Contracts, Specification Laws and Ethics in Civil Engineering
Contracts, Specification Laws and Ethics in Civil Engineering
Contracts, Specification Laws and Ethics in Civil Engineering
3. Moral Coherence − After having gone through all the logical and moral
facts, consistent and comprehensive view points are to be formed based
upon a consideration of relevant facts.
Steps to deal with Ethical
4. Moral Imagination − The moral issues and the practical issues have
to be dealt separately.
o Consequential Ethics
The Consequential ethics are values the outcome of which
determine the morality behind a particular action.
o Non-Consequential Ethics
The non-consequential ethics are values followed where
the source of morality comes from the standard values.
Types of Ethical Theories
o Golden Mean
The Golden Mean virtue can be understood as the virtue of
reaching a proper balance between extremes in conduct,
emotion, desire and attitude.
1. Micro-Ethics
This approach stresses more on the problems that occur on a daily
basis in the field of engineering and its practice by engineers.
2. Macro-Ethics
This approach deals with social problems which are unknown.
However, these problems may unexpectedly face the heat at both
regional and national levels.
Moral Dilemma
3. Inquiries
The inquiry of details involved in the issue is to be completely
Steps in Facing Moral Dilemmas
4. Discussions
Discussions are to be made with other members as different
minds look at the issue in different views to give different
5. Final Solution
After analyzing different perspectives and considering the
facts and reasons on the basis of truths and understanding
the flaws which lead to the issue, a final solution has to be
drawn out.
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
2. Being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public their
employers/employees and clients.
1. Civil Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the
public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable
development in the performance of their duties.
4. Civil Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client
as faithful agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
Fundamental Canon
5. Civil Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit
of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others.