Genie - The Feral Child

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Genie: the feral child

Alexxis Wilson
The Beginning
Name: Susan Wiley

Born: April 18th, 1957 (almost 61 years old)

City: Arcadia, California

Parents: Irene Wiley and Clark Wiley

Siblings: Robert Clark Wiley, Dorothy Irene Wiley and John Gray Wiley
Family Background
Clark Wiley: flight mechanic in WWII → aviation after

❖ Married Irene forcing her to stay at home and beat her routinely
❖ Disliked children

Irene Wiley: grew up farming in Oklahoma, left because of the Dust Bowl

❖ Involved in a car accident causing sight problems

❖ Became dependent on Clark
Family Background
Dorothy: 1st child→ born 5 years after marriage

❖ Died of pneumonia at 10 weeks

Robert: 2nd child→ born 1 year later

❖ Diagnosed with Rh blood poisoning- died at 2 days old

John: 3rd child→ 3 years later

❖ Healthy; slow in development→ neglected

Early Life
Genie→ born 5 years after John

❖ Signs of Rh poisoning, had blood transfusion

❖ Noticed congenital hip dislocation→ splint 4.5 months-11 months
➢ Splint caused her to start walking later
❖ Father thought mentally impaired→ cut off interaction with her
❖ Came down with pneumonia→ from 50% to 11% in weight percentile
➢ Malnutrition
❖ Pediatrician stated Genie was “mentally retarded”
➢ Kernicterus
Clark’s Breakdown
Genie→ 20 months old

Clarks mother died from a hit and run accident

❖ Blames son
❖ Decided family needed protection from the world
➢ Genie needed “additional protection” being “retarded” → entirely hid her
❖ Quit his job and moved family into his late mother's house
➢ Shrine mother’s bedroom and car
Clark secluded Genie

❖ Tied her to a toilet chair for 13 hours a day → function as straight jacket
❖ Could only move extremities and wore only a diaper
❖ At night, tied into a sleeping bag and put into crib
❖ Clark beat her when she made noise
➢ Also growled/barked at her, grew nails to scratch her
❖ Masturbate in socially inappropriate context
➢ Possible sexual assault → father or brother
Childhood Cont.
❖ Meal time
➢ No solid food
➢ Father or brother spoon fed her
➢ Ate too slow, rubbed face in food
➢ Only time Irene could be with Genie
➢ Fed 3 times a day but often refused to feed her
❖ Not allowed to speak around Genie
❖ No tv or radio
Childhood Cont.
Forced John to abuse Genie

❖ Tried to run away

Irene was threatened to be killed if she contacted anyone

Clark promised if Genie had survived 12 years of age, Irene could seek help

❖ Clark was convinced she would be dead

The Accident
October 1970

❖ Genie was 13.5 years old

❖ Irene left Clark
➢ Took Genie to parents house

November 4th

❖ Decided to apply for disability

➢ Accidently walked into Social Services office
The Rescue
Social worker knew something was wrong

❖ Guessed Genie to be 6 or 7 → reality 13.5 years old

❖ Assumed autism
❖ Immediately called police
❖ Arrested Genie’s parents
❖ Court order to take her to Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles
Question One
Upon finding out Genie’s age, social services called the police and had Genie
dropped off at a Children’s hospital.

Ethically, how could the finding of Genie have been handled differently?
Los Angeles Children’s Hospital
David Rigler: chief psychologist and therapist

Howard Hansen: head of psychiatry and early expert on child abuse

Rigler and Hansen took direct control of Genie’s care

❖ James Kent, expert in child abuse, examined Genie first

➢ Lead to investigation on parents
The Media
November 17th, 1970

❖ News reached major media outlets

Clark refused to speak to public or media

❖ Nov 20th → Clark committed suicide by gunshot

➢ Left note for son, “Be a good boy, I love you”
➢ Left note for police, “The world will never understand”

Charges were dropped on Irene after Clark suicide

❖ Told court she was unable to protect her children

Examining Genie
James Kent examined her

❖ Most severe child abuse case he would encounter

➢ Pale and malnourished
➢ 4’6’’ and weighed 59 pounds
➢ 2 full sets of teeth
➢ Distended (swelling) abdomen
➢ Thick callus and bruising on buttox
➢ Coxa valga in her hips
➢ Undersized rib cage
➢ Eyes could not focus further than 10 feet
❖ Expressionless
❖ “Bunny walk”
❖ Hesitant and unsteady
❖ Extremely incompetent → mentality of 13 month old
❖ Could not
➢ Stand up straight
➢ Straighten her limbs
➢ Chew or swallow whole food
Characteristics Cont.
❖ Interested in objects more than people
❖ Afraid of cats and dogs
❖ Curious about unfamiliar sounds
❖ Antisocial
❖ No sense of personal property
❖ No physical touching
Communication and Personality
❖ Non-verbal signals- the way she looked at someone
❖ Genie would push objects to make noise
❖ Angry → attack herself, never anyone else
➢ Would not stop unless diverted attention elsewhere
❖ Understood her name, some other names and 15-20 words
➢ “Stop it” and “no more”
The Hospital Stay
❖ Examined by Jay Shurley→ Professor at University of Oklahoma
➢ Found not autistic
➢ “Mentally retarded” from birth
➢ High levels of emotional disturbance
❖ Susan Curtiss
➢ Genie was born average intelligence
➢ Abuse and isolation left her functionally disabled
❖ James Kent
➢ Small responses from puppets
➢ Genie became fond of puppets
➢ Became most consistent person to Genie
The Hospital Stay Cont.
❖ Growing and putting on weight
❖ Collected objects
➢ Hoarded objects
➢ Colorful and plastic
➢ Beach pails brought her out of tantrums
❖ Became more responsive
➢ Nonverbal and verbal cues
➢ Paid attention when people talked
❖ Sociable with familiar people
❖ Started showing emotions
Potential Case Study
December 1970

❖ Rigler obtained a grant for $21,500 from the National Institution of Mental
Health to start studies
➢ January 1971→ Genie was developmentally at age 1-3 years old
➢ February 1971→ 2-3 years old and some aspects 12-13 years old
■ Started to mimic speech sounds
➢ April 1971→ Genie attacked another girl; first time she took out anger on another person
➢ May 1971→ Mental age of 4 year and 9 months old
■ Earthquake hit Los Angeles and Genie sought comfort in cooks she befriended
Brain Testing
January 1971

❖ Neuro Linguistic testing proved right-handedness

❖ Hearing in both ears, language and non-language 100%
➢ Prefered non-language in left ear ruling out reverse in dominance for language
❖ No linguistic input during childhood
➢ Language function lateralized to the right hemisphere
➢ EEG picked up more activity ove right hemisphere
➢ Later found that high involvement from right anterior cerebral cortex → right hemisphere
acquired language
❖ By May 1971 mental age was between 5 and 8 years old
Foster Homes
❖ Stayed with Jean Butler
➢ Later told people Genie would make her famous
➢ During the stay, overcame fear of dogs, more talkative and took anger out on objects
➢ Started refusing visits with the “Genie Team”
➢ Decided Butler was not a good guardian
❖ Moved in with Rigler
➢ Intended to stay 3 months, stayed 4 years
➢ Met with her mother weekly
➢ Rigler became primary therapist and his wife would become her teacher
❖ John Miner (attorney) was appointed Genie’s legal guardian
Observations: Behavior
❖ Redirected anger to verbal expressions
❖ Started paying attention to people talking to her
➢ Also responded
❖ Started nursery school
➢ Public school for mentally retarded
❖ Doing simple chores
➢ Ironing, sewing and meal preparation
❖ Mood significantly improved and seemed content with life
Observation: Language
❖ By 1975 Genie could name most objects
❖ Struggled with grammar
❖ Spoke in short and choppy phrases
❖ Deleted sounds in words whenever she could
➢ Called her the great abbreviator
❖ Not able to fully learn a language
❖ Recalled past events
➢ “Father hit big stick” “father is angry”
➢ Did not understand death, asked where father was
Non-Verbal Communication
❖ Invented her own gestures
❖ Acted out events she could not express in talking
❖ Communicate using pictures
➢ Draw them or find them in magazines
➢ Researchers became aware of Genie’s fear of dogs
❖ Researchers pushed Genie to learn sign language
Loss of Funding
❖ Initial grant + one year extension
➢ Asked for 3 year extension→ Denied
❖ Fundings cut completely
➢ Research team did not address their concerns
❖ Research team decided Genie would move back in with her mother
➢ Irene had corrective eye surgery
➢ Moved back into the house she was abused in, Genie was 18
Continuing Observations
❖ Despite funding being cut, Rigler continued to assess Genie
❖ Curtiss continued to regularly test and observe Genie
➢ Irene became distressed with Genie’s behaviors: lack of self-control
➢ Irene contacted California Department of Health 1975
➢ New placement
■ Lead to Genie being severely beaten for puking
■ Removed from this home in 1977
➢ Placed in another foster home but quickly ended months later
■ Genie wondered why she kept moving, thought it was her fault
■ Caused more trauma
❖ Curtiss finished dissertation → Genie: A Psycholinguistic Study of a Modern-
Day “Wild Child”
❖ 1978 Irene was offended by the title and contents
➢ Sued Children’s Hospital, therapists involved, supervisors
➢ Sued researchers Curtiss, Rigler, Kent and Hansen
➢ Stated violation of patient confidentiality, invading Genie’s privacy and overworking her
❖ Genie’s mother stated Jean Butler was behind the lawsuit
❖ According to Russ Rymer, lawsuit was settled in 1984
➢ “The case never came to trial. It was dismissed by the Supreme Court of California with
prejudice, meaning it can never again be re-filed.”
After Turning 18
❖ Miner failed to update guardianship
➢ Irene took over without consulting anyone
➢ Butler continued to criticize and spread rumors about Genie’s condition until death
❖ Genie moved between 4 foster homes and institutions - negative impact
➢ Left her uncommunicative and depressed
➢ Saw Irene once a month
❖ Moved to a supportive foster home/adult home
➢ Allowed visitors
➢ Genie seemed happy and more verbal
❖ Genie lives in an undisclosed location
➢ Ward of the state of California
❖ Communicates fairly well with sign language
➢ Only spoke a few words
❖ Irene died of natural causes in 1982
➢ Had gone blind again
❖ John only visited once prior to dying in 2011
➢ Gave interview stating he never read anything about Genie and how she was
❖ Jay Shurley thought Genie was “mentally retarded” from birth but Susan
Curtiss thought she was functionally disabled because of abuse and

➢ What do you think, and why?

❖ What do you think would have been the hardest to teach Genie?

➢ Human interaction OR Language→ Grammar

➢ Why?

❖ Ethically, what could have been done differently with Genie’s case?

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