Shivraj - 19MCMS047095 CB
Shivraj - 19MCMS047095 CB
Shivraj - 19MCMS047095 CB
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
A.1] Discuss the background regarding case study “Volvo YCC (Your concept car)” –
appended at the bottom of this document.
• Your Concept Car (YCC), a product of Volvo has been designed by women with women
in mind. The body of the car has been designed so that all four outside corners of the
car can be seen from the inside. It has no access to the engine via a hood, only a
mechanic can access it by lifting the car to get to it .It has many features that would
appeal to women including a place for a purse, a trash can, cooler, changeable fabric
coverings and carpeting along with many other features women would find attractive.
The “ergo vision” that would be offered scans your body and would allow your
adjustable features such as your seat, mirrors, steering and pedals to set to your body
specific needs. The company feels that sitting in the YCC is more like being in your
living room than in your car.
• YCC project illustrates the value of understanding consumers in several different
ways. The most important step that was taken in this project was to form a panel of
women to help design the car as it was being geared towards women. Next they took
ideas they felt were important to their target audience and they put them into this
concept car. Women think differently than men, are built differently than men and also
have much different tastes than men .By using a panel of women Volvo took the steps to
understand their target audience in the bestway possible
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
A.2]In the case study, elaborate and also schematically illustrate the Consumer Decision
Making Process (CDP) that a customer in the target group would be typically going
through in the process of evaluation and purchase
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
A.3]Based on the case study, propose the marketing strategy– including communication
channels , key messaging and other communications mix elements in order to effectively
engage with the target segment
• he new strategy – the ‘Volvo Way to Market’ – focuses on four areas: marketing tools,
digital leadership, dealerships and service.
• One significant development contained in the new marketing strategy is that Volvo will in
future concentrate on three key international motor shows, one each in Europe, the US and
Asia. In addition, it will conduct an annual Volvo event to showcase its products and brand.
It will also place online sales and marketing at the centre of its marketing strategy and
drastically upgrade its dealerships and service offering.
• In order to achieve these goals, Volvo is increasing its marketing budget.
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
• With the Volvo Way to Market, we don’t want to throw all existing marketing concepts
overboard,” said Mr Visser. “Many of them exist for a good reason. We also don't want to
have the arrogance to say that we are better than all the rest. But we do have the self-
confidence to say that we are different. So our way to market needs to be different as
• The details of the new strategy are as follows:
• Marketing tools
• The Volvo Way to Market entails a radically new approach towards the tools used to
market Volvo cars to the general public.
• Motor shows
• Volvo Cars sees the need to expose the press and customers to its brand, products and
innovations, but motor shows are not always the best way to do this. “Motor shows are a
rather traditional affair in which brands crowd out each other at set times in the battle for
press exposure,” said Mr Visser.
Faculty of Management and Commerce ©Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences