Feldman CD7 Chapter 2 PPT - F
Feldman CD7 Chapter 2 PPT - F
Feldman CD7 Chapter 2 PPT - F
• Unconsciousness is
part of personality about
which a person is
Id, Ego, and Superego
• Freud • Erikson
– Freud’s introduction – Erikson’s view that
that unconscious development
influences affect continues throughout
behavior was the life span is
significant. important.
– Some of the most – Erikson’s theory is
basic principles of vague and difficult to
Freud’s theory have scientifically validate.
been called into
question because they
lack research validity.
Freud’s and Erikson’s Theories (1 of 2)
Freud’s and Erikson’s Theories (2 of 2)
LO2 What are the basic concepts of the behavioral
Neo-Piagetian theory
•Uses information-processing approach that builds
on Piagetian research
•Considers composition of cognition of different
types of individual skills
•Suggests cognition proceeds more quickly in
certain areas and more slowly in others
Assessing Information-Processing
These approaches
•Provide crucial part of current understanding of
•Do not offer complete explanation for behavior or
consider social context in which development
Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches
Sociocultural Theory
• Vygotsky emphasized how cognitive
development proceeds as result of social
interactions between members of a culture.
Assessing Vygotsky’s Theory
• Theory is increasingly influential with growing
understanding of important of cultural influence
on development.
LO5 What are the basic concepts of the evolutionary
Evolutionary Perspective
•Seeks to identify behavior that is the result of our
genetic inheritance from our ancestors
•Focuses on the way in which genetics and
environmental factors combine to influence behavior
Assessing Evolutionary Perspective
•Provides accurate description of basic genetic
•Pays insufficient attention to environmental and social
influences on behavior
The Scientific Method and Research
Scientific method
•Process of posing and answering questions
•Using careful, controlled techniques
•Includes systematic, orderly observation and the
collection of data
LO7 What is the scientific method, and how does it help
answer questions about child development?
Correlational Studies
• Finding that two variables are correlated proves
nothing about causality!
Correlation Coefficient
• Strength and direction of relationship between
two factors
• Mathematical score that ranges
from +1.0 to –1.0
Finding a Correlation
Types of Correlational Studies
Case Studies
•Extensive, in-depth interviews with a particular
individual or small group of individuals
Survey Research
•Research in which a group of people chosen to
represent some larger population is asked
questions about their attitudes, behavior, or
thinking on a given topic
Psychophysiological Methods
Among the most
frequently used
•Computerized Axial
Tomography (CAT) Scan.
•Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
(fMRI) Scan.
A functional magnetic resonance
image (fMRI) of the brain shows rain
activity at a given moment.
LO9 What are the major characteristics of experiments,
Designing an Experiment
and how do they differ from correlational studies?