Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development
Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development
Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development
Albina Usmanova
Valentin Tansyura
Chernov Arseniy
Urgency of the problem
NOT when you consider the following:
People learn best when they have to Want to see eyes glaze over quicker than you can
learn. Applying what’s learned to real-world situations finish this sentence? Mandate that busy employees attend
strengthens one’s focus and determination to learn. a training session on “business writing skills”, or
Today’s employees often learn uniform topics, on L&D’s “conflict resolution”, or some other such course with
schedule, and at a time when it bears little immediate little alignment to their needs.
relevance to their role — and their learning suffers as a
We quickly forget what we have learned
Like first year college students who forget 60% of what they learn in high school,
studying merely to get the CPE credit suggests that employees, too, will quickly
experimental studies of memory in the late 19th Century, culminating with his
discovery of «The Forgetting Curve». He found that if new information isn’t
4. Personalize content
And as Eric Ries, author of The Lean Startup, says, «The only one way
to win is to learn faster than anyone else». This has never been truer than
it is today.
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