Group 8: Jeremia Partogi Sitorus Ruth Deby Loren Banurea
Group 8: Jeremia Partogi Sitorus Ruth Deby Loren Banurea
Group 8: Jeremia Partogi Sitorus Ruth Deby Loren Banurea
2. The status is supported by new facilities and buildings occupied since September 2018
7. The 1st floor consists of: Locker Room, Discussiom Room, Book Shop, Reading Room, Borrowing, Returns, Short Loan
Collections, Reference Collections, Serial Issues (Journals, Magazines, Newspapers), Information, Mushola
8. The 5th floor consists of: Multimedia, (Home Theater 3D, Audio Visual), Cubic
3). The status is supported by new facilities and buildings occupied since ……… 2013
5). The Medan State University (Unimed) library is one of the best libraries in …..
6). Digital Library located on Jalan ……….., ……., Kenangan Baru, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency
7). The 5th floor consists of: Multimedia, (…………., ………..), Cubic
8). On July 14, 1998 the head of the Library Technical Implementation Unit was handed over from …………, M.Lib. T
o Dra. Ratnawati Dora, SIP until now.
9). The Unimed Digital Library building consists of …… floors with better facilities
10). In 1969 the new library occupied a separate building with a size of …... m2 with two floors.
3. Wh Question
5). Where is the Unimed Library before moving to the Willem Iskandar Street?
6). Why in 1984 Drs. M. Tambunan was replaced by Drs. Belling Siregar as a library leader?
7). What are the facilities on the 1st floor of the library?
9). When the status of the library becomes a Technical Implementing Unit?
10). Why the Medan State University (Unimed) library is one of the best libraries in Indonesi