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Oil Masssage Research

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Nursing Research Sy

To assess the knowledge regarding correct technique
of oil massage on normal newborn babies among the
postnatal mothers in selected hospital of Nagpur

Relation to its management

1. Mr. Sanket Telang
2.Miss. Megha Gajbe
3.Miss Roshna Meshram
4.Miss Yogini Sonkusare

Guided By :
Mr. Hanokh Chakranarayan.
1. List of content
 Introduction
 Need of the study
 Statement of the problem
 Objectives
 Hypothesis
 Operational Definition
 Assumption
2. Review of literature
3. Methodology
 Research Approach
 Research Design
Setting of the Study
 Variables
 Population
 Sample Size
 Sampling Technique
 Criteria for Selection of Samples
 Data Collection
 Plan for Data Analysis
4. Conclusion
 Nursing implication
A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, ho
pe, a dream of possibilities.” Eda.J.Leshan

Human touch has been shown to be emotionally and ph

ysically healing for centuries. Touch is a primarly need, a
nd the first important mode of communication between
a mother and her new baby.
Baby friendly approach suggests that positive touch and
massage are important aspects of child care as it promo
tes health on all levels – physiologically, psychologically,
emotionally and developmentally.
Massage is a "hands-on" treatment in which a therapist mani
pulates muscles and other soft tissues of the body to improv
e health and well-being which ranges from gentle stroking an
d kneading of muscles and other soft tissues to deeper by usi
ng techniques. It has also been practiced as a healing therap
y for centuries in nearly every culture around the world.

Though baby and infant massage is a tradition in India and ot

her Asian countries now it has been emerged in all over the
world as it has positive effects in terms of weight gain, better
sleep-wake pattern, enhanced neuromotor development, e
motional bonding, reduced rates of nosocomial infection, jau
ndice, hypothermia, skin disorder etc.
Massage is found to be more effective when correct techniq
ues are apply on newborn while massaging. Various oil mass
aging techniques can be used depending on the need & con
dition of newborn, the common sequence are need to appli
ed while massaging are
mother may take some oil and pat it on baby’s head. They
may apply gentle strokes for spreading the oil over baby’s h
ead. Take care of the fontanel (the soft spot on baby’s head)
and do not apply pressure to it.
Apply some oil on baby’s face and tap with the fingers. Wo
rk fingers from the forehead towards the chin. By putting ge
ntle pressure on the eyebrows, stroke the mother fingers in
an outward direction. Apply gentle strokes on the cheeks, ch
in and nose of the baby
 After doing the belly massage, fold the baby’s knees up t
o the tummy and apply gentle pressure. Hold this positio
n for approximately 30 seconds, and repeat it a few times
if needed. Massage the baby’s tummy, from below the na
val area, in a downward motion. This helps in releasing g

Make the baby lie on the tummy. Massage with both the
mother's hand, from the base of baby’s neck to the butt
ocks, by back and forth movements of mother's hand. A
pply gentle pressure in a circular motion with mother's fi
ngers, on the baby’s spine
mother may place both their hands on the centre of bab
y’s chest and make outward strokes towards the shoulder
s. Repeat this motion for a few times. Mother may place t
heir hand horizontally and make downward movements t

Starting at the base of the baby’s rib cage, use the fingers
to massage the baby’s tummy in circular motions. Take th
e fingers around the naval area and massage in a clockwis
e direction. Mother may place their hand horizontally on
baby’s tummy and move their hands side to side. Should
avoid infant abdominal massage if the cord has not compl
etely dried and healed properly.
Take the baby’s legs and apply downward stroke from th
e thighs to the ankle. Hold the baby’s thigh and slide dow
n both the hands by rotating in opposite directions but d
o it gently. (the way you wring the clothes after washing

The field massage therapy & Mathai massage therapy whi

ch is also commonly use for develop newborns tactile and
kinesthetic stimulation according to Dr. Padmesh Vadakep
at is effective to newborn .
Background of the study
A study published in Indian Pediatrics journal has shown t
hat oil massaging premature babies with is helpful in gaini
ng weight, building bone mass and leaving the hospital so
oner by up to 47%.
A quasi experimental study was conducted to compare the
effect of massage with coconut oil on growth and neurobe
havior among infants. The result of the study as shown tha
t coconut oil as greater impact on weight gain. The study c
oncluded that weight is a important factor and oil massag
e must e followed to increase weight of the baby
Each parent and baby bond is very unique. Interaction is
a very complex process, and many factors can affect it. Th
e one important factor is massage, which enhances bondi
ng between parent and child and also prevents complicati
ons. Hence it is the responsibility of nurses to teach pare
nts on administration of massage therapy on their newbo
rn and infants.
Need for the study
Growth status and growth velocity are important markers of
the health and wellbeing of newborns. It is influenced by the
health of mother and the care she receives during the pregn
ancy and postnatal period

About 1.2 million neonates die annually in India alone, amou

nting to almost one-fourth of all global newborn deaths. Tw
o-third of infant deaths in India occur in the first month of lif
e, and three-fourth of newborn deaths occur in first week an
d 90 percent of all neonatal deaths occur by the fifteenth da
y of life. Most (70%) of newborn in India die due to low birth
weight, infections and complications of pregnancy. About o
ne-third of newborn children in India are of low-birth weight
Recent evidence has demonstrated that The Oil Massage th
erapy has been used in the care of premature and term infa
nts for many years in western countries, and a significant bo
dy of research has already shown the effectiveness of mass
age therapy in significantly increasing body weight, reducin
g skin infections, maintain thermoregulation, decreasing inf
ant hospital durations, enhancing bone formation, and impr
oving the neurological behavior
Weight gain is the most consistent parameter associated wi
th massage therapy in neonates. In a study by Scafidi, forty
preterm infants were subjected to tactile/ kinesthetic stimu
lation of 45 minutes per day for 10 days. It was observed th
at infants who received massage had 21% greater weight ga

Neonatal skin experiences a progressive adaptation to the e

xtra uterine environment during which special care is need
ed. The immaturity of the epidermal barrier in the neonatal
period may cause dry skin, vulnerability to trauma, rapid on
set of microbial colonization and percutaneous drug toxicity
Hence, oil massage has been proposed as a way of facilitati
ng development and growth of newborns. Needless to say,
the benefits are overwhelmingly positive and the research i
ndicates that infant massage is increasingly recognized as a
legitimate health care treatment. Based on the available lit
erature on the benefits of oil massage for infant, the resear
cher felt the need for assessing the knowledge of postnatal
mothers technique of oil massage as it would be beneficial f
or the mothers and their infants’ equally.
Review of litrature
1. Evangelin Sally Jeya Singh (2017):- experimental study
was conducted to assess the effectiveness of coconut oil
massage on weight gain among low birth weight newbo
rn. The mean value was 4.5 standard deviation of 3.65 i
n experimental group 2.03 main with the of 0.7 in contr
ol group and the calculated "t" value was 3.2 1 which sh
ows that there was significant difference between expe
rimental and control group at P <0.01 level. There was a
significant weight gain among low birth weight newborn
who were received coconut oil massage
2. Padta bhatt &vipin bhartiya (2018):-The Quasi experimental s
tudy was used to asses the effectiveness of oil massage on we
ight and sleep pattern of low birth weight . 60 babies were par
ticipated whose weight was between 1500 to 2500 gm in sele
cted pediatric hospitals of Gujarat were selected by non-prob
ability convenient sampling technique and then randomly allo
cated to experimental and control group (30 each). Data was c
ollected by using data sheet to assess the weight and sleep pa
ttern. The data was analyzed by using Descriptive . The Results
show that there was statistically significant difference found b
etween the weight gain and sleep pattern among experiment
al and control group calculated by Mann Whitney test 6 at the
p- value <0.001 level of significance. The Study shows that coc
onut oil massage was effectiveness to improve the weight gai
n and sleep pattern in experimental group.
3. Ms.K Sangeetha (2012):-a quasi experimental study was
conduct to evaluate the effectiveness of oil massage on
newborns on 60 subjects by convenience sampling tech
nique . This study show thatThere was a significant differ
ence (P<0.05) between mean post test score on selecte
d parameters among newborns of experimental group a
nd control group. The mean post test score of experime
ntal group was 29 (± 0.95) where as in control group it w
as 16.5 (±1.857) respectively. There was a significant ass
ociation (P<0.05) between the selected parameters of n
ewborns and their education of mothers of experimenta
l group. There was no significant association between th
e selected parameters of newborns and the selected de
mographical variables of control group.
4. Mrs.S.Evangelin Sally(2012,):-the study was conducted
to assess the effectiveness of coconut oil massage on
weight gain among low birth weight newborns. This st
udy shows that the mean difference between pre test
and post test level of weight gain in experimental grou
p was 0.27 at p<0.05 level. The low birth weight newbo
rns who were received coconut oil massage had a signi
ficant weight gain compared to the low birth weight ne
wborns that who were not received coconut oil massa
4. Nirupam nisha sahu (2018):-the experimental study wa
s conducted study to assess the effectiveness of coconu
t oil massage in Low birth weight babies in terms of gai
n in weight in.The study shows significant increase in w
eight of low birth weight babies after coconut oil massa
ge in experimental group than control group. Thus it is c
oncluded that the coconut oil massage was an effective
intervention in improving the weight of low birth weigh
t babies.
5. Surya Kamal shahi , M.Bharati (2018):-The simple rando
m study was conducted at NICU at KC general hospital in
that 40 samples was taken by lottery.study showed that t
he weight of LBW after intervention was1.91+0.39 (mean
+ SD)as compared to control group without oil massage 1
.79+0.35 (mean SD)and calculated ‘t’ value was 3.32 sho
ws effectiveness of oil massage at 5%level of significance
. Chi square test was done to observe theassociation bet
ween weight of the LBW and demographic variables whic
h was rejected except one variable(weight of baby during
birth). Thus study reviles that the Coconut oil massage sh
ows positive effect on weight gain inLBW babies.
AA SALAH ISMAIL (2016):- A quasi- experimental design was s
elected for this study, a purposive sample composed of sixty L
BW neonates their weight less than 2500 grams selected from
the NICU of El Manial University Hospital - Cairo UniversityEgy
pt. LBW neonates in the control group received routine nursin
g care, while LBW neonates in the intervention group received
OMT for one session, 15 minute per day for 10 consecutive da
ys, in addition to routine care. Anthropometric parameters, be
havioral state, and hospital stay were compared between the t
wo groups. The intervention group gained significantly more to
tal mean weight gain (254.70± 29.16g) compared with the cont
rol group (110.20± 50.98g) after the study period. This study s
hows thatNeonatal OMT might be used as an effective, natural
, and safe non-medical intervention for increasing anthropome
tric parameters and improving behavioral state of LBW neonat
descriptive study was conducted to assess the massage
therapy The review discusses the different hypotheses p
utforward regarding the mechanism of action. As of no
w there are very few studies describing the long term i
mpact ofneonatal massage. This study shows that Mass
age with oil results in improved skin condition (increase
d hydration and surface lipid content) and barrier functi
on, resulting in reduced loss of transepidermal water an
d improved thermoregulation, transcutanoeus absorpti
on of fatty acids contributing to improved nutrition and
better somatic growth.
8. University of Miami/Miller School of Medicine Fielding
Graduate University, USA (2017):-This review on newbo
rn massage therapy research is based on literature searc
hes of Pubmed, Medline and PsychInfo for studies publis
hed during the last six years to update a similar review p
ublished in 2010.Mothers of preterm newborns have als
o experienced less depression, stress and anxiety after m
assaging their infants. Although very few studies have be
en conducted with full-term newborns, this review inclu
des research on the effects of massage therapy on sleep
patterns in full term newborns and their mothers, on hy
perbilirubinemia, pain, colic, cortisol and HIV
9. Khan R., Malik I , Avtar R , Khurana ,R,Bharadwaj V, sin
gh A (2015):-The study was conducted on 90 neonates,
12 of which dropped out because of lack of follow up .
3 children developed features of late onset septicemia
and were admitted inthe N.I.C.U. and thus consequentl
y omitted from study. This study shows that the practic
e of oil massage per se has a good effect on weight gain
in neonates. The type of oil does not have much bearin
g on the final weight at least as observed within the sco
pe of this study
Title of study

Research on correct technique

of oil massage for newborns
Problem statement

To assess the knowledge regarding correct

technique of oil massage on normal newb
orn babies among the postnatal mothers i
n selected hospital of Nagpur
Objectives of the study
1. Assess the knowledge of post natal mothers of n
ew born regarding importance of correct techni
que of oils massage among newborns.
2. Determine the level of knowelge of correct techn
ique of oil massage among postal mother
3. Determine the association between knowledge
postnatal mothers with selected socio demograp
hic variables.
Operational defination
1. Assess:-
gathering information regarding knowledge of postnatal mo
thers of newborn babies on importance of correct techniqu
e of oil massage among newborn babies

2. Knowledge:-
In this study it refers to the appropriate responses received f
rom the postnatal mothers of newborn babies to the items
elicited through a structured knowledge questionnaire
3. Postnatal mothers:-
In this study it refers to the mothers who are in the period
beginning immediately following the birth of the newborn
baby .

4. Technique :-
In this study , it refers to the proper way of providing massa
ge to the newborn by the postnatal mother

5. Massage:-
In this study it refers to the manipulation of the soft tissues
of the body as an emollient for the purpose of normalizing
6. Newborn :-
In this study It refers to an children in the first 28 day
s after birth of life.
Assumption :-
1. The postnatal mothers may have some knowledg
e regarding importance of correct technique of oi
l massage among newborn babies.

2. The knowledge of the postnatal mothers may hav

e some association with their selected socio dem
ographic variables

1. H1:-postnatal mothers will have proper knowled

ge of correct technique of oil massage for newbo
rns babies

2. H2:- postnatal mothers will have inadequate kno

wledge of correct technique of oil massage for n
ewborn babies.
Research variables
Research variables:-
The research variable in the present study is knowl
edge of correct technique of oil massage for newbo
rn babies.
Research question
1. Does the postnatal mothers have adequate kno
wledge regarding correct technique of oil massa
ge to normal newborns

2. Is there any relationship of socio demographic va

riable with improvement of knowledge regarding
correct technique of oil massage among postnat
al mothers of normal newborns in selected hospi
Ethical aspect
1. Prior permission will be taken from local authorit
y of selected hospital of nagpur
2. Confidentiality of subjects will be maintained.
3. Informed consent from subjects will be obtained.
Conceptual frame work
The conceptual framework for research study presents the
measure on which the purpose of the proposed study is ba
sed. The framework provides the perspective from which t
he investigator views the problem.
The study is based on the concept that the knowledge of c
orrect technique of oil massage on newborns . The investig
ator adopted the modified Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s genera
l system theory.
Living system is open because there is an ongoing exchang
e of matter, energy and information. In general system the
ory, the system is composed of both structural and compo
nents that interact with in boundary, which filter the type a
nd rate of exchange with the environment.
The newborn is capable of taking energy and information fr
om the environment and revealing them to the environmen
t. Because of this exchange, newborn is an open system.
According to general system theory for survival, newborn m
ust achieve a balance internally and externally. Equilibrium
depends on the newborn’s ability to regulate input and outp
ut to achieve a balanced relation of the interactive part and
the process applied for proper balance.
Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s general system theory focuses on t
hree areas:
o Input
o Throughput
o Output
1. Input :-
According to general system theory input refers to the matt
er, energy or information from the environment into the sys
tem. Here the input includes mother's , type of family, famil
y income, mode of delivery,weight gain during pregnancy,n
ewborn's age, sex, birth weight, gestational age and type of
feeding. The main aspect of input is the assessment of post
natal mother and all are open systems which are interactin
g with each other.

2. Throughput:-
In this model throughput refers to the procedure by which
matter, energy and information that is modified or transfor
med within the system. In the present study it includes kno
wledge of correct technique of oil massage to newborns in
postnatal mothers .
3. Output :-
Output refers to matter, energy and information that are rel
eased from the interaction of the system into the environm
ent. In the present study it refers to the outcome of the syst
em interaction that is knowledge of correct technique of oil
massage on newborns.
Research methodologies
1. Apporaches:-
descriptive approach was adopted in this study , because th
e main objective of the study was to only assess the knowle
dge of postnatal mothers on correct technique of oil massa
ge for normal newborn

2. Research design:-
The research design will be used for the present study is de
scriptive research design for the assessment.
3. Setting:-
This study was performed in the selected hospital of nagpur

4. Population :-
Population for the study consist of all the postnatal women
in the selected hospital of Nagpur

5. Sample:-
In this study, sample consists of postnatal mothers which ar
e available in the selected hospital of nagpur
6. Sample size:-
the sample size consist of 60 postnatal mothers

7. Sample technique:-
In this study, non-probability sampling technique is used. P
ostnatal mothers in selected hospital who met the criteria
of selection were chosen according to their availability.
8. Inclusive criteria:
 Postnatal Mothers of newborns who are available in the
hospital during the study period.
 Postnatal Mothers of newborns who are willing to partici
pate in the study
 Postnatal Mothers of newborns who can read and unders
tand hindi, marathi and English languages.

9. Exclusive criteria:
Postnatal Mothers whose new born are admitted in ICU.
Plan for tool preparation
In this study , the tool consist of structured questionnaire.Th
e questionnaire consist of 30 questions about correct techni
que of oil massage for normal newborn

1. Section A :
Consist of items in the socio-demographic variables such as
age, religion, education, occupation, income, previous knowl
edge (yes or no), if yes source of information

2. Section B :-
consist of structured questionnaire on knowledge regarding
correct technique of oil massage
Plan for data collection
1. Formal written permission was obtained from th
e local authority of selected hospital.
2. Researchers met the samples in selected hospita
l of nagpur ,introduced themselves and purpose
of the visit was explained in brief.
3. Participants were assures of the confidentiality i
n their response. The participants were asked to
clarify any doubts regarding the questions or wo
rding while they were answering.
4. The data collection process was terminated by th
anking each respondent for their co-operation.
Plan for data analysis:-
1. Data analysis is the systematic organization and s
ynthesis of research data and the testing of the a
ssumption using that data
2. Descriptive statistics:- Demographic data containi
ng sample characteristics would be analysed by u
sing frequency and percentage.
3. Inferential statistics:-paired test is used to find th
e inadequate knowledge. Chi-square test will be
used to find out adequate knowledge with demo
graphic variables.
Scope of study
1. The study will help to understand the knowledg
e about correct technique of oil massage on the
normal newborns for postnatal mothers and will
clear the concept of correct technique of oil mas
sage on newborns among mothers in selected h
ospital of nagpur
2. The study will also help in increasing the awaren
ess about correct technique of oil massage
The study deals all about correct technique of oil massage.
The present study was aimed at assessing the level of knowl
edge regarding correct technique of oil massage on newbor
ns among postnatal mothers .In the sample of 60 postnatal
mothers which are available in the selected hospital at Nag
pur . A descriptive design was adopted for the study for ass
essing the knowledge of correct technique of oil massage a
mong post natal mothers.
Nursing implications
The findings of study have implications on various area of n
ursing education ,nursing practice , nursing administration a
nd nursing research.
1. Nursing Education :-
The finding of the study indicate that more emphasis shoul
d be placed in the curriculum for the correct technique of o
il massage. The nursing curriculum should consist of knowle
dge related to teaching strategies and various modalities. S
o, that the nursing students can use different teaching met
hod to impact appropriate knowledge for the correct techni
que of oil massage . The students learning experience shoul
d provide opportunity to conduct health education campai
gn and supervised nursing practices about specific topics.
2. Nursing Practice:
Nursing professionals working in the community as well as i
n the hospital can understand the importance of health educatio
n regarding correct technique of oil massage . So that there is a
need health education on different aspects about correct techni
que of oil massage in order to improve the knowledge regarding
proper technique of oil massage . Mass health education campa
igns should be organized regularly by health team to provide ed
ucation towards correct technique of oil massage and clear the
doubt and motivating them to practice it.
3. Nursing Administration:
The nurse administrator should organise the in -service educati
on training programme for nurses and other health care professi
onals to update their knowledge about correct technique of oil
massage. The nurse administrator should motivate the health ca
re professionals to organize campaign on correct technique of oil
1. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315689547_
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8. Massage and Touch Therapy in Neonates:The Current Ev
e Division of Neonatology Department of Pediatrics, Indr
aprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi; Department of Ped
iatrics,University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
; and †RK Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan; India.Correspon
dence to: Dr Anjali Kulkarni, 36 Ishwar Nagar, Mathura R
oad, New Delhi 110065, India.
9. International Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Health
New Born Massage Therapy Mini Review Open Access Ti
ffany Field* University of Miami/Miller School of Medici
ne Fielding Graduate University, USA Corresponding Aut
hor: Tiffany Field, University of Miami/Miller School of
Medicine Fielding Graduate University, USA. E-mail: tfiel
[email protected]
10. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Applied, Na
tural and Social Sciences (IMPACT: IJRANSS) ISSN(P): 234
7-4580;ISSN(E): 2321-8851 Vol. 4, Issue 6, Jun 2016, 33-
11.Article ID: WMC004981 ISSN 2046-1690 Evaluation of eff
ect of massage with or without oil on the weight gain of l
ow birth and very low birth weight babies Peer review sta
tus: No Corresponding Author: Dr. Ruhi Khan, senior resid
ent, GMC Jammu, 180001 - India Submitting Author: Dr. I
rfan Malik, enior resident, pgimsr,esic,new delhi, wz1015-
b,basaidarapur, 110015 - India Other Authors:Dr. Ram Av
tar,Dr. Ravi khurana,Dr. V Bharadwaj, Dr. Akash singh,
T”Parita Bhatt1 & Vipin Vageriya2
14. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)
e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 8, Issue
4 Ser. II. (July-Aug .2019), PP 33-35 www.iosrjournals.org
Effectiveness of Coconut Oil Massage on Selected Reflex
es among Preterm, Low Birth Weight Babies Nirupam Ni
sha Sahu

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