Implementing Ipv6

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Module 3

Implementing IPv6
Module Overview

Overview of IPv6 addressing

Configuring an IPv6 host
Implementing IPv6 and IPv4 coexistence
• Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6
Lesson 1: Overview of IPv6 addressing

Why use IPv6?

Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
Overview of IPv6 addressing
IPv6 address structure
Types of IPv6 addresses
• Autoconfiguration options for IPv6
Why use IPv6?

Organizations should consider using IPv6

because of:
• The exponential growth of the Internet and the
impending exhaustion of the IPv4 address space
• The growth of the Internet and the ability of Internet
backbone routers to maintain large routing tables
• The need for simpler configuration
• The requirement for security at the IP layer
• The need for better support for real-time delivery of data
(also known as Quality of Service)
Differences between IPv4 and IPv6

Feature IPv4 IPv6

Performed by routers Performed only by the
and sending host sending host Placeholder to
ensure the table
Address Broadcast ARP Multicast Neighbor
gets published
correctly. This
resolution request frames Solicitation messages
should sit behind
the table and not
be visible.
Manage multicast Multicast Listener
group membership Discovery
ICMPv6 Router
ICMP Router
Router Discovery Solicitation and Router
Discovery (optional)
Advertisement (required)
DNS host records A records AAAA records
DNS reverse
lookup zones
576 bytes 1280 bytes
packet size
Overview of IPv6 addressing
• 128-bit address in binary:
• 128-bit address divided into 16-bit blocks:
0010000000000001 0000110110111000
0000000000000000 0010110101001100
0000000111001100 0000000011011101
0001000100100010 0001001000110100
• Each 16-bit block converted to hexadecimal (base 16):
• Further simplified by removing leading zeros:
IPv6 address structure

• The number of network bits is defined by the prefix

• Each host has 64 bits allocated to the interface

Type of address IPv4 address IPv6 address

Unspecified ::
Loopback ::1
Autoconfigured FE80::/64
Uses multicasts
Multicast FF00::/8
Types of IPv6 addresses

IPv6 supports three types of addresses:

• Unicast
• Multicast
• Anycast

The following are types of unicast IPv6 addresses:

• Global unicast addresses
• Unique local addresses
• Link-local addresses
• Site-local addresses:
• Formerly deprecated in RFC 3879
• Superseded by unique local addresses
• Special addresses
• Compatibility or transition addresses
Types of IPv6 addresses

Global unicast addresses:

• Are routable on the IPv6 Internet
• Allocate 16 bits for internal subnetting
• Begin with 2 or 3 (2000::/3)

48 bits 16 64
45 bits bits bits
Global routing Subnet
001 Interface ID
prefix ID
Prefix Subnet bits Client
assigned to
managed for interface
by IANA organizations ID
Types of IPv6 addresses

Unique local addresses:

• Are equivalent to IPv4 private addresses
• Require the organization ID to be randomly generated
• Allocate 16 bits for internal subnetting

8 40 16 64
bits bits bits bits

11111110 Organization ID Subnet ID Interface ID

Types of IPv6 addresses

Link-local addresses:
• Are automatically generated on all IPv6 hosts
• Are similar to IPv4 APIPA addresses
• Are sometimes used in place of broadcast messages
• Include a zone ID that identifies the interface
• Examples:
• fe80::2b0:d0ff:fee9:4143%3
• fe80::94bd:21cf:4080:e612%2

10 54 64
bits bits bits
1111 1110 10 000 . . . 000 Interface ID

Autoconfiguration options for IPv6
Check for a router on the
IfAdd for address
Managed or Otherconflicts
flag is
5 Check
6 set, the router
using Link-Local
neighbor for prefixes
check DHCPv6
Autoconfigured IP Timeline
IPv6 Client


Tentative Preferred Deprecated Invalid

Preferred Lifetime

Valid Lifetime
• fe80::d593:e1e:e612:53e4%10
• Router configuration information
• Additional router prefixes
• DHCPv6 information received
IPv6 Router IPv6 DHCP Server
Lesson 2: Configuring an IPv6 host

Configurable IPv6 settings

Tools for configuring IPv6
Demonstration: Configuring IPv6
Using DHCPv6
• Demonstration: Configuring DHCP for IPv6
Configurable IPv6 settings
Configurable IPv6 settings
Configurable IPv6 settings
Tools for configuring IPv6

In advanced networking scenarios, you can

configure IPv6 using any of the following
• Basic IPv6 settings through the properties of the
TCP/IPv6 component
• Windows PowerShell cmdlets
• Netsh command-line utility
Demonstration: Configuring IPv6

In this demonstration, you will learn how to:

• View the IPv6 configuration by using Ipconfig
and the Get-NetIPAddress cmdlet
• Configure IPv6 on a domain controller and a
• Verify that the IPv6 communication is functional
Using DHCPv6

DHCP for IPv6 in Windows Server 2016

• Supports IPv6 by default
• You can configure DHCP by creating and configuring IPv6
scopes and options
DNS for IPv6 in Windows Server 2016
• Supports IPv6 by default
• Computers or DHCP can register AAAA records in DNS
• You can manually create AAAA records in DNS
• You need to create and configure reverse lookup zones
for IPv4 and IPv6
Demonstration: Configuring DHCP for IPv6

In this demonstration, you will learn how to:

• Create an IPv6 scope in DHCP
• Configure an IPv6 host (AAAA) resource record
for an IPv6 address
• Verify name resolution for an IPv6 host (AAAA)
resource record
Lesson 3: Implementing IPv6 and IPv4 coexistence

What are node types?

Options for IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence
Considerations for planning a native IPv6
• What is IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling?
What are node types?


IPv6 network
IPv4/IPv6 node

IPv4 network
Options for IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence

• Windows Server 2016 uses a dual IP layer

architecture that supports IPv4 and IPv6 in a
single protocol stack
• DNS records required for coexistence:
• Host (A) resource records for IPv4 nodes
• IPv6 host (AAAA) resource records
• Reverse lookup pointer resource records for IPv4 and
IPv6 nodes
Considerations for planning a native IPv6 environment

When planning for a native IPv6 environment,

organizations should consider the support for:
• Operating system
• Routers and firewalls
• Network devices
• Application products
• Custom applications
What is IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling?

IPv6 IPv4 IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling

packet packet allows IPv6 to communicate
through an IPv4 network

IPv6 packet
Upper layer
IPv6 Extension
protocol data
header headers

Upper layer
IPv4 IPv6 Extension
protocol data
header header headers
IPv4 packet
Lesson 4: Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6

What is ISATAP?
What is 6to4?
What is Teredo?
What is PortProxy?
• Process for transitioning to IPv6-only networks
What is ISATAP?
• Allows IPv6 communication over an IPv4 intranet
• Can be enabled by configuring an ISATAP host record
• Connects all nodes to a single IPv6 network
• Uses the IPv4 address as part of the IPv6 address:
• Private address: FD00::0:5EFE:
• Public address: 2001:db8::200:5EFE:


router IPv6-
IPv4-only capable
intranet network
What is ISATAP?

You can configure ISATAP by:

• Configuring an ISATAP host record in DNS
• Configuring a hosts file
• Using the Windows PowerShell cmdlet
Set‑NetIsatapConfiguration ‑Router x.x.x.x
• Using the command Netsh Interface IPv6
ISATAP Set Router x.x.x.x
• Configuring the ISATAP Router Name Group
Policy setting
What is 6to4?

• Provides IPv6 connectivity over the IPv4 Internet

• Works between sites or from host to site
• Is not suitable for scenarios using NAT
• Uses the following network address format:

To enable a 6to4 6to4 router

• Enable ICS IPv6/IPv4
• Use Windows IPv4 Internet
PowerShell 6to4 router
cmdlets IPv6/IPv4
• Use Netsh
command IPv6/IPv4
What is Teredo?
• Enables IPv6 connectivity over the
IPv4 Internet through NAT Teredo
• Requires a Teredo server to initiate server
• Can be configured with the cmdlet

Teredo address structure:
• 2001::/32 (32 bits) IPv4 Internet
• Teredo server IPv4 address (32 bits)
• Options (16 bits)
• Obscured external port (16 bits)
• Obscured external IP address
(32 bits)
What is PortProxy?

Use PortProxy to:

• Provide IPv6-only hosts with access to IPv4-only
• Provide access between IPv4-only and IPv6-only hosts
Limitations of PortProxy:
• Only TCP applications
• Cannot change embedded address information
Process for transitioning to IPv6-only networks

To transition from IPv4 to IPv6, you must:

• Update applications to support IPv6
• Update routing infrastructure to support IPv6
• Update devices to support IPv6
• Update DNS with records for IPv6
• Upgrade hosts to IPv4/IPv6 nodes
Lab: Configuring and evaluating IPv6 transition
Exercise 1: Reviewing the default IPv6 configuration
Exercise 2: Implementing DHCPv6
Exercise 3: Configuring network integration by using ISATAP
Exercise 4: Configuring native IPv6 connectivity
• Logon 5: Configuring 6to4 Connectivity
Virtual machines: 20741B‑LON‑DC1
User name: Adatum\Administrator
Password: Pa55w.rd

Virtual machine: 20741B-INET1

User name: Administrator
Password: Pa55w.rd
Estimated Time: 75 minutes
Lab Scenario
Several key applications that A. Datum Corporation uses have recently
implemented IPv6 support. As a result, IT management at A. Datum is
considering implementing IPv6 on its internal network. To test various
IPv6/IPv4 integration strategies, A. Datum has implemented a test network
environment between the three main company locations. You need to
configure and test the network connectivity by using various integration
Lab Review

Did you configure IPv6 statically or dynamically in

this lab?
• Why did you not need to configure EURTR with
the IPv4 address of the ISATAP router?
Module Review and Takeaways

Review Questions
• Best Practices

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