Compensation Management and Incentives: Mr. Kumar Satyam Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi
Compensation Management and Incentives: Mr. Kumar Satyam Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi
Compensation Management and Incentives: Mr. Kumar Satyam Amity University Jharkhand, Ranchi
Compensation means the reward that is received by an employee for the work
performed in an organization.
The management should ensure that compensation structure is designed after taking
into account certain factors such as qualification, experience, attitude and prevailing
rates in the markets.
Compensation System:
Compensation is a tool used by management for safeguarding the existence of the
company. Compensation can be of two types: direct and indirect.
Direct Compensation Indirect Compensation
• Basic pay • Provident fund
• Dearness Allowance • Gratuity
• Cash Allowance • Pension
• Incentive Pay • Insurance
• Bonus • Medical Leave
• Commission • Accident Benefits
• Profit Sharing • Maternity Leave
• Stock Option, and so on. • Sick Leave
• Casual Leave
• Travelling Allowance
• Telephone Bill, and so on.
1. The compensation should be paid to each employee on the basis of their abilities
and training.
2. Compensation should be in the form of package.
3. It should motivate the employees towards increasing productivity.
4. It should be capable of taking care of employees for safety and security needs also.
5. It should be flexible and clear.
6. It should not be excessive.
7. Compensation should be decided by the management as per the norms fixed by the
legislations in consultation with the union.
Principles (Compensation Management):
1. Ability to pay
2. Non-discriminatory
3. Legal compliance
4. Simple and flexible
5. Employee development
6. Performance orientation
7. Equity considerations
1. Basic wage/salary: Basic wage provides the foundation of pay packet. It is a price
for services rendered. Base wage is the cash compensation that an employer pays
for the work performed.
Also called as Cost of Living Allowance, the special allowance thus paid aimed at
neutralizing the increasing cost of living due to inflation and thus protect the real
wages of the wage earners.
3. Bonus: Bonus is defined as “an allowance in addition to what is usual, current or
stipulated; sum given or paid beyond what is legally required to be paid to the
recipient; something given in addition to what is ordinarily received by or strictly
due to the recipient”.
The word ‘bonus’ is also sometimes used to denote an incentive payment to the
workers aimed at enhancing their efficiency and loyalty to their organization.
Fringe benefits are also referred to as ‘Perquisites’ or ‘perks’. Perks include chauffeur
driven car, corporate aircraft, and company apartment, home security, club
membership, paternity leave, self defence training, company credit card, etc.
Designing and Administration of Wage and Salary Structure:
Developing/Designing a Wage and Salary Program/Structure:
The development of a compensation program involves four basic factors:
1. Establishing the wage level: In setting the compensation level, the manager
should consider the prevailing wage rate for local firms with similar jobs, the size
of the organization, and the firm’s financial position.
2. Setting the wage structure: The organization’s wage structure is the relative
compensation levels for various positions within the firm. The structure should
define both the base salary and the salary range for each position and the relative
salaries of each position in the firm.
Designing and Administration of Wage and Salary Structure:
Developing/Designing a Wage and Salary Program/Structure:
The development of a compensation program involves four basic factors:
3. Designing incentive systems: In order to be effective, any incentive system
requires that a good system of performance evaluation be in place.
Performance based incentives can increase productivity. However, basing too large
a portion of compensation on performance, particularly for lower wage level jobs,
can give some workers the feeling of too much uncertainty.
4. Setting individual wages within the wage and incentive structure: The
preceding steps have established the wage structure and incentive system and
determined compensation ranges for each position.
The final step is to set individual compensation. The performance evaluation
should be used to help set the compensation within the salary range.
Designing and Administration of Wage and Salary Structure:
Administration of Wage and Salary structure:
A sound wage policy is to adopt a job evaluation programme in order to establish fair
differentials in wages based upon differences in job contents.
Beside the basic factors provided by a job description and job evaluation, those that are
usually taken into consideration for wage and salary administration are:
• The organizations ability to pay
• Supply and demand of labour
• The prevailing market rate
• The cost of living
• Productivity
• Trade unions bargaining power
• Job requirements
• Psychological and sociological factors
• Levels of skills available in the market, and so on.
International Compensation
International compensation refers to all forms of monetary and non-monetary rewards
that employees of an international organization receive from their employer in
exchange for providing their labour and commitment for international assignments.
Designing and developing a better compensation package for HR professionals for the
international assignments requires knowledge of taxation, employment laws, and
foreign currency fluctuation by the HR professionals.
It is easy to develop the compensation package for the parent country national but
difficult to manage the host and third country nationals.
International Compensation
1. Attract and retain employees who are qualified and interested in international
2. Facilitate the movement of expatriates from one subsidiary to another, from home
to subsidiaries, and from subsidiaries back home.
3. Provide a consistent and reasonable relationship between the pay levels of
employees at headquarters, domestic affiliates, and foreign subsidiaries.
4. Increase and maintain employee motivation.
5. Must be perceived as fair by the employees.
6. Secure consistency between pay and performance & equity among employees of
different nationalities and categories.
7. Assist the employee and family adapt to the host country culture.
8. Reduce employee grievances and simplify collective bargaining procedures.
9. To ensure that the package is both competitive and comparable.
International Compensation
1. Base Salary: It denotes the main component of a package of allowances directly
related to the base salary and the basis for in-service benefits and pension
contributions. Base salary actually forms the foundation block of the international
2. Benefits: The aspect of benefits is often very complicated to deal with. For
instance, pension plans normally differ from country to country due to difference in
national practices. Thus all these and other benefits (medical coverage, social
security) are difficult to imitate across countries.
Other kinds of benefits that are offered are:
• Vacation and special leaves
• Rest and rehabilitation leaves
• Emergency provisions like death or illness in the family
International Compensation
3. Allowances: One of the most common kinds of allowance internationally is the
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA). It typically involves a payment to compensate
for the differences in the cost of living between the two countries resulting in an
eventual difference in the expenditure made.
Other major allowances that are often made are:
• Home leave allowance
• Education allowance
• Relocation allowance
• Spouse assistance (compensates for the loss of income due to spouse losing
their job)
International Compensation
4. Incentives: In recent years some MNC have been designing special incentives
programmes for keeping expatriate motivated. In the process a growing number of
firms have dropped the ongoing premium for overseas assignment and replaced it
with on time lump-sum premium.
b. Tax Protection: The employee pays up to the amount of taxes he or she would
pay on remuneration in the home country. In such a situation, the employee is
entitled to any windfall received if total taxes are less in the foreign country
than in the home country.
International Compensation
6. Long Term Benefits: The most common long term benefits offered to employees
of MNCs are Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOS).