Article 1814, NCC: (See Articles 1812, 1813, and 1827 of NCC)

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Article 1814,

(See Articles 1812, 1813, and
1827 of NCC)

Presented by: November 2,

Jhean Mira Nares 2020
Jhon Allain Hisola
Property Rights of Partners (continuation)

Article 1814. Without prejudice to the EDIT IN POWERPOINT®

preferred rights of partnership creditors
under Article 1827, on due application to a The interest charged may be redeemed at
competent court by any judgment creditor of any time before foreclosure, or in case a sale
a partner, the court which entered the being directed by the court, may be purchased
judgment, or any other court, may charge the without thereby causing a dissolution:
interest of the debtor partner with payment
of the unsatisfied amount of such judgment (1) With separate property, by any one or more
debt with interest thereon; and may then or of the partners; or
later appoint a receiver of his share of the (2) With partnership property, by any one or
profits, and of any other money due or to fall more of the partners with the consent of all
due to him in respect of the partnership, and the partners whose interests are not so
make all other orders, directions, accounts charged or sold.
and inquiries which the debtor partner might
have made, or which the circumstances of Nothing in this Title shall be held to
the case may require. deprive a partner of his right, if any, under the
exemption laws, as regards his interest in the

Article 1827. The creditors of the partnership shall be preferred to those of
each partner as regards the partnership property. Without prejudice to this right, the
private creditors of each partner may ask the attachment and public sale of the share
of the latter in the partnership assets.
General Rule: Partnership creditors are EDIT IN POWERPOINT®
preferred over the personal creditors of the
partners as regards partnership property. � The interest so charged may be
redeemed with the separate
Exception: On due application by any property of any general partner, but
judgment creditor of a partner, a may not be redeemed with
competent court may: partnership property (Article 1862).
� Charge his interest with payment of
the unsatisfied amount of such
� (T.N.) In a general partnership, the
interest may be redeemed with
� Appoint a receiver of the share of
the profits and of any other money
partnership property with the
due or fall due to the partner; and consent of all the partners whose
interests are not charged. (Article
� Make all other orders, directions
and inquiries which the 1814).
circumstances of the case may
The end.

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