Cistomers Role in SM - 12

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Customer’s Role in Service

Creating Value

 By participating in
the service delivery
process, customers
create value for
How Customers Widen the Service
Performance Gap

How Customers Widen the Service
Performance Gap

 Lack of understanding of their roles

 Not being willing or able to perform their roles

 No rewards for “good performance”

 Incompatible market segments - able to exist or occur together without

problems or conflict.

Characteristics of Service that Increase the Importance of Compatible

Importance of Other Customers in Service

 Other customers can detract from satisfaction

 disruptive behaviors

 excessive crowding

 incompatible needs

 Other customers can enhance satisfaction

 mere presence

 socialization/friendships

 roles: assistants, teachers, supporters

Customer Roles in Service

Productive Resources

Contributors to
Quality and

Customer as Productive Resource

Co-Creating services
Contributors to Quality and Satisfaction

 Customers can contribute to Which customer will be more

satisfied ?
• their own satisfaction with the service
 by performing their role effectively A or B
 by working with the service provider

• the quality of the service they receive

 by asking questions
 by taking responsibility for their own satisfaction
 by complaining when there is a service failure
Customers as competitors

Internal Exchange- Whether to

produce service themselves e.g Child
care, home maintenance, car repair
External Exchange – or have
someone else provide service e.g
financial advisor

Ikea DIY

internal/external decision often based on:

economic rewards
psychic rewards
Technology Spotlight:
Services Production Continuum

Customer Production Joint Production Firm Production

1 2 3 4 5 6

Gas Station Illustration

1. Customer fills petrol and pays at the petrol filling station with automation
2. Customer fills petrol and goes inside to pay attendant
3. Customer fills petrol and attendant takes payment at the pump
4. Attendant fills petrol and customer pays at the pump with automation
5. Attendant fills petrol and customer goes inside to pay attendant
6. Attendant fills petrol and attendant takes payment at the pump

Can you think of SST’s that occupy far left end of customer participation
A Proliferation of Self-Service Technologies

 ATMs  Online banking

 Pay at the pump  Online vehicle registration
 Airline check-in  Online auctions
 Hotel check-in, out  Home and car buying
 Automated car rental online
 Blood pressure machines  Package tracking
 Tax prep software  Internet shopping
 Self-checkout  Distance education

 Strategies for Enhancing Customer
-Child care centers
-Ikea requires parents
-Mentoring system participation
in universities -Online resources
-Health Clubs and customer
-Churches handbooks e.g
-Social patient material
organizations -Orientation kits
-Influencers – -Mc Donald's hired
online customers to
appropriate buying
Ritz Carlton
Kings Island
Class Exercise

Discuss the customer’s role as a productive resource for the firm.

Describe a time when you played this role. What did you do and
how did you feel? Did the firm help you perform your role
effectively? If so, how?

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