Unit 3 Problem Definition and Hypothesis Formulation
Unit 3 Problem Definition and Hypothesis Formulation
Unit 3 Problem Definition and Hypothesis Formulation
Hypothesis Formulation
Research Problem
• Question or issue to be examined
• Gap between actual and desired state
• “a good research problem defined as an
interrogative sentence or statement that
shows what relation exists between two or
more variables”- Kerlinger
Criteria for Selecting a Problem
• Interest
– Most important
• Significance
– Theoretical value
– Practical value
– Timeliness
– External review
• Manageability
– Expertise, time, resources
– Free from personal bias
Steps in Problem Formulation
• Complex Hypothesis
A complex hypothesis examines the relationship
between two or more independent variables and two
or more dependent variables.
Types of Hypothesis
• Null Hypothesis
A null hypothesis (H0) exists when a researcher believes there is no
relationship between the two variables, or there is a lack of
information to state a scientific hypothesis.
There is no relationship between education and income
• Alternative Hypothesis
A proposition that is accepted if the null hypothesis is rejected. It is
an alternative assumption which is adopted after the null hypothesis
is not accepted.
There is relationship between education and income
Types of Hypothesis (Contd…)
• Logical Hypothesis
It is a proposed explanation possessing limited evidence. It
expresses a relationship whose inter-links can be joined on the
basis of logical explanation.
• Statistical Hypothesis
A statistical hypothesis is an examination of a portion of a
population. The hypothesis can be verified statistically.
• Empirical/Working Hypothesis
A hypothesis, that is accepted to put to test and work in a
research. It is a hypothesis that is assumed to be suitable to
explain certain facts and relationship of phenomenon.