Chapter-7: Performance Management and Appraisal
Chapter-7: Performance Management and Appraisal
Chapter-7: Performance Management and Appraisal
Comparing Performance Appraisal and
Performance Management
Performance appraisal
– Evaluating an employee’s current and/or past
performance relative to his or her performance
Performance management
– The process employers use to make sure
employees are working toward organizational
The Components of an Effective
Performance Management Process
Direction sharing
Role clarification
Goal alignment
Developmental goal setting
Ongoing performance monitoring
Ongoing feedback
Coaching and support
Performance assessment (appraisal)
Rewards, recognition, and compensation
Workflow and process control and return
Figure 9–2
Steps in Appraising Performance
Defining the job
– Making sure that you and your subordinate agree
on his or her duties and job standards.
Appraising performance
– Comparing your subordinate’s actual performance
to the standards that have been set; this usually
involves some type of rating form.
Providing feedback
– Discussing the subordinate’s performance and
progress, and making plans for any development
Designing the Appraisal Tool
What to measure?
– Work output (quality and quantity)
– Personal competencies
– Goal (objective) achievement
How to measure?
– Graphic rating scales
– Alternation ranking method
Performance Appraisal Methods
Graphic rating scale
– A scale that lists a number of traits and a range of
performance for each that is used to identify the
score that best describes an employee’s level of
performance for each trait.
Rating Scale
with Space
Figure 9–3
Performance Appraisal Methods (cont’d)
Alternation ranking method
– Ranking employees from best to worst on a
particular trait, choosing highest, then lowest,
until all are ranked.
Paired comparison method
– Ranking employees by making a chart of all
possible pairs of the employees for each trait and
indicating which is the better employee of the
Alternation Ranking Scale
Figure 9–6
Ranking Employees by the
Paired Comparison Method
Note: + means “better than.” − means “worse than.” For each chart, add up
the number of 1’s in each column to get the highest-ranked employee.
Figure 9–7
Performance Appraisal Methods (cont’d)
Forced distribution method
– Similar to grading on a curve; predetermined
percentages of ratees are placed in various
performance categories.
– Example:
• 15% high performers
• 20% high-average performers
• 30% average performers
• 20% low-average performers
• 15% low performers
Narrative Forms
Performance Appraisal Methods (cont’d)
Behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS)
– An appraisal method that uses quantified scale
with specific narrative examples of good and poor
Developing a BARS:
– Generate critical incidents
– Develop performance dimensions
– Reallocate incidents
– Scale the incidents
– Develop a final instrument
Performance Appraisal Methods (cont’d)
Advantages of using a BARS
– A more accurate gauge
– Clearer standards
– Feedback
– Independent dimensions
– Consistency
Examples of Critical Incidents for
an Assistant Plant Manager
Table 9–1
Example of a
Anchored Rating
Scale for the
Salesmanship Skill
Table 9–3
How to Avoid Appraisal Problems
Learn and understand the potential problems,
and the solutions for each.
Use the right appraisal tool. Each tool has its
own pros and cons.
Train supervisors to reduce rating errors such
as halo, leniency, and central tendency.
Have raters compile positive and negative
critical incidents as they occur.