Price Adjustment in Construction Contract
Price Adjustment in Construction Contract
Price Adjustment in Construction Contract
5. Except labour and POL, if any other adjustable item(s) is not used in a particular billing period then the ratio
of current date price and base date price for that particular adjustable item(s) shall be considered as one.
Application of Price Adjustment
When to Apply Price Adjustment
This risk of price escalation is likely to arise
(i) for goods contracts with long delivery periods;
(ii) for works contracts with long completion periods;
(iii) for major civil works contracts;
(iv) for contracts that contain supplies or commodities whose prices
fluctuate significantly over a short period;
(v) for time-based consulting services, such as construction supervision
services (see footnote 1); and
(vi) due to any unusual circumstances in the market in question.
When Not to Apply Price Adjustment
Price adjustment provisions may not be necessary for
(i) simple supply contracts (i.e., not involving components that are
usually affected by escalating or fluctuating prices) with short delivery
(ii) the procurement of certain types of equipment where normal
commercial practice requires bidders to submit firm prices regardless
of the delivery time, which may be the case for
(a) engineering, procurement, and construction contracting
arrangements; and (b) fixed-price contracts that are common in projects financed by private sector financiers, who
are generally reluctant to accept the risk of cost overruns, as it increases credit risk rating and reduces
financial viability of the project; and
(iii) contracts for the supply, installation, and construction of facilities wherein the value of the permanent works
represents the major part of the estimated cost of the contract. All major equipment is usually supplied from fixed
production lines; thus, an experienced manufacturer should be able to mitigate the risk of price fluctuations
Parameters of Price Adjustment
5. Except labour and POL, if any other adjustable item(s) is not used in a particular billing period then the ratio
of current date price and base date price for that particular adjustable item(s) shall be considered as one.
Price Adjustment Formula
1. Formula for Price Adjustment ( For Large Contract)
The formula mentioned below is in its generalized form. The Employer/user shall at the time of preparation of their
bidding/tender documents shall determine the proportions of A, b, c, d, ……….. by appropriate rate analysis following
the procedure enumerated herein below:
Formula for Price Adjustment:
Pn = A + b Ln/Lo + c Mn/Mo + d En/Eo +................
“Pn” is the Price Adjustment factor for the work carried out in the period “n”.
“A” is a constant or the Non-Adjustable Portion of the Price Adjustment Factor to be specified in Appendix-C to Bid,
representing the Non-Adjustable Portion of the Contract Price.
“b, c, d.........” are Coefficients or weightages of the order of 0.xx (i.e., fractions having two significant digits) for each
specified element of adjustment in the Contract. The sum of A, b, c, d, etc., shall be one.
“Lo, Mo, Eo........” are the Base Date Indices for the specified (adjustable) elements.
“Ln, Mn, En.......” are the Current Date Indices of the specified (adjustable) elements for the period “n”.
If “P” is the amount payable (prior to adjustment) at the rates entered in the Price Schedule of the work carried out
in period “n” then, Adjusted amount payable to the Contractor for the work carried out in the period “n” shall be
equal to Pn*P..
2. Base and Current Dates Prices
The base date and Current date prices of the specified elements shall be obtained from the sources specified in the
3. Elements for Price Adjustment
Specified Elements are subjected to Price Adjustment.
Price Adjustment Formula
Small Works
Pc= Ac +Bc(Imc/Ic)
Pc is the adjustment factor for the portion of the contract price payable in a specific
Ac and Bc are coefficients specified in the particular conditions of contract, representing
nonadjustable (usually 0.10 to 0.20) and adjustable portions, respectively, of the contract
payable in that specific currency “c.” Ac + Bc = 1.
Imc is a consolidated index prevailing at the end of the month being invoiced and Ioc is the
same consolidated index prevailing 28 days before bid opening for inputs payable; both in
specific currency “c.”