Qualities of A Good Researcher
Qualities of A Good Researcher
Qualities of A Good Researcher
Dr Freddie Mupambireyi (PhD)
Senior Lecturer and Chairperson: Business
Enterprise and Management Dept
Faculty of Business Management Sciences
and Economics: University of Zimbabwe
Email: [email protected]
Expectation of the Presentation
The end product (ie a Good Research Output) is
as good the process.
A good research, among other things, is a
function of the qualities of the researcher carrying
The objective of this presentation is therefore to
acquaint the student with the qualities,
competencies and skills of a good researcher
Qualities of a Researcher
The success of a research to a large extent depends on the
qualities of the researcher hence certain competencies and
skills are expected. A Researcher requires a number of
qualities and skills some of which are:
Communication skills
Intellectual skills
Organisational skills
Personal SW (OT) strengths and weaknesses
Information technology skills
a) Communication Skills
A researcher should be able to communicate his/her
understanding of the research area (written and
Applying for funding (written)
Discussing your project with clients (verbal)
Negotiating access to sources of data (verbal)
Designing your research instruments (written)
Leading focus groups (verbal)
Writing your report (written)
Presenting your findings to clients (verbal/written)
Writing academic papers for publication (written)
b) Intellectual Skills
Knowledge (memory); the ability to recall facts,
classifications, theories, practical techniques, certain
calculations etc
Comprehension; the ability to translate data from
one form to another, to interpret or deduce the
significance of data,
Application; ability to apply knowledge, experience
and skills to a new situation
Analysis; ability to break information into its
various parts
Synthesis/creativity; ability to build up information
from other information given
Evaluation; ability to make qualitative and
quantitative judgments ie to criticise constructively
c) Organisational Skills
This involves proper management of the 4Ms:
Manpower available,
Material resources available
Monetary resources and
Machinery available as well as the time.
Develop a schedule for all the activities to be done (what
should be done first and at what time, by who etc Come up
with a Gantt Chart)
You need systems to manage the administration of the
research process itself ie record keeping, filing,
correspondences, keeping related articles etc
Endevour to stick to the research protocol
d) Intellectual Honesty
Researchers should not be influenced by others to
“doctor” the data or the research findings
The success and failure of researchers entirely
depends on their honest collection and
interpretation of data
Researchers should be empowered, self-motivated
and highly independent in terms of their thinking
No stereotypes: Insights should be based on facts
and data collected and not on pre-informed opinions
or societal prejudices or personal experiences. Give
up personal likes and dislikes
e) Self Assessment (Strengths and Weaknesses)
Researchers should self introspect and be honest
with themselves about their strengths and
Researchers should not cheat themselves because
there is a massive risk if one’s ignorance or
ineptitude is exposed
This enables them to assess whether they can do the
research on their own or not
f) Information Technology skills
Any researcher should have basic appreciation of
ICT skills and how to perform “elementary” data
analysis and interpretation.
Asante Sana
Good Reading