Meninges: Rabbia Yousaf (Pharm-D) Rashid Latif College of Pharmacy
Meninges: Rabbia Yousaf (Pharm-D) Rashid Latif College of Pharmacy
Meninges: Rabbia Yousaf (Pharm-D) Rashid Latif College of Pharmacy
Rabbia Yousaf
Rashid Latif College of
• Three concentric membranes that entirely
envelope the brain and spinal cord and
provide support and protection.
1. Dura mater
2. Arachnoid mater
3. Pia mater
Dura mater
• Outermost layer
• An opaque, tough, fibrous coat.
• Incompletely divides the cranial cavity into
compartments and accommodates the dural
venous sinuses.
• Separated from the arachnoid by a narrow
subdural space.
• Cranial dura matter is composed of two layers: