Five Types of Food Processing and Packaging

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Five Types Of

Food Processing
And Packaging
Chapter 6 : Food Technology And

Mohamed Azhar Bin Rizlan

5 Intan

It was invented by Nicolas Appert in 1809

Method of preserving food from spoilage by storing it in containers that are sealed and then sterilized
by heat

The heat killed the microorganisms in the food while the sealing kept other microorganisms from
entering the jar

Advantages :
• Longer Shelf Life
•Easy To Eat

Disadvantes :
•Not Good As Fresh Foods
•Fewer Nutrients
•Contains Preservatives
 Signs of fermentation in food and beverage preparation dating as far back as 7000 BC.
The breakdown of sugars by bacteria, yeasts or other microorganisms under anaerobic
NO oxygen is needed for the process to take place (apart from oxygen present in sugar)
Fermentation is used in the production of alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and

Advantages :
• It helps restore proper bacteria balance in the intestines
• It improves the immune system

• It is linked with the development of gastric cancer
• Store-bought items lose beneficial bacteria
 Natural food freezing (using winter frosts) had been in use by populations in cold climates for
 Food temperatures are reduced to below 0°C to decrease the activity of harmful bacteria
 Freezing food slows down decomposition by turning residual moisture into ice, inhibiting the
growth of most bacterial species
 The process can be used to preserve the majority of foods including fruits, vegetables, meat,
fish, and ready meals

 Advantages :
• Convenient
• Reduce the risk of food poisoning

 Disadvantages :
• Loss of nutrients such as vitamin B and C
• Unappetizing odor
Modified atmosphere packaging ( MAP )
• Modified atmosphere packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables has been
developed in order to reduce postharvest losses and retain quality during
distribution and marketing
• The asmospheric air inside a sealed containers is replaced with a
protective gas containing less or no oxygen which can extend the shelf life
of food

• Advantages :
• For consumers , it can extend the seasons of certain fruit and vegetables

• Disadvantages :
• Once this packages are open , it has normal shelf life
• Smoking is one of the oldest of food preservation methods, probably having arisen shortly
after the development of cooking with fire
• Smoking is the process of flavoring, browning, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it
to smoke from burning or smoldering material, most often wood. Examples of food that
are often smoked are meat and fish

• Advantages :
• It prevents fats from becoming rancid , and prevents mold from forming
• It enhances the smell and flavor of the food being smoked
• Kills certain bacteria and and slows down the growth of others

• Disadvantages :
• Loss of some nutrients
• Requires constant attention and equipment that can be costly
• Consumes too much of smoked food can lead to cancers

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