Epilepsy 1
Epilepsy 1
Epilepsy 1
impairment of consciousness
Yes No
I s it s y m p t o m a t i c o f a n a c u t e il ln e s s
No Yes
W h a t is t h e p r o b a b l e c a u s e ? D ia g n o s e a n d T r e a t
n a t u r a l h is t o r y
in v e s t ig a t io n
tre a tm e n t
Treatment of epilepsy
Therapeutic principle of ntiepilepsy
drugs (AEDs)
Early treatment
Treatment as the types of epileptic seizure
Treatment with one drug
Individual therapy
Long course of treatment
Slow drug withdrawal
Periodic re-examination
Treatment of epilepsy
AEDs selection on types of epileptic seizure
types drugs
30% 難 以 控 制 70% 控 制 良 好
2 種抗癲癇藥物
25% 難 以 控 制 5% 控 制 良 好
3 種抗癲癇藥物
20% 難 以 控 制 5% 控 制 良 好
10% 難 以 控 制 10% 手 術 治 療
試用新藥 3% 難 以 控 制 7% 控 制 良 好
10% 難 以 控 制 3% 控 制 良 好
7% 難 以 控 制 3% 控 制 良 好
Status epilepticus
Status epilepticus is a clinical or electrical
seizure lasting at least 30 minutes, or a series
of seizures without complete recovery over the
same period of time.
Emergency Treatment
ABC(airway, breathing, circulation)
Diazepam 0.3-0.5mg/kg ;may repeat in 15-30 minutes
Phenytoin 10-20mg/kg
Phenobarbital 5-20mg/kg
Thank you