Theology and Other Discipline

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Theology and Other

Gerald O'Collins' Three
styles in doing Theology
How do these Concepts
Philosophy is the study of the truth concerning the fundamental
questions about the nature of reality which is known by natural
reason. Philosophers today endorse so many different starting
points, terminologies, methods and systems.

Understanding of Truth

Logical Reasoning
Interpretation of Divine Revelation

Philosophy interprets reality through asking

essential questions which govern by Human reason.
Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and
organizes knowledge in the form of testable
explanations and predictions about the universe
Scientific Method

Founded on
Science Scientific

Perceive by senses

Science interprets reality through scientific investigation

based on facts perceived by senses whom result of an
Scientific Method Founded on
Logical Reasoning Scientific

THEOLOGY Interpretation of
Divine Revelation
of Truth Perceive by senses

Theology interprets reality by asking essential questions guided

by human reason but goes beyond Human Understanding which
involves experiments, tangible facts and various experiences.
- Theology is not
PHILOSOPHY only scientific but
also philosophical.

THEOLOGY Interrelated

Styles in doing or
Understanding Theology
Gerald O'Collins
Academic Style
- Through research, hard
thinking and serious
dialogue with academic
colleagues in other
disciplines, this type of
doing theology pursues
fresh knowledge and fresh
The Practical Style

The Practical style aims at

promoting justice and the
common good, concerned
with the struggle against
the massive injustice
found in the world.
The Contemplative Style

This third style of

theology aligns itself with
persons at prayer. This
style considers the
traditions, past and
present, particularly
prayer, icons and

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