Project Report in Accountancy: - Submitted by - Nishan Pant - Grade - 11 - Section D

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Project report in Accountancy

• Submitted by – Nishan Pant

• Grade - 11
• Section D

• I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher (Mr. Manoj

Tiwari) as well as our principal (C. A. McFarland)who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on Accountancy, which also helped me in
doing a lot of Research and i came to know about so many new things I am really
thankful to them.
Secondly i would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
Project : 1
Case Study
• After graduation a person name Rohit started a business. He started a
business of selling sandwich. He took a space on rent and opened a
sandwich store named Yummy Bites. From his past saving he invested Rs.
50000/- on his business entity. He buys stove, grill and chimney for Rs.
3000/- , Computer form kishor for Rs. 5000/- , Furniture For 5000/- , He
purchased an oven for Rs. 5000/-, He bought goods like bread, vegetable
etc for 7000/-. His business got started and customers has visited his store.
He hire an employee and paid him Rs. 5000/- as a first month salary. He
paid Rent of Rs. 5000/-. He paid electricity bill of 3000/- , Telephone bill
of 2000/-, Paid internet bill for Rs. 1000/- and paid tax to the government
of Rs. 4000/-. He sold the sandwich for the total of Rs. 60000/-. He
purchased a filing cabinet for Rs. 500/-. He purchased government
securities for Rs. 1500/-.
Preparation of Journal

Date Particulars LF Debit Rs. Credit Rs.

1 Cash a/c …………………………… Dr. 50,000
To Capital a/c 50,000
(Being business started with cash)

2 Purchase a/c ………………………. Dr. 3,000

To cash a/c 3,000
(Being stove, grill , oven , chimney purchased)

3 Ram’s a/c ……………………….. Dr. 5,000

To sales a/c 5,000
(Being goods sold to Ram on credit)

4 Cash a/c …………………………….Dr. 5,000

To ram a/c
(Being received cash from ram) 5,000
Date Particulars LF Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
March ‘
5 Purchase a/c …………………………. Dr. 5,000
To cash a/c 5,000
(Being Furniture purchased)

6 Purchase a/c …………………………. Dr. 7,000

To cash a/c 7,000
(Being purchased of goods)

7 Salary a/c …………………………….. Dr. 5,000

To cash a/c 5,000
(Being the payment of salary)

8 Rent a/c ………………………………. Dr. 5,000

To cash a/c 5,000
(Being the payment of Rent)

9 charge a/c ………………… Dr.

Electricity 3,000
To cash a/c 3,000
(Being electricity charge paid)

Telephone 2,000
To cash a/c 2,000
(Being Telephone charge paid)
Date Particulars LF Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Internet 1,000
To cash a/c 1,000
(Being Internet bill paid)
6,000 6,000
12 Government tax a/c…………………Dr. 4,000
To cash a/c 4,000
(Being government tax paid)

13 Cash a/c…………………………….Dr. 20,000

To sales a/c 20,000
(Being goods sold for cash in a month)

14 Purchase a/c…………………Dr. 1,000

To cash a/c 1,000
(Being filing cabinet purchased)

15 Purchase a/c……………Dr 4,000

To cash a/c 4,000
(Being government securities purchased)
Posting into Ledger
Cash Account
Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
1 To Capital a/c 50,000 2 By Purchase a/c 7,000
13 To sales a/c 20,000 5 By Purchase a/c 5,000
4 To Ram a/c 5,000 6 By Purchase a/c 7,000
31,000 14 By Purchase a/c 1,000
15 By Purchase a/c 4,000
7 By salary a/c 5,000
8 By rent a/c 5,000
9 By charge a/c 6,000
12 By Government tax a/c 4,000

31 By balance c/d

75,000 75,000
April 1 To balance b/d
Purchase account

Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
2 To cash a/c 7,000
5 To cash a/c 5,000
6 To cash a/c 7,000
14 To cash a/c 1,000
15 To cash a/c 4,000
31 By balance c/d 24,000

24,000 24,000

April 1 To balance b/d


Ram’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
3 To sales a/c 5,000 4 By cash a/c 5,000
5,000 5,000
April 1 By balance b/d 5,000
Sales account
Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
31 To balance c/d 25,000 4 By Ram a/c 5,000
13 By cash a/c 20,000

25,000 25,000
April 1 By balance b/d 25,000

Capital Account

Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
31 To balance c/d 50,000 1 By cash 50,000

50,000 50,000
April 1 By balance b/d 50,000
Salary account

Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
7 To cash a/c 5,000
31 By balance c/d 5,000

5,000 5,000
April 1 To balance b/d 5,000

Tax account
Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
12 To cash a/c 4,000
31 By balance c/d 4,000

4,000 4,000
April 1 To balance b/d 4,000
Rent Account

Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
8 To cash a/c 5,000
31 By Balance c/d 5,000

5,000 5,000

April 1 To balance b/d 5,000

Charge Account
Dr. Cr.
Date/ Particulars JF Amount Date/ Particular JF Amount
March March
9 To cash a/c 6,000 31 By balance c/d 6,000
6,000 6,000
April 1 To balance b/d 6,000
Trial Balance

S.N Account Heads LF Debit rs. Credit rs.

1 Cash……………………………… 31,000
2 Purchase………………………… 24,000
3 Ram……………………………… 5,000 5,000
4 Sales……………………………… 25,000
5 Capital…………………………… 50,000
6 Salary……………………………. 5,000
7 Tax……………………………….. 4,000
8 Rent……………………………… 5,000
9 Charge…………………………… 6,000

Total……………………………. 80,000 80,000

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