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Methods in Counseling

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Both Counsellors and Psychotherapists work from a variety of Theoretical

Approaches with their clients. These therapies range from the type of Psychoanalysis,
originally practiced by Sigmund Freud and later developed into other forms of
analytic psychotherapy by his pupils, through Humanistic Psychotherapy (based on
personal growth and self development) to the Behavioural Therapies used for dealing
with specific phobias and anxieties. However, there is evidence that the relationship
between the counsellor and the client is more important than the approach the
therapist uses.
The following is an alphabetical list of commonly used Theoretical Approaches with
brief descriptions of their meanings:
Adlerian Therapy
Adlerian Therapy, originated by Alfred Adler, is also called individual
psychology and focuses on creating a therapeutic relationship that is co-
operative, encouraging and practical. Adlerian counsellors help clients look
at their lifestyle and personal values to help them understand and question
their usual patterns of behaviour and hidden goals. It is a learning process
that assists the client to move towards useful involvement and contribution
to society.
Behavioural Therapy
This therapy is based on the belief that behaviour is learnt in response
to past experience and can be unlearnt, or reconditioned, without
analysing the past to find the reason for the behaviour. It works well for
compulsive and obsessive behaviour, fears, phobias and addictions.
Cognitive Analytical Therapy
This combines Cognitive Therapy and Psychotherapy and encourages
clients to draw on their own ability to develop the skills to change
destructive patterns of behaviour. Negative ways of thinking are explored
in structured and directive ways, involving diary-keeping, progress charts,
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
This combines Cognitive and Behavioural techniques. Clients are taught
ways to change thoughts and expectations and relaxation techniques are
used. It has been effective for stress-related ailments, phobias, obsessions,
eating disorders and (at the same time as drug treatment) major
Cognitive Therapy
Uses the power of the mind to influence behaviour. It is based on the
theory that previous experiences can damage self image and this can affect
attitude, emotions and ability to deal with certain situations. It works by
helping the client to identify, question and change poor mental images of
themselves, thus altering negative responses and behaviour. It can help
pessimistic or depressed people to view things from a more optimistic
Dialectical Behavioural therapy
DBT was developed from cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). The main aim of CBT is
to change behaviour, which is done by applying techniques with a focus on problem-
solving, such as homework, diary cards and behavioural analysis. However, some people
felt uncomfortable with the strong focus on change, and felt that their suffering and
apparent loss of control over their lives were not understood. This caused them to
become frustrated and even to drop out of treatment. Therapist sought to resolve this
by the use of acceptance strategies. Acceptance strategies are added to the process of
CBT which means that the therapist explores with their clients an acceptance that their
behaviour (e.g. self-harming, drinking, etc.), even though damaging in the long term,
may be the only way they have learned to deal with intense emotions; and which might
have led to positive short term benefits.
Eclectic Counselling
An Eclectic counsellor will select from a number of different approaches
appropriate to the client’s needs. This is based on the theory that there is
no proof that any one theoretical approach works better than all others for
a specific problem
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy
that was developed to resolve symptoms resulting from disturbing and unresolved life
experiences. EMDR is thought to imitate the psychological state that we enter into
when in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Studies show that when in REM sleep we
are able to make new associations between things very rapidly – EMDR may be tapping
into this high speed processing mode that we all have but often can’t access. The
theory is that EMDR works directly with memory networks and enhances information
processing by creating associations between the distressing memory and more
adaptive information in other memory networks.
Family Therapy
This is used to treat a family system rather than individual members of
the family. A form of Systemic Therapy, it requires specifically trained
 Gestalt Therapy
The name is derived from the German for “organized
whole”. Developed by Fritz Perls, it focuses on the whole of the
client’s experience, including feelings, thoughts and actions. The
client gains self-awareness in the `here and now’ by analyzing behavior
and body language and talking about bottled up feelings. This approach
often includes acting out scenarios and dream recall.
 Humanistic Therapy
Coming from the “personal growth movement” this
approach encourages people to think about their feelings and
take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. Emphasis is on self-
development and achieving highest potential. “Client-Centered” or “Non-
Directive” approach is often used and the therapy can be described as
“holistic” or looking at person as a whole. The client’s creative instincts
may be used to explore and resolve personal issues.
Integrative Therapy
This is when several distinct models of counselling and psychotherapy
are used together.
Carl Jung was the originator of Analytical Psychology; a disciple
of Sigmund Freud and a pioneer of Psychoanalysis.
Mindfulness is a specific way of intentionally paying attention. One negative
thought can lead to a chain reaction of negative thoughts. This approach encourages
people to be aware of each thought, enabling the first negative thought to be ‘caught’
so that is seen as just a ‘thought’ and not a fact. This breaks the chain reaction
of negative thoughts giving a mental ‘space’ in which the person can re-centre
themselves in the present. Mindfulness-based therapists can work with individuals
and groups and will usually integrate mindfulness into another modality, in which they
are already trained. Mindfulness is likely to appeal to therapists who have developed a
long-term meditation practice.
Person-Centered Therapy
Devised by Carl Rogers and also called “Client-Centered” or “Rogerian”
counselling, this is based on the assumption that a client seeking help in the
resolution of a problem they are experiencing, can enter into a relationship
with a counsellor who is sufficiently accepting and permissive to allow the
client to freely express any emotions and feelings. This will enable the client
to come to terms with negative feelings, which may have caused emotional
problems, and develop inner resources. The objective is for the client to
become able to see himself as a person, with the power and freedom to
change, rather than as an object.
Primal Therapy
Primal Therapy is not generally seen as model of therapy that is used on
its own. It is usually an additional way of working within the more general
therapeutic approach in which therapists are trained. This is based on the
theory that buried birth or infancy distress can resurface as neuroses. The
therapy takes the client back to the “primal scene” where trauma can be
re-experienced as an emotional cleansing.
This is based on the work of Sigmund Freud, who believed that the unacceptable
thoughts of early childhood are banished to the unconscious mind but continue to
influence thoughts, emotions and behaviour. “Repressed” feelings can surface later as
conflicts, depression, etc. or through dreams or creative activities. The analyst seeks to
interpret and make acceptable to the client’s conscious mind, troublesome feelings and
relationships from the past. “Transference” onto the analyst, of feelings about figures
in the client’s life, is encouraged. This type of therapy is often used by clients suffering
high levels of distress and can be a lengthy and intensive process.
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy/Counselling
This approach stresses the importance of the unconscious and
past experience in shaping current behaviour. The client is encouraged to
talk about childhood relationships with parents and other significant people
and the therapist focuses on the client/therapist relationship (the dynamics)
and in particular on the transference. Transference is when the client
projects onto the therapist feelings experienced in previous significant
relationships. The Psychodynamic approach is derived from Psychoanalysis
but usually provides a quicker solution to emotional problems.
Psycho Synthesis
Sometimes described as “psychology of the soul”. It is the name given
to a series of actions that lead to a change or development which
encourages personal growth by a bringing together of the whole person –
the emotional, the mental, the physical and spiritual within a safe
environment. Psycho synthesis is useful for people seeking a new, more
spiritually oriented vision of themselves.
Re-Birthing is not generally seen as model of therapy that is used on its
own. It is usually an additional way of working within the more general
therapeutic approach in which therapists are trained. In this approach,
emotional or physical traumas during birth are said to create feelings of
separation or fear in later life. Breathing techniques are used to release
tension whilst the client re-experiences traumatic emotions. A skilled
practitioner is essential.
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
This promotes positive change rather than dwelling on past problems.
Clients are encouraged to focus positively on what they do well and to set
goals and work out how to achieve them. As little as 3 or 4 sessions may be
Systemic Therapies
These are the therapies which have, as their aim, a change in
the transactional pattern of members of a system. It can be used as the
generic term for family therapy and marital therapy.
Transpersonal Therapy
This describes any form of counselling or therapy which places
emphasis on spirituality, human potential or heightened consciousness. It
includes psycho synthesis.

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