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 An epispadias is a rare of type

of malformation the penis in in which
the urethra ends an opening onthe
upper aspect (the dorsum) of the penis. It
can also develop in females when the
urethra develops too far anteriorly.

 It is a rare congenital condition

which in the Urethral Meatus
dorsally opens
on top of the penis,
proximal to the glans.
 Incidence – 1 in 120,000 male and 1
in 500,000
female births.
 Occurance – More common in male than
in girls.
 Unknown
 Inguinal hernia
 Male siblings
 Improper development of the pubic
 Birth Defect
 Other Genito urinary defects.
Clinical Manifestation:
In males:
 Abnormal opening from the joint between

the pubic bones to the area above the tip of

the penis
 Backward flow of urine into the kidney

(reflux nephropathy)
 Short, widened penis with an

abnormal curvature
 Urinary tract infections

 Widened pubic bone

In females:
 Abnormal clitoris and labia

 Abnormal opening from the bladder neck

to the area above the normal urethral

 Backward flow of urine into the kidney

(reflux nephropathy)
 Widened pubic bone

 Urinary incontinence

 Urinary tract infections

Diagnostic Findings:
 History Collection
 Physical Examination
 Blood test to check electrolyte levels
 Intravenous pyelogram (IVP), a special X-
ray of the kidneys, bladder and ureters
 MRI and CT scans, depending on
the condition
 Pelvic X-ray
 Ultrasound of the urogenital system
After surgery:
 Depending on the extent of surgery, the child

may either go home the same day or stay in the

hospital overnight.
 The Children's nurses will talk with, how to care

for him at home and will provide detailed

instruction sheets (how to manage his dressing,
what activities should be avoided, etc.)
For the child's recovery period, the
doctor may prescribe any or all of the
 Acetaminophen (Tylenol), to help ward
off soreness in the first few days after surgery
 Antibiotic ointment, to be applied to the penis

several times a day

 Oral antibiotics

 Antispasmodic medication, to alleviate bladder

Nursing Diagnosis:
 Pain r/t surgical incision and drainage tube.
 Risk for infection r/t surgical incision
and drainage tube.
 Body image disturbance r/t Appearance
of genitalia.
 Impaired urinary elimination r/t the
condition and surgical intervention.
 Risk for fluid volume deficit r/t surgical
 Abnormal opening from the bladder neck
to the area above the normal urethra
 Backward flow of urine into the kidney
(reflux nephropathy)
 Urinary incontinence.
 Urinary tract infections.
 Widened pubic bone.

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