Applications of Graph Theory in
Applications of Graph Theory in
Applications of Graph Theory in
Engineering Sciences
K Chaitanya Krishna Reddy
Ritwick P Rao
Yalam Ravi Teja
Graph Theory has wide range of Applications in various fields of
Many practical problems can be represented by Graphs, for example the
link structure of a website can be represented by a directed graph, in
which the vertices represent web pages and directed edges represent
links from one page to another
Graphs are used to represent Networks of communication, data
Organisation, Flow of computation,etc.
Graphs can also be used to solve problems in Biology,Travel,Computer
chip design and many other fields.
Computer Network Security
For any given map, we can construct its dual graph as follows. Put a vertex inside each
region of the map and connect two distinct vertices by an edge if and only if their respective
regions share a whole segment of their boundaries in common. Then, a proper vertex
colouring of the dual graph yields a proper colouring of the regions of the original map.
Given below is the dual graph of the map of India
Vertex Coloring Algorithm
Assign color 1 to the vertex with highest degree.
Also assign color 1 to any vertex that is not connected to this vertex.
Assign color 2 to the vertex with the next highest degree that is not
already colored.
Also assign color 2 to any vertex not connected to this vertex and
that is not already colored.
If uncolored vertices remain, assign color 3 to the uncolored vertex
with next highest degree and other uncolored, unconnectd vertices.
Proceed in this manner until all vertices are colored.
GSM Mobile Phone Networks
GSM(Groupe Spécial Mobile) is a cellular network with its entire geographical
range divided into hexagonal cells. Each cell has a communication tower which
connects with mobile phones within the cell. All mobile phones connect to the
GSM network by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity.
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