Measuring GDP and Economic Growth: Chapter 4 Lecture
Measuring GDP and Economic Growth: Chapter 4 Lecture
Measuring GDP and Economic Growth: Chapter 4 Lecture
Gross Domestic Product
GDP Defined
Gross Domestic Product
Market Value
◦ GDP is a market value—goods and services are valued at their market
◦ To add apples and oranges, computers and popcorn, we add the market
values so we have a total value of output in dollars.
Final Goods and Services
◦ GDP is the value of the final goods and services produced.
◦ A final good (or service) is an item bought by its final user during a
specified time period.
◦ A final good contrasts with an intermediate good, which is an item that is
produced by one firm, bought by another firm, and used as a component of
a final good or service.
◦ Excluding the value of intermediate goods and services avoids counting
the same value more than once.
Gross Domestic Product
Produced Within a Country
◦GDP measures production within a country—domestic
In a Given Time Period
◦GDP measures production during a specific time period,
normally a year or a quarter of a year.
Gross Domestic Product
The sum of the red flows equals the blue flow.
The blue and red flows are the circular flow of expenditure and
That is: Y = C + I + G + X – M
Gross Domestic Product
The circular flow shows two ways of measuring GDP.
GDP Equals Expenditure Equals Income
Total expenditure on final goods and services equals GDP.
GDP = C + I + G + X – M.
Aggregate income equals the total amount paid for the use
of factors of production: wages, interest, rent, and profit.
Firms pay out all their receipts from the sale of final
goods, so income equals expenditure,
◦ Y = C + I + G + (X – M).
Measuring National Income
VALUE ADDED in a Five-Stage Production Process
Expenditure vs. Income Approach
Consumption by Wages
Investment by Rents
Businesses G +
+ = D= Interest
Purchases P +
By Foreigners Adjustments
GDP as Expenditures
GDP is the sum of the amount each sector
(households, investors, governments, and foreigners)
spends on final user goods and services.
There are four components of GDP:
GDP = C + I + G + NX
Personal Consumption
Consumer Durables
Durable has a life of over 3 years: cars, furniture,
Consumer Non-Durables
Goods with a life of less than three years: food,
utilities, clothing
Housing, healthcare, recreation, education
Investment: Adding to
the Capital Stock
Flows and Stocks
◦ A stock is a quantity: capital, inventories and wealth are
stock variables
◦ A flow is an addition to or a subtraction from a stock:
Investment and income are flow variables
Investment in National Stocks
◦ Residential Investment (homes)
◦ Non-residential Investment (business investments in
structures and equipment)
◦ Changes in Inventories (changes get registered)
Net Investment
Gross Investment
- Depreciation or Capital Consumption Allowance
= Net Investment
Stock of & Government Stock of
Capital Spending Capital
Defense, Government investments in roads and other infrastructure, government services such as Department of Motor
Vehicles. Police and Congress are all expenditures.
Transfer payments represent money redistributed from one group of citizens (taxpayers) to another (poor, unemployed,
While transfers are included in government budgets as outlays they are not purchases of currently produced goods and
Does not result in production of new goods and services
Does not included in government purchases or in GDP
◦ Examples: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and Interest payments on national debt
External Accounts
Imports (M): Product Accounts: Goods and Services
Exports (X): Product Accounts: Goods and Services
Net Exports = NX = X – M
If NX = X – M > 0 Trade Surplus
If NX = X – M < 0 Trade Deficit
Measuring U.S. GDP
The sum of all factor incomes is net domestic
income at factor cost.
Two adjustments must be made to get GDP:
Measuring U.S. GDP
Nominal GDP and Real GDP
◦Real GDP is the value of final goods and services
produced in a given year when valued at valued at
the prices of a reference base year.
◦Currently, the reference base year is 2005 and we
describe real GDP as measured in 2005 dollars.
◦Nominal GDP is the value of goods and services
produced during a given year valued at the prices that
prevailed in that same year.
◦Nominal GDP is just a more precise name for GDP.
Measuring U.S. GDP
Calculating Real GDP
• Table 4.3 (a) shows the quantities
produced and the prices in 2009 (the
base year).
• Nominal GDP in 2009 is $100
• Because 2009 is the base year, real
GDP equals nominal GDP and is $100
•Table 4.3(b) shows the quantities
produced and the prices in 2014.
Measuring U.S. GDP
The Uses and Limitations of Real GDP
TheStandard of Living Over Time
◦Real GDP per person is real GDP divided by the population.
◦Real GDP per person tells us the value of goods and services
that the average person can enjoy.
◦By using real GDP, we remove any influence that rising
prices and a rising cost of living might have had on our
comparison. Long-Term Trend
◦A handy way of comparing real GDP per person over time is
to express it as a ratio of some reference year.
◦For example, in 1960, real GDP per person was $15,850 and
in 2012, it was $42,800.
◦So real GDP per person in 2012 was 2.7 times its 1960 level
—that is, $42,800 ÷ $15,850 = 2.7.
The Uses and Limitations of Real GDP
◦Two features of our expanding living standard are
The growth of potential GDP per person
Fluctuations of real GDP around potential GDP
◦The value of real GDP when all the economy’s
labor, capital, land, and entrepreneurial ability are
fully employed is called potential GDP.
Real and Potential GDP
The Uses and Limitations of Real GDP
The Uses and Limitations of Real GDP
Limitations of Real GDP
◦Real GDP measures the value of goods and services
that are bought in markets.
◦Some of the factors that influence the standard of
living and that are not part of GDP are
Household production
Underground economic activity
Health and life expectancy
Leisure time
Environmental quality
Political freedom and social justice
What GDP Does and Does Not Capture
Can you think of other activities not captured by GDP
that ought to be included?
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)*
Adjust GDP for welfare-reducing activities such as
resource depletion; environmental damage; crime;
and quality of life.
Business Cycles
Real GDP Fluctuations— The Business Cycle
A business cycle is a periodic but irregular up-and-down movement of total
production and other measures of economic activity.
Every cycle has two phases:
1. Expansion
2. Recession
and two turning points:
1. Peak
2. Trough
Business Cycles
An expansion is a
period during which real
GDP increases—from a
trough to a peak.
Recession is a period
during which real GDP
decreases—its growth
rate is negative for at least
two successive quarters.