Creating Advertisement in Business
Creating Advertisement in Business
Creating Advertisement in Business
in Business
Riza Harfiansyah (117060019)
What is Advertisement ?
Kotler (2002)
Explaining advertising as a form of presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
services by a non-personal certain links that require payment
How to Make an Advertisement and
How to Be Good at It
1. The SWOT analysis of the product and the company
2. Set up your main objectives
3. Research the market, the competition, your audience
4. Identify your target audience
5. Select your channels
6. Brainstorm for fresh ideas
7. The design process
8. Deliver your advertisements
9. Quantifying and analyzing the results
1. The SWOT analysis of the product
and the company
Before analyzing how to create an advertisement that converts into great results, you
should start by performing a thorough analysis of the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats for both, the company and the product that is to be advertised.
What makes them unique? What are the core values upon which the entire advertising
campaign can be based on?
Here you can also include the relationship with the customers, your financial capabilities
and resources, the level of commitment of the employees and so on. You need to know
the basis from which you start your campaign and this step may give you exactly what you
need in order to set it up correctly. You can then continue with a thorough analysis of the
company’s weaknesses and the advertised products, and future development and growth
opportunities. When you analyze opportunities, you can also set goals for the campaign.
Finally, you can also analyze the threats presented by the competition and/or other
external factors.
2. Set up your main objectives
What is the purpose of your advertising campaign? What are your main
objectives? Are your goals feasible or not? You should also perform an analysis
of these questions and answer them with the utmost sincerity.
3. Research the market, the
competition, your audience
You cannot consider yourself ready to make an advertisement without conducting
a proper research on some important factors you campaign depends on.
For instance, it’s important to know the market and its behavior. Study how things
have changed over the past few months and what professionals predict for the
near future.
Know your position on the market, the competitors’ role and positions as well.
Find out how they advertise their products and try not to copy their campaigns.
Instead, you will need to come up with something new, something out of the box,
something that will make your audience convert into clients.
In order to accomplish that however, you will also need to know some things
about the typology and the personality of your ideal client. Know to whom you
are addressing your advertisements too. What devices are they using? What is their
social status? What are their online behaviors and how do they shop?
4. Identify your target audience
Therefore, it will be easy to design them for different channels in less time
than if you would have done it individually.
However, it’s one thing to design your ads and an entirely new thing to select
where to place them.
Based on your demographic research, however, you will be able to narrow
your search to some specific channels of media distribution suitable for your
campaign. For instance, if you are targeting people who are known to spend a
lot of time on social media, you should channel your efforts in designing
suitable ads for social media and of course, select the most appropriate
channels of these sorts. Focus on them. For instance, if you want to advertise
on Facebook or Instagram, there’s no need to study the ad placements
requirements and methods on Twitter.
6. Brainstorm for fresh ideas
Take all the information you manage to gather up to this step regarding your
products and your targeted audience.
Think also about the delivery channels you have chosen for your ads and learn
about how to write advertisements tailored to each one of those channels.
Based on your findings, you can now start brainstorming for fresh and creative
new ideas for your campaign.
Write down some words, phrases, ideas. Combine them and do not stop until
you come up with at least a dozen of possible calls to action, copy texts and
visual representations of how your banners, flyers or videos should look like.
7. The design process
Once the designs are ready to be delivered online, you can start your
campaign based on your selected delivery channels.
At this point, you need to define your budget and select the criteria on which
you are going to publish your banners on each channel in particular.
Each advertising platform (or social media platform that includes paid
advertising) will let you select your own parameters of delivery, based on
demographics, age groups, types of websites, industries, countries, and
regions etc.
You have already identified your target audience at the fourth step of this
guide. Now, you just need to apply that specific information according to the
specifications of each selected channel.
9. Quantifying and analyzing the results
This is also an important step in your campaign, maybe the most important of
After your campaign has finished, you need to start analyzing how your
audience reacted to your banners and whether or not the entire process was a
successful one.
This data is also important for your future campaigns. You will start your
future design processes based on your initial results and try to improve them.