Seismic Analysis of TV Tower: Shah Hemal J Dr. A. K. Desai

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Outline Of The Presentation








 TV and Telecommunication towers are typically tall structures whose

function is to support elevated antennas for radio and television
broadcasting, telecommunication, and two-way radio systems
 In this world of telecommunication the towers are also required to
transmit the signals of mobile or television signals or F.M. radio.
 If this towers are constructed having less height the coverage area of
the signals are very less. So very high towers are required.
 It is required to perform seismic analysis of the tower so that tower can
perform well in severe earthquakes.

Details of some television towers constructed by
Sr No Place Height of tower Material used
1 Lucknow 175 mt steel
2 Jalandhar 200mt 127mt. rcc+73 mt steel
3 Srinagar 122mt steel
4 Ahmedabad 150 mt 105mt RCC+45 mt steel
5 Bhopal 11o mt steel
6 Raipur 150 mt 105mt rcc+45 mt steel
7 Indore 150 mt Steel
8 Aurangabad 150 mt 105mt rcc+45 mt steel
9 patna 150 mt steel
10 Ranchi 150 mt Steel
11 Guwahati 150 mt 105mt rcc+45 mt steel
12 Cuttack 150 mt steel
13 Trivendrum 126 mt 81 mt r.c.c+45 mt steel
14 Delhi 235 mt 165 mt RCC+ 70 mt steel
Delhi TV Tower (Height 235 Meter ) ( 165 Mt RCC+ 70 Mt Steel )

Liny tower china (Height 326 meter) FEM model of liny tower china 8
Qinpgu Tower China (Height 168 Meter ) 9
Guangzhou New TV Tower, China (Height 610 Meter ) 10
Wu Tong Tv-tower , China (Height 198 Meter)

Milad Tower Iran ( Height 435 Meter) 12
Need For Study Of Television Towers…
 Very tall and slender structures.
 Must be analyzed for EQ loads, so that
communication system will not fail during the
severe earthquakes.
 To study the different parameters such as
stresses, deflection, mode shapes, modal
participation factors etc. due to different types
of bracing systems used in the
telecommunication tower.
 To suggest the most economical bracing system,
which gives less weight and less stresses.

 The exact behavior of the tower during the earthquake is very
important so for precise dynamic analysis of the tower time history
is applied on the tower to study the effects of the actual earthquake
on the tall towers.
 The various types of material such as conventional angle sections
and hollow sections are used in the analysis and their effects on the
various parameters of the tower are required to know.
 To study the effects of horizontal diaphragm bracing for up
gradation of the existing television towers.

Seismic Analysis of Television Tower
Researcher Year Contents
2002 Dynamic Response Of Antenna-Supporting
Amiri G. G., Boostan A
Amiri G. G., Barkhordari 2004 Seismic Behavior Of 4-Legged Self-Supporting
M.A., Massah S. R. Telecommunication Towers
Amiri G. G., and Massah S. 2007 Seismic Response Of 4-Legged Self-Supporting
R Telecommunication Towers
Albermanif A, Mahendran 2008 Upgrading of Transmission Towers Using a
M. and Kitipornchai Diaphragm Bracing System
Chen W.H., LuZ. R., Lin W , 2011 Theoretical and experimental modal analysis of the
Chen S.H., Ni Y.Q., Xia Y. , Guangzhou New TV Tower
Liao W.Y.
2001 Fatigue Reliability Analysis Of Microwave Antenna
Deoliya R., And Datta T. K Towers Due To Wind
2005 Friction Dampers For Seismic Upgrade Of A 14-Story
Dihong S, Avtar P, Bharat S
Patient Tower with A 36-Foot Tall Soft-Story
Glanville M.J., Kwok K.C.S 1995 Dynamic Characteristics And Wind Induced
Response Of A Steel Frame Tower
1997 Seismic Sensitivity Of Tall Guyed Telecommunication
Gholamreza G. A.
Guo Y.L., Kareem A., Ni Y.Q., 2012 Performance Evaluation Of Canton Tower
Liao W.Y. Under Winds Based On Full-Scale Data
Gopalani L 1994 Dynamic analysis of tv tower
Researcher Year Contents

H. Zafarani, Ghorbani-Tanha 2008

A.K., Rahimian M. And Seismic Response Analysis Of Milad Tower In Tehran, Iran, Under Site-
Specific Simulated Ground Motions
Noorzad A
He M.J. Li X., Ma R.L. and 2009 Seismic Resistant Performance Analysis On An Unsymmetrical Super-
Chen J.L. High Steel Tv Tower
Mohamed A. H. Minjuan H., Seismic Analysis of Lattice Towers

Minjuan H., Renle M., And 2007 Design Of Structural Vibration Control Of A Tall
Zhao L Steel TV Tower under Wind Load”
Prasad Rao N., 2001
Non-linear behavior of lattice panel of angle towers
Kalyanaraman V
Siddesha H 2010 Wind Analysis of Microwave Antenna Towers.
2006 Analysis of Radio Communication Towers Subjected To Wind, Ice And
Sullins E.J. Seismic Loadings
2010 Earthquake-Resistant Design Procedures For Tall Guyed
Seyed A. G. O
Telecommunication Masts
Tabeshpour M. R., Bakhshi 2004 Seismic vulnerability, performance and Damage analyses of special
A., And Golafshani A. A. structures”,
Vanank A F 2011 Analysis of Sky-Pod Structure –A Parametric Study”

Xing M., Zhaomin W Design Of Chinese Steel TV Tower.
2006 Analysis For Seismic Response Of Wutong Tv-Tower With Variable
Yan A. Z., Teng J. and LU Z.X.
Stiffness Tuned Mass Dampers
1) Seismic behavior of 4-legged self-supporting Telecommunication towers
By Amiri G. G, Barkhordarim.A. and Massah S. R.

 In this paper author has

considered the telecommunication
tower of various heights ranging
from 18 meter to 67 meter. The
Sketch of the tower is shown in
 The towers member are made-up
of single equal-legged angles.
 To obtain the natural modes of
vibration, Modal analysis is done
using SAP2000 Software.
The graph shows the relation between time
period in mode-1 and time period of torsion

Author has applied time history of 4

earthquakes and results of base shear are shown
in 2nd graph.

From the paper we can conclude that

1. The lowest three flexural modes of vibration

are sufficient for the dynamic analysis of self-
supporting telecommunication towers.

2. We are getting higher values of axial force in

leg member of tower having more height by
Iranian code design spectrum and we are getting
higher values of axial force by accelograms in
leg member of tower having less height by
Iranian code
2) Design of Chinese steel TV towers
By Xing Ma. and Zhaomin W.

 In this paper the author has discussed about the design aspects of Qingpu
TV Tower.
 The tower has a 168 meter height and having weight of 300 tone. It has
pentagon truss structure.
 First the tower is modeled and modal analysis of the tower was carried out
it shows a time period of T1=1.94 second, T2=0.95 second, T3=0.37
second, T4=0.25 second for first 4 modes respectively.
 After finding the mode shapes of the tower, author has calculated wind
forces on the tower considering the provisions of Chinese wind code.
 After calculating the wind forces the author has calculated earthquake
forces on the tower as per the Chinese seismic codes.
 Fig.1 shows the earthquake forces on the
tower for first 4 modes.
 Fig. 2 shows the wind and earthquake
forces on the tower
 From fig 2 we can say that that steel towers
are sensitive to lateral loads, especially to
wind loads.
 we may notice that the structural responses
of Qingpu TV tower due to seismic forces
are only 10% those due to wind load.
 The possible reason is that steel towers are
 if tower support heavy antenna than
seismic load may be predominant. 21
3) Seismic Response Analysis Of Milad Tower In Tehran, Iran, Under
Site-Specific Simulated Ground Motions
By Zafarani, Ghorbani-Tanha A.K., Rahimian M. and Noorzad A.

 In this paper author has studied the effects of the near field earthquake of
North Tehran, Ray and Mosha faults on existing 435 metre high Milad Tower.
 The purpose is to investigate the effects of different fault rupture scenarios on
the response of the Milad Tower under simulated earthquake excitations.
 The finite element model of the milad tower is prepared, Because of its
symmetry and high slenderness ratio, Milad Tower is modeled as a vertical
linear cantilever beam.
 Structural analysis has been carried out by means of the finite element method.
The computed first four natural frequencies of the tower are 1.09, 3.60, 5.66
and11.50 rad/sec.

After performing time modal analysis the time history of EQ data is applied
on model. The values of displacement of tower at various heights are shown
in the following table.

Mohsa fault (1,3)* Mohsa fault(5,2)* Mohsa fault(9,3)*

Level Max RMS+ Max RMS+ Max RMS+

Mt. displacement displacement displacement displacement displacement displacement
Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt.

145 0.04 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.06 0.03

245 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.02

280 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.06 0.02

305 0.11 0.03 0.09 0.03 0.1 0.04

415.3 0.58 0.14 0.90 0.33 0.83 0.25

435 1.59 0.42 1.89 0.55 1.7 0.49

+ RMS= Root Mean Square displacement.

*shows location of sub faults
4) Seismic resistant performance analysis on an unsymmetrical super-high
steel tv tower
By M.J. He, X. Li, R.L. Ma and J.L. Chen

 In this paper first dynamic analysis of 326 metre high

tower is carried out and time period and frequency in

different modes are calculated.

 The total mass participation in first 20 mode is about

94 percentage.

 After modal analysis response spectrum analysis is

carried out and base shear and moments are calculated.

 As the structure is unsymmetrical in shape higher

twisting moments are observed in the results.

To study the earthquake effects more precisely on the structure time

history analysis is carried out.

For time history analysis three kinds of natural seismic wave records

including El Centro, Northridge and Taft earthquake records as well as

an artificial earthquake wave record (Lanzhou earthquake record)

according to the soil condition in Linyi.

The time-history acceleration records in three directions are input with

decided peak values ratios, which is 1:0.85:0.65 for case 1 and

1:0.65:0.85 for case 2.

 The structural system, members' dimension as well as design details of
the Linyi tower satisfy the requirements of the seismic design.
 Under conventional earthquake, the maximum values of displacement
and drift angle are less than the allowable values. Moreover, the members
of the structure have a low stress level under load fundamental
combination with the earthquake action as the main load.
 Nonlinear time-history analytical results indicate that the structure has
great load-carrying capacity and less deformation against rare
earthquake. Therefore, the seismic resistant design can meet the
requirement that the whole structure will not collapse under rare

5 ) Wind Analysis Of Microwave Antenna Towers
By Siddesha.H

In this paper the author has taken 40 mt high tower with different bracing
system such as cross bracing, cross and horizontal bracing, M bracing.

The following section are considered for analysis

1. A tower with Leg and bracing members as Angle Sections (LA& BA)
2. A tower with Leg members as Square Hollow and bracing members as
Angle Sections (LS& BA)
3. A tower with Leg and bracing members as Square Hollow Sections
(LS& BS).
Modal analysis is performed for tower
The wind loads are calculated based on IS: 875 (part 3)1987

 The displacement at the top of the

tower due to wind loads are
 Fig. shows the displacement at the
top of tower due to wind loads the
displacement due to the damping is
also shown in the figure.
 Square hollow section used in the tower shows less deflection in
comparison with angle sections
 However, there is no much reduction of displacement between the tower
with LS & BS and LS & BA. 28
 Figure shows the displacement at top of
tower for various types of bracing .
 The effect of angle section and hollow
section is also shown in the figure.

We can conclude that

 Square hollow section can be used more effectively in the leg members in
comparison with angle sections.
Square hollow section in bracing will not show much reduction in
displacement with Square Hollow sections used in Leg members
X and M bracing in Square hollow Sections for legs and bracings at the
lower first panel Shows a maximum reduction of displacement
6) Dynamic characteristics and wind induced response of a steel frame tower
By Glanville M.J. , Kwok K.C.S.

This paper presents the results of a field measurement program which was

conducted on a steel frame tower 67 m high in the Sydney.

The 67 m high tower had to satisfy strict deflection limits for both static and
dynamic loads to reduce signal transmission interference and loss
Two accelerometers were installed at the 57 m level and aligned
orthogonally along the major axes of the tower.
To study theoretical characteristics such as Natural frequencies and mode
shapes for the tower were calculated using STRAND6

The values of the natural frequency obtained from actual measurement
and from the computer software are shown in the following table.
XX- Axis YY-Axis
Mode -1 Mode-2 Mode-3 Mode-1 Mode-2 Mode-3

Full scale 1.08 1.41 3.22 1.07 1.39 3.28

STRAND6* 1.10 1.4 3.52 1.1 1..4 3.54
STRAND-6 * 1.14 3.53 6.06 1.14 3.54 6.07

From this paper we can conclude that..

Frequency and mode shape of actual measurement and software is same.
Mode one dominated the response of the tower at 1.08 Hz whilst mode two
represented vibration of the top mast on the tower alone.
Damping for the tower under wind loading was around 1% critical damping
for mode one which is typical for a steel tower.
7) Structural analysis of guyed steel telecommunication towers for radio antennas
By OliveiraI M I R., Jose G.S.S d., Vellasco P. C. G. S., Andrade S.A. L. D.,

 The tower of 50 meter 70 meter and 90 meter height are considered for
the study.
In this the author has modeled above 3 towers using following 3 modeling
(1) Truss element
(2) Beam element
(3) Combined truss and beam element
 In this methodology the main structure uses 3D beam elements, while the
bracing system utilizes truss finite elements.
 The static analysis of the towers done and the maximum stresses and
maximum deflection are calculated which is shown in table.
We can conclude that..
(1) The difference of stresses in truss model and combined model is 76.5%
(50m high tower), 83.1% (70m high tower) and 79.9% (90m high tower)
(2) Based on the obtained results for the investigated tower geometries, it is
suggested to use the third mixed strategy in which the bracing systems are
modeled by truss elements. 33

To study the effects of various bracing system and effect of
hollow and angle section as tower member following tasks will be

 Actual drawing of 150 meter and 175 meter tower is collected from the
 Actual loads acting on the tower such as weight of antenna, weight of
aviation light at various levels etc. are collected and applied in model.
 All other load such as dead load, live load, wind load, Earthquake loads
as per relevant codes will be calculated.
 From the available drawings and other details towers were modeled in
SAP 2000 software and following tasks will be performed.

Cross Bracing

TASK - 1
Cross And Horizontal

M Bracing

Dynamic Analysis Of
Tower K Bracing

Leg And Bracing

Angle Section

Leg As Hollow
Section And Bracing
As Angle Section

Leg And Bracing As

Square Hollow
TASK - 2 Cross Bracing

Cross And Horizontal Bracing

Stresses In The Tower Members

M Bracing

K Bracing


Tower With Leg And

Angle As Bracing

Tower With Leg As

Comparison Of Hollow Section And
Stresses For Bracing As Angle

Tower With Leg And

Bracing As Square
Hollow Section(LS-BS)

Type 1 Horizontal

Type 1a
Horizontal Bracing

Type 2 Horizontal
Up Gradation Of
Tower With
Horizontal Bracing Type 2a
Horizontal Bracing

Type 3 Horizontal

Type 3a
Horizontal Bracing
 To study the effects of various bracing system and to study dynamic properties of
tower 150 meter high tower is modeled in SAP 2000
 The 150 meter high tower is modeled for following different bracing systems per
details given by prasarbharti.
1) Tower with cross bracing.
2)Tower with cross and horizontal bracing
3)Tower with cross and M bracing
4)Tower with cross and K bracing
 Dynamic analysis of the tower for all the bracing system is carried out.
 To study earthquake effects BHUJ time history is applied on all towers.
 Reaction at the base for all tower for following load cases is determined.

(a) Dead Load (b) Dead load +EQ load.

 Deflection at the top of tower is calculated.
The time period and frequency for first 4 modes of different bracing system
are shown in table.

Time Period In Second. Frequency In Cycle/Second

Type Of
Bracing Mode1 Mode2 Mode3 Mode4 Mode1 Mode2 Mode3 Mode4

CROSS 2.2608 2.2608 0.7208 0.7208 0.4423 0.4423 1.3873 1.3873

CROSS +H 2.2590 2.2590 0.7719 0.7719 0.4427 0.4427 1.2955 1.2955

CROSS+M 1.8805 1.8805 0.7765 0.7765 0.5318 0.5318 1.2879 1.2879

CROSS+K 2.0878 2.0878 1.0165 0.8413 0.4790 0.4790 0.9837 1.1886

 The structure is symmetric and load is symmetric so we get same time

period in first 2 modes.
 In the cross bracing the stiffness is less so higher time period.
 In cross and M bracing we are getting very less time period.
 All first 4 modes are flexural modes. 44
E 140
T 120

F 100
W 80


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60



BHUJ Time History

Displacement Of Top Joint For X Displacement Of Top Joint For X + HOR

Bracing Bracing
BHUJ Time History

Displacement of Top joint for M bracing Displacement of Top joint for K bracing
Reaction For Various Bracing System for BHUJ Time History
e 150
t 130
o DL
n 110



Type Of Bracing

Deflection For Various Bracing System for BHUJ Time History

e 200
f 180
e 160
t 140
i 120 Deflection in MM
n 100
Type Of Bracing


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2) Amiri G. G., Barkhordari M.A., Massah S. R., “Seismic Behavior Of 4-Legged Self-Supporting
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Thank You…..


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