BioK 8.2 Cell Respiration AHL

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Essential idea: Energy is

8.2 Cell Respiration (AHL) converted to a usable form

in cell respiration.
ATP is made most commonly
oxidative phosphorylation is used.
The key component in this process
is ATP synthase (below). This
enzyme sits embedded within the
inner membrane of mitochondria.
When hydrogen ions flow through
ATP synthase the motive force is
used to convert ADP and
phosphate into ATP.
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency of cells. It is
unstable and will breakdown into Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
and a phosphate releasing energy (as heat). The energy released by
ATP is held in the bond between the second and the third
phosphates. ATP can therefore be used as a coenzyme in many
parts of the cells metabolism providing the energy needed for
many reactions. Because of it's unstable nature it is only produced
when needed. The purpose of cell respiration therefore it to
breakdown carbohydrates and lipids so that ATP can be produced.

By Chris Paine
Statement Guidance
8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of
electron carriers.
8.2.U2 Phosphorylation of molecules makes them less stable.
8.2.U3 In glycolysis, glucose is converted to pyruvate in the The names of the intermediate compounds in
cytoplasm. gylcolysis is not required.
8.2.U4 Glycolysis gives a small net gain of ATP without the use The names of the intermediate compounds in
of oxygen. gylcolysis is not required.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated
and oxidized, and converted into acetyl compound and
attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in
the link reaction.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is The names of the intermediate compounds in the
coupled to the reduction of hydrogen carriers, liberating Krebs cycle is not required.
carbon dioxide.
8.2.U7 Energy released by oxidation reactions is carried to the
cristae of the mitochondria by reduced NAD and FAD.
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron
transport chain in the membrane of the cristae is
coupled to proton pumping.
8.2.U9 In chemiosmosis protons diffuse through ATP synthase
to generate ATP.
8.2.U10 Oxygen is needed to bind with the free protons to
maintain the hydrogen gradient, resulting in the
formation of water.
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the
function it performs.
Applications and Skills
Statement Guidance
8.2.A1 Electron tomography used to produce images of
active mitochondria.
8.2.S1 Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic
respiration to deduce where decarboxylation and
oxidation reactions occur.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to
indicate the adaptations to its function.

Respiration consists of several different

interlinked metabolic pathways.
m i os osis
electron + che
oxidative = transport
or y lation
phosp h

Respiration consists of several different

interlinked metabolic pathways.
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.

Label the structures:
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.

Label the structures:

Inter-membrane space


ribosomes inner membrane

outer membrane
naked loops of DNA
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.
8.2.A1 Electron tomography used to produce images of active mitochondria.

Electron tomography is a technique for obtaining 3D structures

of sub-cellular structures using electron micrographs.

Electron tomography is improving the understanding

of mitochondria structure and function.

Use the link to find out more:http

8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers.

What is oxidation?
8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers.

What is oxidation?
8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers.

What is oxidation?
8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers.

Who are the electron carries in cell respiration?

The most common hydrogen carrier is NAD
(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)

NAD+ + 2H+ + 2e- NADH + H+

Use the simplified form of the equation omitting

the detail of the H+ ions and electrons:

8.2.U1 Cell respiration involves the oxidation and reduction of electron carriers.

Who are the electron carries in cell respiration?

Another less frequently used hydrogen carrier is
FAD (Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide).

FAD + 2H+ + 2e- FADH2

Use the simplified form of the equation omitting

the detail of the H+ ions and electrons:

glycolysis chemiosmosis

Respiration consists of several different

interlinked metabolic pathways.
8.2.U3 In glycolysis, glucose is converted to pyruvate in the cytoplasm.
8.2.U4 Glycolysis gives a small net gain of ATP without the use of oxygen.
Glycolysis is the splitting of glucose into pyruvate Use the animations to learn about the
process of glycolysis
8.2.U3 In glycolysis, glucose is converted to pyruvate in the cytoplasm.
8.2.U4 Glycolysis gives a small net gain of ATP without the use of oxygen.
Glycolysis is the splitting of glucose into pyruvate

by substrate-level phosphorylation.
8.2.U2 Phosphorylation of molecules makes them less stable.

Phosphorylation is a reaction where a phosphate group (PO43-) is added to an organic

The phosphorylated
molecule is less stable
and therefore reacts
more easily in the
metabolic pathway.

The phosphate group is

usually transferred from ATP

Reactions that would otherwise proceed slowly and require energy into a reaction that
happens quickly releasing energy.
8.2.U3 In glycolysis, glucose is converted to pyruvate in the cytoplasm.
8.2.U4 Glycolysis gives a small net gain of ATP without the use of oxygen.
Glycolysis is the splitting of glucose into pyruvate

In Summary:
• Glycolysis occurs in cytoplasm
• A hexose sugar (e.g. glucose) is phosphorylated using ATP
• The hexose phosphate is then split into two triose phosphates
• Oxidation occurs removing hydrogen
• The hydrogen is used to reduce NAD to NADH
• Four ATP are produced resulting in a net gain of two ATP
• Two pyruvate molecules are produced at the end of glycolysis
link reaction chemiosmosis

Respiration consists of several different

interlinked metabolic pathways.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.
8.2.U5 In aerobic cell respiration pyruvate is decarboxylated and oxidized, and converted into acetyl
compound and attached to coenzyme A to form acetyl coenzyme A in the link reaction.

In Summary:
• pyruvate (from glycolysis) enters the mitochondrion matrix
• enzymes remove one carbon dioxide and hydrogen from the pyruvate
• hydrogen is accepted by NAD to form NADH
• removal of hydrogen is oxidation
• removal of carbon dioxide is decarboxylation
• the link reaction is therefore oxidative decarboxylation
• the product is an acetyl group which reacts with coenzyme A
• acetyl CoA enters Krebs cycle
t n e e d e d , b u t you should
The details are no s ca n b e u sed in
y a c id
be aware that fatt
aerobic respiratio

Glycolysis is not needed, but the reaction is slower.

Kreb’s cycle chemiosmosis
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon
Krebs cycle reduces electron carriers in Use the animations to learn about Krebs
preparation for oxidative phosphorylation cycle
(carbon is released as CO2 as a by-product)
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.

8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.

8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.
8.2.U7 Energy released by oxidation reactions is carried to the cristae of the mitochondria by
reduced NAD and FAD.

The reduced forms of NAD and FAD

carry H+ ions and electrons to the
electron transport chain, is which is
situated in the folds on the inner
membrane, i.e. the cristae.
8.2.U6 In the Krebs cycle, the oxidation of acetyl groups is coupled to the reduction of hydrogen
carriers, liberating carbon dioxide.

In Summary:
• acetyl CoA enters the Krebs cycle
• acetyl group (2C) joins a 4C sugar to form a 6C sugar
• oxidative decarboxylation of the 6C sugar to a 5C compound produces
• oxidative decarboxylation of the 5C compound to a 4C compound
produces CO2
• The process is oxidative as NAD and FAD are reduced by the addition of
• two CO2 are produced per molecule of pyruvate / cycle
• along with three NADH + H+ and one FADH2 per molecule of pyruvate /
• one ATP is produced by substrate level phosphorylation (from ADP + Pi)
per molecule of pyruvate / cycle
• NADH and FADH2 provide electrons to the electron transport chain
transport chemiosmosis
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the
cristae is coupled to proton pumping.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)

The process of oxidative

Int phosphorylation happens
me er- across the inner membrane
sp mb
ac ra
e n e
me er
ma e

A series of integral protein

complexes act as electron carriers
forming the electron transport chain
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the
cristae is coupled to proton pumping.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the
cristae is coupled to proton pumping.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the
cristae is coupled to proton pumping.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
8.2.U8 Transfer of electrons between carriers in the electron transport chain in the membrane of the
cristae is coupled to proton pumping.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
8.2.U9 In chemiosmosis protons diffuse through ATP synthase to generate ATP.
8.2.U9 In chemiosmosis protons diffuse through ATP synthase to generate ATP.

This is the diffusion of ions across a semi-

permeable membrane, through ATP synthase.

Here the ions are protons (H+) and the

transmembrane (integral) protein through which
they flow is the enzyme ATP synthase. This enzyme
catalyses the reaction ADP + Pi  ATP. The flow of
H+ is used to generate ATP.
8.2.U9 In chemiosmosis protons diffuse through ATP synthase to generate ATP.

Oxidative phosphorylation part II:

8.2.U9 In chemiosmosis protons diffuse through ATP synthase to generate ATP.

Oxidative phosphorylation part II:


This creates an electrochemical


The yield of ATP from

chemiosmosis is potentially 32
molecules, but in most conditions
the yield is slightly lower.
Nature of Science: Paradigm shift—the chemiosmotic theory led to a paradigm
shift in the field of bioenergetics. (2.3)

In 1961 Peter Mitchell proposed the chemiosmotic theory.

His ideas explained how synthesis is coupled to

electron transport and proton movement.

His ideas were very different to previous explanations.

It takes time for scientists working in a field to accept

paradigm shifts, even when there is strong evidence.

After many years the theory was accepted. Peter Mitchell

received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1978

Find out more:
8.2.U10 Oxygen is needed to bind with the free protons to maintain the hydrogen gradient, resulting
in the formation of water.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
8.2.U10 Oxygen is needed to bind with the free protons to maintain the hydrogen gradient, resulting
in the formation of water.

Oxidative phosphorylation part I:

electron transport chain (ETC)
A summary of oxidative phosphorylation (8.2.U8 – 8.2.U10)
Use the animations to learn to check your
understanding of oxidative phosphorylation.
A summary of oxidative phosphorylation (8.2.U8 – 8.2.U10)
A summary of oxidative phosphorylation (8.2.U8 – 8.2.U10)

• the electron transport chain is situated on the inner mitochondrial

• hydrogen is transferred to the electron transport chain by hydrogen carriers,
i.e. NADH and FADH2
• The hydrogen carriers release electrons which are transferred between
carriers this releases energy …
• …. which is used to pump H+ ions (from the matrix) across inner membrane
• H+ ions to accumulate in the inter-membrane space creating a concentration
• H+ ions return to the matrix through ATP synthase
• Down the electrochemical concentration gradient
• This produces ATP by chemiosmosis
• oxygen is the final electron acceptor for the electron transport chain
• oxygen combines with electrons and H+ ions to produce water
8.2.S1 Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic respiration to deduce where
decarboxylation and oxidation reactions occur.

1. Indicate two places where

decarboxylation occurs. (1)

2. Explain why the given places where

selected. (1)
8.2.S1 Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic respiration to deduce where
decarboxylation and oxidation reactions occur.

1. Indicate two places where

decarboxylation occurs. (1)

2. Explain why the given places where decarboxylation

selected. (1)

The molecule reduces the number of

carbon atoms it contains in each
place, therefore each reaction must
be a decarboxylation.

decarboxylation decarboxylation
8.2.S1 Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic respiration to deduce where
decarboxylation and oxidation reactions occur.

3. The diagram shows the three stages of glycolysis.

Which processes are indicated by I, II and III?

A Lysis Phosphorylation Oxidation and ATP
B Oxidation and Phosphorylation Lysis
ATP formation
C Phosphorylation Lysis Oxidation and ATP
D Phosphorylation Oxidation and Lysis
ATP formation
8.2.S1 Analysis of diagrams of the pathways of aerobic respiration to deduce where
decarboxylation and oxidation reactions occur.

3. The diagram shows the three stages of glycolysis.

Which processes are indicated by I, II and III?

A Lysis Phosphorylation Oxidation and ATP
B Oxidation and Phosphorylation Lysis
ATP formation
C Phosphorylation Lysis Oxidation and ATP
D Phosphorylation Oxidation and Lysis
ATP formation
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.

Annotate the labelled structures:


Now you k Inter-membrane space

now the
processes a
nd where
they happe


ribosomes inner membrane

outer membrane
naked loops of DNA
8.2.U11 The structure of the mitochondrion is adapted to the function it performs.
8.2.S2 Annotation of a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptations to its function.

Annotate the labelled structures: fluid containing enzymes  for the

Krebs cycle and the link reaction.
Inter-membrane space
Small space  H+ ions pumped
into the space quickly generate a
high concentration gradient for
Folds in the innner
membrane  increase cristae
surface area available for
oxidative phosphorylation

ribosomes inner membrane

Synthesises proteins, contains the integral
including enzymes proteins that make up the
used in aerobic electron transport chain
respiration. and ATP synthase 
outer membrane electron transport and
naked loops of DNA contains the contents of the chemiosmosis
mitochondrion  enables optimal
Necessary mitochondria
conditions for aerobic respiration
function, including protein
Bibliography / Acknowledgments

Jason de Nys

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