Multimedia Authoring Tools
Multimedia Authoring Tools
Multimedia Authoring Tools
Authoring Tools
• Authoring software provides Tools
an integrated environment for
combining the content and
functions of a project.
Video Animation
Some run only on one platform
Tools are not powerful / stand-alone
Icon Based, Event-Driven Tools
Icon-based, event-driven tools provide a visual programming
approach to organize and present multimedia.
Steep learning curve for advances features
Time-Based tools
Macromedia Flash:
Flash is used for delivering rich multimedia content to the
It allows the creation of simple static HTML pages with the
Flash Player plug-in.
Time-Based tools: Example: Macromedia Flash
Time-Based tools
Easy to put animation and interactive movies
Interactive menus
Increase in file size
Music and sound files embedded in Flash movies increase
file sizes and increases the download time
Time-Based tools
Cross-platform Authoring Notes
Macintosh and Windows computers use different schemes to
manage text and colors.
While using text fields, ensure that the text displays correctly
on both platforms.