The document discusses several theories related to health communication, including behavioral and social science theories, mass communication theories, and marketing and social marketing theories. It provides examples of specific theories such as the diffusion of innovation theory, health belief model, social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action, stages of behavior change model, and communication for persuasion theory. It also outlines the process of health communication as having several interrelated phases, including defining problems, analyzing audiences, identifying intervention strategies, developing messages, identifying appropriate channels, and methods of communication.
The document discusses several theories related to health communication, including behavioral and social science theories, mass communication theories, and marketing and social marketing theories. It provides examples of specific theories such as the diffusion of innovation theory, health belief model, social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action, stages of behavior change model, and communication for persuasion theory. It also outlines the process of health communication as having several interrelated phases, including defining problems, analyzing audiences, identifying intervention strategies, developing messages, identifying appropriate channels, and methods of communication.
Original Title
(10) Teori-teori Terkait Komunikasi Kesehatan (Widy)
The document discusses several theories related to health communication, including behavioral and social science theories, mass communication theories, and marketing and social marketing theories. It provides examples of specific theories such as the diffusion of innovation theory, health belief model, social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action, stages of behavior change model, and communication for persuasion theory. It also outlines the process of health communication as having several interrelated phases, including defining problems, analyzing audiences, identifying intervention strategies, developing messages, identifying appropriate channels, and methods of communication.
The document discusses several theories related to health communication, including behavioral and social science theories, mass communication theories, and marketing and social marketing theories. It provides examples of specific theories such as the diffusion of innovation theory, health belief model, social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action, stages of behavior change model, and communication for persuasion theory. It also outlines the process of health communication as having several interrelated phases, including defining problems, analyzing audiences, identifying intervention strategies, developing messages, identifying appropriate channels, and methods of communication.
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Teori-Teori Berkaitan dengan Komunikasi
By Widya Lionita, SKM, MPH
• Health communication is infuenced by different disciplines and theoretical approaches. – behavioral and social science theories – mass communications theories – marketing and social marketing – and other theoretical infuences, including medical models, sociology, and anthropology Class Activity • Diskusi kelompok tentang teori yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi kesehatan • 25 menit • Presentasikan di depan kelas tentang teori yang dibahas BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE THEORIES
• Diffusion of innovation theory
• Health Belief Model • Social Cognitive Theory • Theory or Reasoned Action • The ideation theory • Stages of Behavior Change Model • Precede Procede Theory • Communication for Persuasion Theory Diffusion of Innovation Theory
• Awalnya dikembangkan oleh Everett Rogers
• Difusi inovasi teori membahas bagaimana ide- ide baru, konsep, atau praktik dapat menyebar dalam sebuah komunitas atau masyarakat atau dari satu masyarakat ke masyarakat lainnya. Diffusion of Innovation Theory 1. Characteristics of the potential adopters : age, income 2. Rate of adoption : exposure to the media 3. The nature of the social system 4. The characteristics of innovation : compatibility to socio- economy, cultural values, cost effective, simple and flexible, reversibility, observability 5. The characteristics of change agent – the person who facilitates the adoption of change in population Diffusion of Innovation Theory Health Belief Model Social Cognitive Theory Social Cognitive Theory
• Understanding the interaction that occurs
between an individual and their environment • For example : smoking in public area Theory of Reasoned Action The ideation theory Stages of Behavior Change/ Transtheoretical Model By Prochaska & DiClemente (1984) 1. Pre contemplation, in which individuals have no intention of adopting a recommended health behavior but are learning about it 2. Contemplation, in which individuals are considering adopting the recommended behavior 3. Decision, in which people decide to adopt the recommended health behavior 4. Action, in which people try to adopt the recommend behavior for a short period of time 5. Maintenance, in which people continue to perform the recommended health behavior for a long period of time (at least above six months) and, ideally, incorporate it in their routine and lifestyle Social Marketing Theories KOMUNIKASI KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT SEBAGAI INTERVENSI PERUBAHAN PERILAKU
• Komunikasi kesehatan masyarakat saat ini sudah
mengalami perubahan yang sangat pesat dan mendasar. • Dari strategi yang bersifat partial komunikasi kesehatan telah bergeser kepada strategi komprehensif berdasarkan hasil studi empiris. • Orientasinya yang semula berfokus pada “hasil” atau produksi, kini telah berubah menjadi studi yang berorientasi pada klien (customer). • Upaya menumbuhkan permintaan terhadap pelayanan kesehatan merupakan “efek” dari proses komunikasi yang memberikan informasi kepada anggota masyarakat bahwa telah tersedia pelayanan kesehatan yang mereka butuhkan, mudah didapat dan digunakan. • Informasi ini diharapkan dapat menganalisis “Riset Pasar”. Datanya untuk bahan “Harga”, “Keterjangkauan” dan “Pemasaran”. SELECT MODELS FOR STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL CHANGE COMMUNICATION MODEL PROSES KOMUNIKASI KESEHATAN
• Komunikasi kesehatan adalah suatu proses dengan
beberapa fase yang saling berurutan dan saling berhubungan. • Setiap fase membantu dalam memilih dan menerapkan metode komunikasi kesehatan secara tepat. PROSES KOMUNIKASI KESEHATAN • Fase pertama berfokus pada pemberian definisi dan deskripsi masalah. • Fase kedua (masukan audiens) melibatkan analisis audiens, pasar, dan pilihan saluran atau media dari mereka yang diperngaruhi oleh masalah kesehatan. • Fase ketiga mengidentifikasi strategi intervensi yang tepat (pendidikan, kebijakan, layanan kesehatan, teknologi, mobilisasi masyarakat) yang diperlukan untuk memodifikasi masalah kesehatan. Tahapan pemilih stategi ini mencakup penetapan apakah komunikasi merupakan stategi utama atau pendukung. • Fase keempat melibatkan pembuatan pesan yang diperlukan untuk mendukung strategi intervensi pilihan. • Fase kelima difokuskan pada pemulihan lingkungan yang tepat-lokasi tempat audiens sasaran paling efektif dijangkau. • Fase keenam mengidentifikasi saluran yang tepat yang didasarkan, sebagian, pada saluran yang dilakukan dalam fase 2. Saluran dalam model ini didefinisikan sebagai jalur atau rute tempat berlangsungnya komunikasi (mis, interpersonal, kelompok kecil, terkait organisasi, media massa, masyarakat, teknologi). • Fase ketujuh mengidentifikasi metode komunikasi kesehatan yang tepat. Contoh, konferensi pers atau publikasi berita, persentasi, konseling, web page, dan materi cetak. Communication for Persuasion Theory 1. Be exposed to the message. 2. Pay attention to it. 3. Find it interesting or personally relevant. 4. Understand it. 5. Figure out how the new behavior could in his or her life. 6. Accept the change that is being proposed. 7. Remember and validate the message. 8. Be able to think of the message in relevant contexts situations. 9. Make decisions on the basis of the retrieved information message. 10. Behave in line with that decision. 11. Receive positive reinforcement for that behavior. 12. Integrate the new behavior into his or her life.