Expressions in C++
Expressions in C++
Expressions in C++
Arithmetic 2
Arithmetic 3
Arithmetic Operators
The built-in arithmetic operations are
• Addition +
• Subtraction
• Multiplication *
• Division /
• Modulus % (remainder)
Arithmetic 4
Arithmetic expression
• An arithmetic operator can be used with any numeric type
• An operand is a number or a variable used by an operator
• Results of the operator depend upon the types of
Division /
Integer Division
Arithmetic 7
Modulus %
% operator gives the remainder from integer
int divisor, dividend, remainder;
remainder=dividend % divisor;
Z = P * R % Q + W / X - Y ;
6 1 2 4 3 5
Arithmetic 10
// Prints the sum, difference, etc. of given integers.
#include <iostream>
void main(){
int m = 6, n = 7;
cout << "The integers are " << m << " and " << n << endl;
cout << "Their sum is " << (m+n) << endl;
cout << "Their difference is " << (m-n) << endl;
cout << "Their product is " << (m*n) << endl;
cout << "Their quotient is " << (m/n) << endl;
cout << "Their remainder is " << (m%n) << endl << endl << endl;
Arithmetic 11
Assignment Expression
We will usually see an assignment operation in this format:
<variable> = <expression>
For example,
c = 0;
c = c + 3;
average = sum / count;
Arithmetic 12
Compound Assignment
c = c + 3; same as c +=3;
The += operation adds the value of the expression of the right to the
value of the variable on the left and stores the result in the variable on the
In general, <var> = <var> op <exp>; can be written as:
<var> op = <exp>;
c = 4; //same as c = c 4;
c *= 5; //same as c = c *5;
c /= 6; //same as c = c /6;
Can we reverse the order of the double operator? Say, c = 4;
No. This simply is the same as the assignment c = 4;
Arithmetic 13
int c;
c = 5;
cout << c << endl; // outputs 5
cout << c++ << endl; // outputs 5 (then increments)
cout << c << endl << endl; // outputs 6
c = 5;
cout << c << endl; // outputs 5
cout << ++c << endl; // outputs 6 (after incrementing)
cout << c << endl; // outputs 6
Grade Point Average Arithmetic 15
Arithmetic 18
Relational operator
• A Boolean expression is an expression that is either
true or false.
• Boolean expressions are evaluated using relational
operations such as:-
Arithmetic 20
Logical operator
Combine two relational expressions
• &&
• ||
Arithmetic 21
Arithmetic 22
Boolean Expressions
Boolean expressions are evaluated using values from the truth table
Arithmetic 23