Gluteal Region Gluteal Region
Gluteal Region Gluteal Region
Gluteal Region Gluteal Region
ri o
Iliotibial tract
Is a strong wide band (thickening of the deep
fascia (fascia lata)) on the lateral side of the
thigh) attached above to the tubercle of ilium
.and below to the lateral condyle of tibia
Receives the insertion of tensor fascia latae
.and GM muscles
Muscles of the gluteal region
• Gluteus maximus
1- Ilium ( area behind the posterior
gluteal line)
2- Back of sacrum and coccyx
3- Back of sacrotuberous ligament
1- The superficial
three –fourths
are inserted into
the iliotibial
2- The lower deep
part is inserted
into the gluteal
tuberosity of
1- Extends thigh, some lateral rotation (main
extensor of the hip joint)
2-Plays an important role in climbing
upstairs and cycling
3- Supports the Extended knee joint through
Iliotibial tract
Iliac crest
Iliotibial tract
Assist gluteus maximus in extending the
knee joint
Nerve supply
Superior gluteal nerve L4,5
• Gluteus medius
• Gluteus minimus
Ilium ?
Greater trochanter of femur
1-Abduction (main abductor
of the hip joint)
2-Medial rotation (anterior
3-Both muscle contract
reflexly on each side
alternatively during
walking to prevent
tilting of the pelvis to
the unsupported side
Superior gluteal nerve
Short Lateral rotator muscles
2-Quadratus femoris
3-Obturator internus
4-Superior gemellus
5-Obturator externus
6-Inferior gemellus
Read these muscles from this slide which can be found on page (566) Snell 8 th edition
The muscles of the gluteal region, therefore, extend, abduct and rotate the hip joint
medially and laterally
?Leaving adduction and flexion to other groups of muscles, which ? Why
Trendelenburg’s test
The stability of the hip in the standing position depends on
:two factors
The strength of the surrounding muscles -1
The integrity of the lever system of-2
the femoral neck and head within the intact hip joint
When standing on
one leg, the abductors of the hip on this side (gluteus medius and minimus
and tensor fasciae latae) maintain fixation at the hip joint
If, however, there is any defect in these muscles or lever mechanism
of the hip joint, the weight of the body in these circumstances forces
.the pelvis to tilt downwards on the opposite side
Clinical Notes
Gluteus Medius and Minimus and Poliomyelitis
The gluteus medius and minimus muscles may be paralyzed when
poliomyelitis involves the lower lumbar and sacral segments of the
.spinal cord
They are supplied by the superior gluteal nerve (L4 and 5 and S1)
Paralysis of these muscles seriously interferes with the ability of the
.patient to tilt the pelvis when walking
Clinical Notes
The great thickness of
gluteus maximus muscle
makes it ideal for
intramuscular injections.