2 The-Gods-The-Creation-and-The-Earliest-Annas-Report

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The Gods, The Creation and

The Earliest Creations

Anna L. Villanueva
BSE-English II
A. The Titans
• often called the Elder Gods, were for
untold ages supreme in the universe.
• they were enormous size and of incredible
• the most important titan of all was
CRONUS, in latin SATURN.
The twelve Olympians made up a divine family:

• The lord of sky, the
Rain-god, and the
• His power was
greater than all the
other gods'.
Hera (Juno)

• Zeus's wife and sister.

• The protector of
• The cow and the
peacock were holy to
Poseidon (Neptune)
• he was the ruler of
the sea, Zeus's
brother and second
only to him in
eminence. Storm and
calm are under his
• his wife was
Amphitrite , a
granddaughter of the
titan, Ocean.
Hades (Pluto)

• The third brother

among the
Olympians. The
king of the Dead.
The god of wealth.
• Hades rarely left
his dark realm to
visit Olympus or
the earth.
Pallas Athena (Minerva)
• Pre-eminently, the
Goddess of the
City, the protector
of civilized life, of
landicrafts and
agriculture; the
inventor of bridle,
who first tamed
horses for men to
Phoebus Apollo
• The god of Light.
The god of Truth.
The Healer. The
lord of silver bow,
the Archer-god, far-
• He was the son of
Zeus and Leto.
Artemis (Diana)

• Apollo's twin sister.

The Goddess of
Hunting. One of
the three virgin
Aphrodite (Venus)

• “Foam-risen”
Aphrodite. Queen
of Laughter.
• The Love Goddess
and Beauty, Cupid
and Aeneas'
• Wife of
Hermes (Mercury)

• Zeus' messenger,
the Master Thief,
the God of
Commerce and
Market, the
protector of
Ares (Mars)

• Son of Zeus and

Hera. God of War
and the incarnate
curse of mortals.
His sister is Eris,
the Goddess of
Hephaestus (Vulcan or Mulciber)

• The God of Fire,

the workman of the
Hestia (Vesta)

• The Goddess of
the Hearth, the
symbol of home.
• One of the three
virgin Goddess.
B. The Lesser Gods of Olympus

• Cupid
• God of Love
• Son of Aphrodite
• He was said to be
blindfolded for love
is often blind.
• The Goddess of
the Rainbow and a
messenger for the
• The only
messenger in
Homer's IIiad.

• The Goddess of
youth, daughter of
Zeus and Hera.
• A cupbearers to
the gods.
• She married
Hercules, the
greatest Greek
The Lesser Gods of Olympus
The Muses and the Graces (nine in total)
1. Clio- the Muse of History
2. Urania- the Muse of astronomy
3. Melpomene- the Muse of tragedy
4. Thalia- the Muse of the comedy
5. Terpsichore- the Muse of dance
6. Calliope- the Muse of epic poetry
7. Erato- the Muse of love poetrty
8. Polyhymnia- the Muse of songs to the gods.
9. Euterpe- the Muse of lyric poetry.
C. The Gods of Water

Ocean and his wife Tethys are both TITANS

Oceanids, the nymphs of the great river,
were their daughter. The gods of allrivers on
the earth were their sons.
1. Pontus
2. Nereus
3. Triton
4. Proteus

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