Guess This Salesian 12
Guess This Salesian 12
Guess This Salesian 12
• Clue # 3: At one roll call, he was ordered to step on upon his rosary when
he was discovered with it. He refused. As punishment, he was assigned to
a penal company
• Clue #4: On July 3, 1942, he was mocked, ridiculed, and severely beaten
by the guards for being a priest. The same night, his oppressors pulled him
out of his barracks, gravely beat him outside, and possibly drowned him.
His was found the next day and burned with others. He was 31 years old.
Fr. Filippo Rinaldi
• Clue #1: She is part of Chilean aristocrats but forced into
exile by the revolution.
• Clue #4: On her final night, these are her final words:
“Mamma, I am dying! For a long time I have asked Jesus,
offering my life for you, so you will return to God...
Mamma, before I die will I have the chance to see you
Blessed Laura Vicuňa