Advanced Technologies in Cloud Computing
Advanced Technologies in Cloud Computing
Advanced Technologies in Cloud Computing
Comprehend cloud computing trends and cloud development tools
Describe media clouds, security clouds, and application- specific clouds
Use cloud descriptor language
Compare various cloud-aware applications
Discuss the need of green computing
Explain third-party technology
Understand the concept of Bigtable and IOT
Describe T-Systems and CometCloud
The cloud data center consists of many IT and non-IT equipment for smooth
functioning of the services provided to users.
Cloud computing reduces the investment on hardware and software by
providing various tools to the users.
Cloud computing also offers premium security services for protecting the cloud
environment from unauthorized access, alteration, and malicious users.
Cloud Computing Trends
Cloud Computing is a progressive technology and the several trends recognized
by analysts and professionals are:
• High Commercial Importance
• Hybrid Cloud Computing
• Dedicated Cloud Applications for Mobile
• Cloud Computing Information Security
Understanding Cloud Tools
A company that provides tools for cloud development is CollabNet, which has
focused products and services.
CollabNet offers clients various opportunities to join and makes an
announcement every time with new style about how to access tools and better
Hybrid cloud IT is adopted by CollabNet for various application development
and deployment life cycles.
Understanding Cloud Tools
For managing and monitoring cloud computing, various tools are available, some of which
are as follows:
• AppDynamics
• Nimsoft
• ManageEngine
• NetEnrich
• NetRelic
• Rackspace
• SplunkStorm
• Aternity
• Compuware Gomez
Media Cloud
Media cloud is an open platform which permits scholars to answer quantitative
queries regarding the matter of online media.
With the help of media cloud, journalism critics and scholars may look at what
types of stories are covered by which media sources, what type of language is
used by the media channels in combination with different stories and how
stories circulate from one media channel to other media clouds.
Media cloud is a huge data set of news assembled from newspapers, other
reputable news associations, and blogs along with a set of facilities and devices
to evaluate those data.
Security Clouds
Securing the cloud is one of the issues that is an obstacle for cloud vendors, to
save data from unauthorized and malicious users.
Different security tools are used by cloud providers as per the terms and
conditions of the company.
Some cloud providers use digital signature for securing data, whereas some
use digital signature and encryption to provide security and authentication.
Security is one of the obstacles for many organizations to migrate in the cloud
environment. This is why cloud providers always try to make cloud network
secure by providing various security measures and policies to the users.
Security Clouds
Mobile Cloud Computing
Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is the integration of mobile network
computing, wireless networks, and cloud computing used to develop rich
applications for mobile users.
MCC provides mobile users with processing
services and data storage in clouds.
The architecture of mobile cloud computing is
shown in Fig. 12.5.
The various contemporary systems which
have similar goals of web-based operating
system are EyeOS, HP Palm OS, Open Mobster.
Mobile Cloud Computing
Advantages of MCC:
• Flexibility
• Real time application
• Multiple platform support
• Low cost option
Disadvantages of MCC
• Data security
• Performance issues and connectivity
Mobile Cloud Computing
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) Applications are:
• Cloud based m-learning
• Mobile e-governance
• Mobile banking
• Guidance with the help of mobile
• Cloud-based mobile rural healthcare
• Gaming with mobile
• Mobile e-commerce
Green Computing
‘Green computing’ is used to signify the effective use of resources in
This word usually associates to the use of
computing resources in concurrence with
augmenting financial feasibility, shrinking
environmental effect, and guaranteeing social
Third Party Technology
Beneath the cloud model, the software is operated online by a third-party
supplier, and one can access it via Internet browser.
Third-party concept is also very valuable in providing security to the cloud data
Operating software online also has several built-in advantages:
• Work from wherever you want
• Collaborate with customers, dealers, and contemporaries
• Limit threat of catastrophe and expedite catastrophe recuperation
Third Party Technology
Examples of Third Parties:
• Dropbox, a SaaS vendor, uses the services of a third-party IaaS vendor, like
Amazon Web Services.
• In Fig. 12.6, company A offers various exciting
services to the users but for the physical storage
of data, company A involves third-party company
B. Users are unaware of the services of company
B because they know that they are taking services
from company A.
The Intercloud is a unified universal ‘cloud of clouds’ and an expansion of the
Internet ‘network of networks’ on which it is established.
• The Intercloud circumstances are based on the chief concept that every individual
cloud does not contain countless physical resources or ubiquitous geographic
• As shown in Fig. 12.7, the broker offers three
facilities to the cloud users, such as SaaS, PaaS,
and IaaS. IaaS services are offered by cloud provider
A, SaaS services by cloud provider B, and PaaS
services are offered by cloud provider C.
Azure Cloud Services
Powerful applications with advanced features having application-oriented
customization techniques are available in Azure cloud services.
Bigtable is one of the alternate databases which have been specially designed
for huge storage of data. It is a storage system for distributed environment
made in the form of large table.
“Bigtable is a distributed storage system for managing structured data that is
designed to scale to a very large size—petabytes of data across thousands of
commodity servers.
It is a sparse, distributed, persistent multidimensional sorted map. The map is
indexed by a row key, column key, and a timestamp; each value in the map is an
uninterrupted array of bytes.
Bigtable provides an important and highly available service known as Chubby.
Development of Bigtable
The development of Bigtable starts with a single tablet. As this table grows, it
splits into further multiple tablets, each of whose size can be around 100 to 200
MB. A Bigtable grows in a three-level hierarchical form. The three-level
hierarchy (Fig. 12.8) includes matter in such
• First Level-Root Tablet
• Second Level-Metadata Tablet
• Third Level-User Tablet
Cloud Usage for Big Data Analytics and Internet of
Information is stated as ‘Big Data’ when it reveals the four V’s—volume, variety,
velocity, and veracity.
The IoT is basically the means which collects and sends data.
IoT companies associate the growing number of data
sets that help them to obtain real-time responses and
accustom to changing tendencies, solving the challenge
of size without agreeing on the performance.
Architecture of IoT
Challenges of IoT
Power management
Rapid evolution
Energy efficiency
Security mechanism
Data handling
A COMET Cloud (CCS) consists of a cloud service and data modem which is
directly adaptable with an array of services.
CometCloud provides us the facility with
scheduling like monitoring, analyser, managing
data, etc.
CometCloud works as an interface between
cloud application and cloud user by providing
support like research site, etc. as shown in
Fig. 12.13.
Deutsche Telekom, one of the largest IT services companies in Germany, is the
founder of T-Systems.
According to T-Systems, bringing all its heterogeneous offerings together on a
single platform will increase the flexibility
of services and get a higher level of
automation to the back-end datacenter
operations and network.
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