Trajectory Planning: Higher Orders and Blends
Trajectory Planning: Higher Orders and Blends
Trajectory Planning: Higher Orders and Blends
q (t1 )
L ift - o ff
I n itia l
q (t0 )
t0 t1 t2 tf T im e
• Velocity Profile
t0 t1 t2 tf T im e
A c c e le r a t io n
• Acceleration Profile t0 t1 t2 t f T im e
Linear function with parabolic blends
Another choice of path shape is linear.
Combining the above two equations and t = 2th, we get
The constraint on the acceleration used in the blend is
Linear function with parabolic blends for a path with via points
We now consider linear paths with parabolic blends for the case in
which there are an arbitrary number of via points specified.
The first and last segments must be handled slightly differently,
because an entire blend region at one end of the segment must be
counted in the total segment's time duration.
can be solved for t1, the
blend time at the initial
point; then and t12 are easily
computed: (7.26)
Likewise, for the last segment (the one connecting points n —1 and n),
we have