spelled Verb preceding
out or as adjectives a prepositions
30-piece band Stick-on label
Seven- year boy Stand-by fare