Basic Concepts On Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity
Basic Concepts On Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity
Basic Concepts On Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity
Laboratory Biosafety
and Biosecurity
Rochelle D. Darlucio, RMT
College of Medical Laboratory Science
Our Lady of Fatima University
Lesson Intended Learning Outcomes (LILO):
Discuss the history and the related policies and
guidelines governing laboratory biosafety and
Differentiate the fundamental concepts between
laboratory biosafety and biosecurity;
Classify microorganisms according to risk group;
Categorize laboratories according to biosafety level
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical
Laboratories (BMBL)
Become the code of practice
for biosafety-the discipline
addressing the safe handling
and containment of
infectious microorganisms
and hazardous biological
Laboratory Biorisk Management Standard
BIOSECURITY is protecting
pathogens from bad people
Risk associated with biological materials