Fish Philosophy POA

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Catch the Energy & Release the Potential .

Why FISH! Philosophy?

 Inspires teamwork
 Fosters creativity
 Increases productivity
 Builds effective relationships to facilitate the communication of ideas,
goals, etc.
 Stimulates thinking about ways to create a more worker-friendly work
 Makes people feel valued
 Retains employees
 Boosts morale
 Creates positive, memorable experiences for our customers (both internal
and external customers)
 it prevents burnout and keeps people excited
What is Fish! Philosophy?
 The Fish! Philosophy is a technique which is aimed at
creating happy individuals in the workplace and improving
“camaraderie culture’’ in any organization. It is modeled
after the Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle by John Christensen.
 On a visit to Seattle in 1997, John Christensen, owner of
ChartHouse Learning, observed fish sellers at Pike Place Fish
Market, tossing fish through the air of the market providing high
energy which energized many pedestrians passing by on their
lunch breaks. They gave their complete attention to each
customer and ensured each had an enjoyable visit.
 Christensen noticed the actual work of selling fish was
repetitive, cold and exhausting. It occurred to him that the
fishmongers might not enjoy every part of their job, but they
chose to bring joy to how they approached it. They also sold a
lot of fish i.e. they achieve more.
r Principles of the FISH! Philosophy

 Be There i.e. Be Present

 Make Their Day
 Play
 Choose Your Attitude
“Over 75% of adult wake time is spent doing work related

Do you want to enjoy work and be energized by it or be

frustrated and sad?
Principle #1
Principle #1 - Be There
 Nearly all of us have learned to listen only for what
fits what we want to hear.
 It’s difficult to hear what other people are saying if your
mind is busy with concerns, fears or judgments about
who they are or why their words are right or wrong, or if
you are preparing a response.

 BE THERE, being truly present and focused, means

suspending what you think you know while you are
listening and focused.
Principle #1 - Be There
 Be present and guide your colleague

 Pick a partner….. Define roles

 One person should have pencil and paper.
 The other person will mentally choose a simple object.
 Turn back to back with partner.
 Describe the object to your partner with clues and ask them
to follow your directions and draw object.
 Once done face each other.
 Question……Did your partner draw the same object? What
is required to truly be accurate?
Principle #2 – Make Their Day
Principle #2 – Make Their Day
 It’s natural to want to MAKE THEIR DAY when it
comes to those who brighten your day.

 But what about those people who seem to suck the

energy out of the room whenever they enter?

 What can you do to make your good mood and energy

contagious? After all, everyone wants to feel valued.
Principle #2 – Make Their Day
 Write your name on the top of your paper.
 Pass the paper to your right.
 Recipient - Write something you like, respect, or
admire about that person.
 Continue to pass the paper to the right.
 Write something you like respect or admire about that
 Continue this process until you get the paper back with
your name on it.
Principle #2 – Make Their Day
 Follow up:
 How did it feel to read the positive comments about

 Have you heard these positive statements before?

 How well or often do you give positive feedback or

look for the good in others?
Principle #3 – Play
Principle #3 – Play
 PLAY is a spirit. It is more than just fun; it is an invitation
to lightheartedness.

 PLAY is the feeling you release inside people when they

are enthused and committed.

 PLAY makes your job fun because it brings energy.

 PLAY energizes the creativity and problem-solving abilities

within you.

 PLAY makes boring tasks, easier to do

Laughter : “is the relaxed merriment from the sonorous expulsion

of air from the soul”
Principle #4 – Choose Your Attitude
Principle #4 – Choose Your Attitude
 There are many things we can’t control; the weather, other
human beings, economic downturns, traffic. The only thing we
can control is our response to those and other challenges.

 Sometimes it takes standing up for what needs to change.

Sometimes it means accepting what is.

 In order to live the other three principles consistently, you will

have to recognize that whether you want to or not, you choose
your attitude.

 No matter how bad a situation is there are always little things to

celebrate and appreciate

It is your attitude, more than your aptitude, that determines your

Our Workplace
 As you enter NSIA, please CHOOSE to make everyday a great day.
Your colleagues, clients , team members, and you yourself will
be thankful.

 Find ways to PLAY – we can be serious about our work without

being serious about ourselves.

 Stay focused in order to BE THERE – when your clients and team

members most need you.

 And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this sure-fire
remedy: Find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of
support, or a good ear and MAKE THEIR DAY!

UBUNTU PHILOSOPHY : "I am because we are” "the belief in a universal bond of sharing

that connects all humanity".
Ride the wave…
…Catch the Energy
…Unleash the Potential!

 Never doubt that a small group of

thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed it is the
only thing that ever has.
---Margaret Mead
FISH! Pledge
Hook into it…It’s
quite a catch!

“I promise I will support the FISH!

Philosophy and Play,
Make Their Day, Be There,
and Choose My Attitude every day!”

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