Power Quality Problems in Smart Grids: Ravi Pal Roll No:-202231006
Power Quality Problems in Smart Grids: Ravi Pal Roll No:-202231006
Power Quality Problems in Smart Grids: Ravi Pal Roll No:-202231006
Smart grids
Presented BY :-
Ravi Pal
Roll No :- 202231006
Smart grid technology is a set of control systems and network management, sensors and
communications and information facilities, with both traditional elements and cutting-edge
technology embedded . This technology can modernize the existing power network, not
replace the existing network, in order to meet the demands of this society, and give the
information in real time the user could make smart choices.
Aims of the smart grid
1. Better, more efficient and more flexible use of the network.
2. Price reduction of the network use.
3. Introduction of more customer option.
4. Better PQ, especially in voltage control and voltage sag impact.
5. Self-healing to give better reliability
Can achieved by :-
1. Parallel communication network with-two way communications, remote sensors.
2. Large data storage, analysis and fast simulation capability.
3. Some additional distributed actuators such as switches, reclosers, on-load tap changer.
4. Faster operation.
Power quality means to supply a stable continuous power. Power quality involves or we
can say it depends on three terms voltage, frequency and waveforms.
1.Emission by new devices:- In smart grid, new types of consumption is introduced. These new types of
consumption will emit power-quality disturbances, such as harmonic emission.
3. Immunity of devices:- Due to the voltage-quality disturbance there are a simultaneous tripping of many
distributed generators can occur. And this is a very big problem. As a smart grid attempts to maintain a
balance between production and consumption, mass tripping of consumption could have similar adverse
4. Weakening of the transmission grid:- The increased use of distributed generation and of large wind parks
will result in a reduction of the amount of conventional generation connected to the transmission system.
The fault level will consequently be reduced, and power-quality disturbances will spread further.
PQ Monitoring
some steps to rectify the PQ problems.
Harmonics distortion are disturbances with multiple integer of frequency caused by any device or
nonlinear load. Nonlinear passive devices generate odd harmonics and the active devices generate the
even harmonics. Connecting the non-linear loads in the distribution network will led to undesirable
effects on power
The power quality impact of PV plants and harmonic filters connected to the distribution
system can be assessed by means of the THD indicator.
The most common filters are passive filters shown in above fig. , used to mitigate the voltage and current waveforms
distortion generated by power system components (capacitors or inductors). Passive filters are connected to the
substation busbars of disruptive equipment to limit the level of harmonics in the power supply system.
Thank you