Byzantin E Art
Byzantin E Art
Byzantin E Art
• Byzantine art belonged principally to the Eastern Roman
empire with its magnificent centre, Constantinople (Istanbul)
• In 330AD the emperor constantine transferred his
capital from Rome to the site of the ancient Greek
colony called Byzantium, to which he gave his own
name: constantinople (the city of constantine)
• Byzantine Art began with foundation of the city by
constantine in 4thcentury and reached its maturity in 6th
• Two golden ages mentioned in Byzatine period
• Justinian (527 – 565) – Hagia sophia, San vitale
• Basil I (867 – 1204) smaller churches – St. Mark
How constantinople imbortant
• It’s lies at southeastern tip of Europe only narrow strip of water
separate it from Asia Minor.
• Three sides sea and one side land. With excellent harbours.
(Strategically important place)
• Being in the centre of the Roman Empire, the government there had
an ideally commanding position.
• Mosaics
• Wall paintings
• Manuscript illumination
• icons
Mosaics characters
• Chief concern was spiritual rather than physical vision.
• Material details were ignored – they preferred to concentrate on
pictorial rather than sculptural art.
• Exact anatomy and representative were disregarded.
• Instead of using the landscapes of the classical style as a
background, the figures were surrounded by golden light as if they
are out side of space and time.
• Garments are heavy and stiff with stylized folds – they cover thin
elongated seemingly weightless bodies.
• instead of employing light and shade, they made clear outline
by means of vivid colors
• Stiffly stylized gestures, often repeated.
• Figures are shown in front view – three quarter view being
• Perspective is not confined to one vanishing point :
– the same composition may include views on the eye level, above it or
below. Multiple perspective may be included.
– Some times reverse perspective is used in place of the right one
• Not physical position but spiritual importance determine the size of
the figures..
– Every thing is deeply solemn, according to their conception of the Almighty
• The whole church was intended to symbolize heaven.
• The subjects were almost always religious, although sometimes
historical personage also shown.
– These scenes were intended to teach religion and arouse devotion.
• Mosaic scenes were arranged according to a traditional law.
Virgin (Theotokos) and Child enthroned
Apse mosaic, Hagia Sophia
San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
Apse Mosaic
San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
Justinian, Bishop Maximianus and attendants
north wall apse mosaic, San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 547
Theodora and attendants
south wall apse mosaic, San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 547
Abraham and the Three Angels (Philoxeneos), and the Sacrifice of Isaac
north lunette mosaic, San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 547
Sacrifice of Abel, Sacrifice of Melchisedech
north lunette mosaic, San Vitale
Ravenna, Italy
ca. 547
Saint Apollinaris amid sheep
Sant’Apollinare in Classe
Ravenna, Italy
The decoration of the apse date to
the 6th century, and can be divided
into two parts: