Business Productivity Concept: Topic 7
Business Productivity Concept: Topic 7
Business Productivity Concept: Topic 7
Topic 7
Defining Productivity
• Productivity is a measure of the efficiency of a
person, machine, factory, system etc in converting
inputs into useful outputs.
• Productivity is a relationship between the output
(product/service) and input (resources consumed
in providing them) of a business system.
• Productivity is computed by dividing average
output per period by the total costs incurred or
resources (capital, energy, material, personnel)
consumed in that period
• For survival of any organization, this productivity
ratio must be at least 1. If it is more than 1, the
organization is in a comfortable position.
• Productivity is relatively easy to measure for
physical goods, but It is more difficult to find
appropriate measures for some services outputs
such as units of education or health care.
• Creative knowledge workers provide other
instances of intangible outputs that are highly
valued, but elusive to calculate.
• The effort has to be made to appraise the value of
these outputs in a standardized way to provide a
benchmark (or standard) for measurement.
Systems Concept
inputs outputs
transformations Customers
Land Goods
people and
capital services
tools O
energy I
information productivity
Units produced
Productivity =
Input used
▶ Measure of process improvement.
▶ Represents output relative to input.
▶ Only through productivity increases can our
standard of living improve
Productivity Calculations
Labor Productivity
Units produced
Productivity =
Labor-hours used
= = 4 units/labor-hour
Productivity =
Labor + Material + Energy +
Capital + Miscellaneous
► Also known as total factor productivity
► Output and inputs are often expressed in