Definition Syntax
Definition Syntax
Definition Syntax
Syntax is the part of linguistics that studies the
structure and formation of sentences. It explains
how words and phrases are arranged to form
coherent sentences. A sentence could make no
sense and still be correct from the syntax point of
view as long as words are in their appropriate
spots and agree with each other.
Syntax is a part of linguistics that is involved in
the study of sentence structure. It is based on
three elements of a sentence: word order, word
agreement, and hierarchical structure of a
Syntaxtic stucture
Types of Sentence Structures
Types of sentences and their syntax modes include simple sentences,
compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex
sentences. Compound sentences are two simple sentences joined by a
conjunction. Complex sentences have dependent clauses, and
compound-complex sentences have both types included.
Simple sentence: Subject-verb structure ("The girl ran.")
Compound sentence: Subject-verb-object-conjunction-subject-verb
structure ("The girl ran the marathon, and her cousin did, too.")
Complex sentence: Dependent clause-subject-verb-object structure
("Although they were tired after the marathon, the cousins decided to go
to a celebration at the park.")
Compound-complex sentence: Four clauses, dependent and
independent structures ("Although they weren't fond of crowds, this was
different, they decided, because of the common goal that had brought
everyone together.")
Gramatical and Ungramatical
In english and every languange, every sentence is a saquance
of word, but not every sentence of words is a sentence.
Sequance of words that conform to the rules of syntax are
said to “Grammatical”, and hose that vioate of syntactic rules
are called “Ungrammatical”.
In other words, utterances (sentence) which are constructed
approriately based on grammatical rules are normally called “
Grammatical sentences” while utterances which are not
constructed based on the grammatical rules are
called”Ungrammatical sentences”
In linguistics,an Ungrammatical sentence is normally marked
with an astrisk (*)- sometimes two in front of it.
EX:A).The boy kissed the girl (grammatical)
The boy kissing the girl (ungrammatical)
Transformational Rules
For example:
Sentence Noun Phrase + Verb Phrase
Verb Phrase Verb + Noun Phrase
Noun Phrase Article + Noun Phrase
Where in the above example,
Means “it transform into”
Verb phrase “kicked the ball”
Noun phrase “ the boy” “the ball”
parsing diagrams
Subject = “the boy” (article + noun)
Verb = “kicked”
Object = “the ball” (article + noun)