Wetlands 'Nature's Kidneys'
Wetlands 'Nature's Kidneys'
Wetlands 'Nature's Kidneys'
'nature's kidneys’
Definition of wetland(s)
-Lands covered with water all or part of a year
-Interface between Terrestrial and aquatic
- They have been
Characteristics of called as 'nature's kidneys’
1. Physical Characteristics
– Precipitation, surface
and subsurface flow,
direction, chemistry,
and kinetic energy of
the water.
2. Hydroperiod
– Duration, frequency,
depth, and flood
Classification of wetland on the basis of hydrology
• Basin Wetlands (lakes and ponds)
– Physical: Water flow is vertical
– Hydroperiod: Long with floods during
periods of high rainfall.
Riverine Wetlands
Classification of wetland on the basis of hydrology
1. Sandy soils
– Contain mineral grains ranging from 0.05-2 mm
in diameter.
2. Silt soils
– Soils that have grains ranging from 0.002-0.05
mm in diameter.
3. Clay soils
– Contain mineral grains smaller than 0.002 mm in
Soil Properties
• Sandy soils
– Has good drainage and aeration
– Does not store water well
– Is not suitable for most plants
Sandy soils
• Silt Soils
– Soils made from minerals
– Granule sizes are between sandy and
– Also known as “rock flour” or “stone
dust” when produced by glaciers Silt Soils
• Clay soils
- Hold water very well
- Do not drain water easily
- Do not have space for air
- Is not suitable for most plants
Clay soils
Wetland Plants Native vs. Exotic
• Exotic plants were not originally in the area and have been
carried to the area in some way.
– Exotic plants can become invasive where they dominate the
ecosystem preventing opportunities for growth for the native
– Exotic plants also out grow native plants because they have no
native predators.
– Invasive exotic species are the second leading cause of native
species extinction (habitat loss being number one).
Benefits of Aquatic Plants
• Primary Production
– Wildlife Food
– Oxygen Production
• Shelter
– Protection from predation for small fish
• Fish Spawning
– Several fish attach eggs to aquatic macrophytes
– Some fish build nests in plant beds
• Water Treatment
– Wetland plants are very effective at removing
nitrogen and phosphorous from polluted waters
Submerged macrophytes can provide shelter for young fish as well as
house an abundant food supply.
Some fish will attach their
eggs to aquatic vegetation.
• Single celled
• Base of aquatic food web
• Oxygen production
• Free Floating – Plants not rooted to the bottom and float on the
Freshwater Marshes
Chemical Functions of Wetlands
• Pollution Interception
– Nutrient uptake by plants
– Settle in anaerobic soil and become reduced
– Processed by bacterial action
• Toxic Residue Processing
– Buried and neutralized in soils, taken up by
plants, reduced through ion exchange
– Large-scale / long-term additions can exceed a
wetland’s capacity
– Some chemicals can become more dangerous in
wetlands (Mercury)
Mercury Chemistry
• Elemental mercury (Hg0)
– Most common form of environmental mercury
– High vapor pressure, low solubility, does not
combine with inorganic or organic ligands, not
available for methylation
• Mercurous Ion (Hg+)
– Combines with inorganic compounds only
– Can not be methylated
• Mercuric Ion (Hg++)
– Combines with inorganic and organic
– Can be methylated CH3Hg
• Basically a biological process by microorganisms in
both sediment and water
– Mono- and dimethylmercury can be formed
– Dimethylmercury is highly volatile and is not
persistent in aquatic environments
• Influenced by environmental variables that affect both
the availability of mercuric ions for methylation and
the growth of the methylating microbial populations.
– Rates are higher in anoxic environments,
freshwater, and low pH
– Presence of organic matter can stimulate growth
of microbial populations, thus enhancing the
formation of methylmercury
Methylmercury Bioaccumulation
• Mercury is accumulated by fish, invertebrates,
mammals, and aquatic plants.
• Inorganic mercury is the dominate environmental
form of mercury, it is depurated about as fast as it is
taken up so it does not accumulate.
• Methylmercury can accumulate quickly but depurates
slowly, so it accumulates
– Also biomagnifies
• Percentage of methylmercury increases with
organism’s age.
Chemical Functions of Wetlands
• Waste Treatment
• High rate of biological activity
• Can consume a lot of waste
• Heavy deposition of sediments that bury waste
• High level of bacterial activity that breaks down and
neutralizes waste
• Biological Production
– 6.4% of the Earth’s surface 24% of total global
– Detritus based food webs
• Habitat
– 80% of all breeding bird populations along with
>50% of the protected migratory bird species rely
on wetlands at some point in their life
– 95% of all U.S. commercial fish and shellfish species
depends on wetlands to some extent
What happens when wetlands are destroyed?
• Destruction of wetlands can cause many problems such
– Increased floods
– Water quality problems
– Population decrease in plants and animals that live in wetlands
Wetland helps
Water storage and purification
Biodiversity protection
Sediment retention
Groundwater replenishment
Climate change mitigation
Cultural value
Loss of wetlands
• Building of dams
• Channelization of riverbeds
• Overexploitation of wetlands resources
• Introduction of invasive species
• Developmental activities and population pressure
• Water pollution and dumping of waste
• The two conservation reserves – Jhilmil Jheel in Haridwar and Asan Barrage in
DehraDun districts – are being established under the 2003 parliamentary
amendment made in the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972 with a view to seek
greater community involvement in protecting extremely critical wildlife.
• Wild life institute of India Dehradun also played a pivotal role in Swamp Deer