Applications of Graph Theory in

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Applications of Graph Theory in

Engineering Sciences
 K Chaitanya Krishna Reddy
 Ritwick P Rao
 Yalam Ravi Teja
 Graph Theory has wide range of Applications in various fields of
 Many practical problems can be represented by Graphs, for example the
link structure of a website can be represented by a directed graph, in
which the vertices represent web pages and directed edges represent
links from one page to another
 Graphs are used to represent Networks of communication, data
Organisation, Flow of computation,etc.
 Graphs can also be used to solve problems in Biology,Travel,Computer
chip design and many other fields.
 Computer Network Security

 Graph Model for fault tolerant computing systems

 Map colouring and GSM Mobile Phone Networks

 In Analysis of Electrical Networks

Minimum vertex cover
A vertex-cover of an undirected graph G=(V, E) is a subset V′ of V such
that if edge (u, v) is an edge of G, then u is in V′, v is in V′, or both. The
set V′ is said to "cover" the edges of G The vertex set of a graph is
therefore always a vertex cover. The smallest possible vertex cover for a
given graph G is known as a minimum vertex cover.
 Simulation was carried out on a large internet-like virtual network and
showed that that the combinatorial topology of routing may have a huge
impact on the worm propagation and thus some servers play a more
essential and significant role than others.
 The minimum vertex cover algorithm to simulate the propagation of
stealth worms on large computer networks and optimal strategies for
protecting the network against such virus attacks in real-time.
 The idea is to find a minimum vertex cover in the graph whose vertices
are the routing servers and whose edges are the (possibly dynamic)
connections between routing servers. This is an optimal solution for
worm propagation and an optimal solution for designing the network
defence strategy.
ILP Formulation
ILP formulation:
 Assume that every vertex has an associated cost of . The (weighted) minimum
vertex cover problem can be formulated as the following integer linear program
 minimize (minimize the total cost)
 subject to +>1 {u,v} E (cover every edge of the graph)
 {0,1} . (every vertex is either in the vertex cover or not)
 This ILP belongs to the more general class of ILPs for covering problems. The
integrality gap of this ILP is , so its relaxation gives a factor- approximation
algorithm for the minimum vertex cover problem. Furthermore, the linear
programming relaxation of that ILP is half-integral, that is, there exists an
optimal solution for which each entry is either 0, 1/2, or 1.
A Graph Model for Fault Tolerant
Computing Systems
 This model is applied directly to the minimum configuration or
structure required to achieve fault tolerance to a specified degree. The
model is represented in the form of a facility graph.
 A facility graph is a graph G whose nodes represent system facilities
and whose edges represent access links between facilities. A facility
here is said to be a hardware or software components of any system
that can fail independently.
 Hardware facilities include control units, arithmetic processors,
storage units and input/output equipment.
 Software facilities include compilers, application programs, library
routines, operating systems etc.
A Graph Model for Fault Tolerant
Computing Systems
 In this model, the computer is represented as S and the algorithm to
be executed by S is known as A. Both S and A are represented by
means of graphs whose nodes represent computing facilities.
 It is shown that the algorithm A is executable by S if A is isomorphic
to a sub graph of S.This means that there is a 1-1 mapping from the
nodes of A into the nodes of S. This implies that S contains all the
facilities and connections between facilities required by A. so, A can
be embedded in S.
 A k-fault F in a system S is the removal of any k nodes {x1, x2, x3,
x4…...x5} from S. All edges connected to these nodes are also
removed. The resultant graph will be denoted by SF.
A Graph Model for Fault Tolerant
Computing Systems

 A system S is fault tolerant with respect to algorithm A and fault F, if

A is executable by SF.
 S is fault tolerant with respect to a set of algorithms {A1,A2,, A3,……
Ap} and a set of faults {F1, F2,….Fq}, if Ai is executable by SFj for all i
and j where 1 ≤ i ≤ p.
 An optimal fault tolerant computing system can be thus found out by
using the above theory.
Map Colouring and GSM Mobile Phone
 Given a map drawn on the plane or the surface of a sphere, the
famous four color theorem asserts that it is always possible to
properly color the regions of the map such that no two adjacent
regions are assigned the same color, using at most four distinct colors.
Map Colouring and GSM Mobile Phone Networks

 For any given map, we can construct its dual graph as follows. Put a vertex inside each
region of the map and connect two distinct vertices by an edge if and only if their respective
regions share a whole segment of their boundaries in common. Then, a proper vertex
colouring of the dual graph yields a proper colouring of the regions of the original map.  
Given below is the dual graph of the map of India
Vertex Coloring Algorithm
 Assign color 1 to the vertex with highest degree.
 Also assign color 1 to any vertex that is not connected to this vertex.
 Assign color 2 to the vertex with the next highest degree that is not
already colored.
 Also assign color 2 to any vertex not connected to this vertex and
that is not already colored.
 If uncolored vertices remain, assign color 3 to the uncolored vertex
with next highest degree and other uncolored, unconnectd vertices.
 Proceed in this manner until all vertices are colored.
GSM Mobile Phone Networks
 GSM(Groupe Spécial Mobile) is a cellular network with its entire geographical
range divided into hexagonal cells. Each cell has a communication tower which
connects with mobile phones within the cell. All mobile phones connect to the
GSM network by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity.

 GSM networks operate in only four different frequency

ranges. The reason why only four different frequencies
suffice is clear: the map of the cellular regions can be
properly colored by using only four different colors! So,
the vertex coloring algorithm may be used for assigning at
most four different frequencies for any GSM mobile
phone network
Application of Graph Theory in Analysis of
Electric Networks
 In Electric circuits,a two-terminal electric device is represented by an edge E k .
 Two edge variables Vk(t) and Ik(t),where Vk(t) represents edge voltage and Ik(t)
represents edge current respectively.
 Edge voltage Vk(t) may be regarded as ‘cross variable’ because it exists across
two end vertices of an edge.
 Edge current Ik(t) may be thought of as a ‘through variable’ as it flows through
the edge.
 Since variables are directional,each element in an electric circuit is assigned an
arbitrary orientation.
 Thus,an electric network is a Directed Connected graph with every edge
composing of two edge variables.
This report emphasises the importance of Graph Theory in various
fields of Engineering Sciences. One of the important areas in
mathematics is graph theory which is used in structural models. This
structural arrangements of various objects or technologies lead to new
inventions and modifications in the existing environment for
enhancement in those fields. The above report gives an overview of the
applications of graph theory in heterogeneous fields to some extent but
mainly focuses on the Engineering science applications that uses graph
theoretical concepts.



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