Chapter 22 - Financial Reporing in Hyperinflationary Economies
Chapter 22 - Financial Reporing in Hyperinflationary Economies
Chapter 22 - Financial Reporing in Hyperinflationary Economies
Learning Objectives
• Define the stable monetary unit assumption. Provide the
exception to this concept.
• State the core principle under PAS 29.
• Restate a statement of financial position and an income
statement in accordance with PAS 29.
• Monetary items are not restated because they are already expressed in
terms of the monetary unit current at the end of the reporting period.
• Monetary items are money held and items to be received or paid in fixed or
determinable amount of money without reference to future prices of specific
goods or services. Monetary items include monetary assets and monetary
• All other items that cannot be classified as monetary items are non-
monetary items, except of “retained earnings.” Retained earnings is
the a balancing figure after restatement.
• Equity items such as share capital and share premium are also
nonmonetary items and thus restated.
The gain or loss on the net monetary position (also called ‘purchasing
power gain or loss’) is recognized in profit or loss.