By Jayamalie, Prashadhi, Dicra, Shanya, Vikum Ya, Shenal, Ashik, Hashan & Roshen

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 By;

Jayamalie, Prashadhi, Dicra, Shanya, Vki um

ya, Shenal , Ashik, Hashan & Roshen

Basic Principle How Incandescent Lamps

 In 1802, Humphry Davy demonstrated that by running
electricity through a thin strip of metal, that strip could
be heated to temperatures high enough so they
would give off light. The strip of metal, called a
filament, is resistance to the electricity flowing
through it (the thinner the metal, the higher
resistance). The resistance turns the electrical
energy into heat, and when the filament becomes
white-hot, it gives off light. It incandesces because of
the heat.
 In the decades of Davy's demonstration, other scientists
and inventors tried to develop workable incandescent
lamps. But these lamps were delicate, unreliable, short
lived, and expensive to operate. The lifetime was short
because the filaments used would burn up in air. To
combat the short lifetime, early developers used thick, low
resistance filaments, but heating them to incandescence
required large electrical currents and generating current
was costly.

 These problems arose in improving the technologies of

the incandescent lamp.
 1802- Humphry Davy, had the most
powerful battery and he created the first
incandescent light bulb by passing
current through a platinum strip.

 By 1964, improvements in production of

incandescent lamps increased since
Edison’s lighting system.
 The Incandescent light bulb produces light by
heating a metal filament wire to a high
temperature until it glows.
 the hot filament is protected from oxidation in
the air with a glass enclose that is filled with
inert gas or evacuated.
 In a halogen lamp, filament evaporation is
prevented by a chemical process that redeposit
metal vapor into the filament, extending its life.
 the light bulb is supplied with electrical current
by feed-through terminals or wires embedded in
the glass.
 Most bulbs are used in a socket which provides
mechanical support and electrical

Availability of
incandescent lights
 Incandescent bulbs are available in a wide range
of sizes, light output, and voltage ratings, from
1.5 volts to about 300 volts. They require no
external regulating equipment, have low
manufacturing costs, and work equally well on
either alternating current or direct current. As a
result, the incandescent lamp is used often in
household and commercial lighting, especially for
portable lighting such as table lamps, car
headlamps, flashlights , and for decorative and
I ncandescent l i ght s ar e
avai l abl e i n various forms,
sizes and shapes.21 Few categories
including these 22
can be l i s t e d
as follows 23







I believed that light is ________
 For Decorative purposes

 Globe shaped incandescent :


 Tubular incandescent
lights :
 Coloured incandescent

 Low voltage incandescent

 Antique replica incandescent lights

 Incandescent black lights

What color is electric light?

A glowing filament is white, and we

describe its incandescent light as white.
However, the actual wavelength
components of different electric light
sources vary, so that we perceive white
with a bluish cast as "cool" and white with
a pinkish cast as "warm". As these labels
are vague, tools such as the color
rendering index (CRI) and color
Color temperature

Color temperature is a
description of the warmth
or coolness of a light
source. When a piece of
metal is heated, the color
of light it emits will change.
This color begins as red
in appearance and
graduates to orange,
yellow, white, and then
blue-white to deeper
colors of blue.

The uses of Incandescent bulbs can be

categorized into two different ways.

1.The uses of incandescent bulbs as a mode

of light

2.The uses of heat generated by the filament

of the Incandescent bulbs
 Household lighting

 C o m m e r c i a l lighting

 Table l a m p s

 Car headlamps

 Flashlights

 Decorative a n d a d v e r t i s i n g
 I n c a n d e s c e n t b u l b s a r e less
efficient t h a n se ver al
o t h e r m o d e r n t y p e s of light

 Most i n c a n d e s c e n t b u l b s convert
less t h a n 5% of t h e e n e r g y t h e y
u s e into vi s ib le light w i t h t h e
remaining energy being
c o n v e r t e d into h e a t .
Screw Type
The screw type is very common with incandescent
bulbs. Screw cap is simply a screw that is twisted
into the socket, and is known more precisely as the
Edison screw cap after its inventor, Thomas Edison.

They come in a variety of different diameters, from a

small screw cap to a giant screw, a factor that ensures
only the right bulb can ever be fitted. This style is not
exclusive to any particular appliance, though recessed
down lights all make good use of it. Halogen and CFL
lights are all widely available with screw caps, making
it easy for home owners to switch from the
incandescent to the greener option.
Pin Type
The bi pin cap has a number of different designs, but it can be fixed by pushing the
bulb into the socket and held tightly there. The pins themselves can be different in
appearance. For example, the miniature halogen clear capsule has a g9 bi pin
cap, which has pins that appear more like hooped wires. The gu10 bi
pin, meanwhile, has pins that seem more like short metal stumps through the base
of the cap.

The range of bi pin caps is surprisingly wide, but not only because of the style of
the pins. Generally the model number is an indication of the measurement between
the pins, with g9 halogen bulbs boasting a space of 9mm between the two pins.
This type of bulb is used for small decorative light fittings around the house.
Spotlights and recessed lights, however, most often use gu10 LED bulbs, which
have pins spaced 10mm apart that work on a twist and lock basis. One of the
advantages of this model is that it is widely recognised as one of the safest types of
mains voltage caps since the live parts are concealed in the socket. When it comes to
fluorescent tubes, the pins are different in structure again, simply protruding from
both ends. However, CFL bulbs can increase to 4ending on the particul
pins, depar
bulb design.
 Cost of lighting
 The initial cost of an incandescent bulb is small compared to the
cost of the energy it uses over its lifetime. A comparison of
incandescent lamp operating cost with other light sources must
consider the luminous efficacy of each lamp. The comparison
must include illumination requirements, capital cost of the
lamp, labor cost to replace lamps, various depreciation factors
for light output as the lamp ages, effect of lamp operation on
heating and air conditioning systems, and energy consumption
as well.[
 40w=75/-
 60w=75/-
 75w=70/-
 100=70/-
Ar eas t o be
u se
 Incandescent bulbs can to be use any kind
of areas.
As ex:- rooms, passage
areas, houses, exterior
interior lightings (houses
and buildings) also. client
It depend on what islights.
t wants, colors, cost

I believed that light is ________

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