Experiment 6:: Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Heart Sounds

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Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart sounds

: Experiment 6 •


201910437 •
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart sounds
: Inroduction
In this lab you will record the ECG from a subject and listen to the-
characteristic “lub-dub” heart sounds. The “lub” sound occurs during
the early phase of ventricular contraction and is produced by closing of
.the atrioventricular valves, which prevents blood flow into the atria

The beating of the heart is associated with both electrical activity and -
sound. The pattern of electrical activity recorded at the body surface is
called the electrocardiogram or ECG. The aim of this laboratory is for
you to record and analyze an ECG from a volunteer, and to examine
the relationship between the ECG and the characteristic sounds of the
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart sounds
:Aims •
.Routine screening of cardiac pathologies.1
.Immediate assessment of patients suffering from chest pain-2 •
To diagnose the presence of heart diseases (myocardial infarction and-3 •
. cardiac dysrhythmias)
4-To diagnose the presence of cardiac enlargement and size of the cardiac
5-To evaluate the effect of therapeutic interventions on the heart (drugs,
fluid, and mechanical support).
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart sounds
materials and methods •

.ECG machine, cables, leads (electrodes) with sensor, and graph paper-1

Electrode paste or gel-2

3-Alcohol wipes.

4-Pillow, sheet, towel or drape if necessary.

5-Disposable razor (especially for male).

Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart sounds
Review questions
?In case of tachycardia, how will be QRS reading-
Ventricular heart rhythm disturbances can be diagnosed by an electrocardiogram (ECG)
device, and can also be estimated (the sum of the early ventricular impulses in a specific
period of time, usually for a period of 24 hours) and characteristic (from one focus or
foci, from the right ventricle or from the ventricle). Left, single pulses only or in twin
forms (Bigeminal, binary), by the ECM
?In case of arrythmias, how will be QRS reading -
These variations in heart rhythm can manifest as an acceleration or slowdown in the
heart rate, and their symptoms may appear as an irregular heartbeat, or as palpitations.
Arrhythmias differ among themselves in their importance and danger to the patient's
life, some of which are considered a manifestation of diversity with no satisfactory
value, and some of them constitute a threat to the patient's life, or a disease that must be

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