Iwanttoliveina Smart Sustainable City: Cristina Bueti Advisor Itu-T
Iwanttoliveina Smart Sustainable City: Cristina Bueti Advisor Itu-T
Iwanttoliveina Smart Sustainable City: Cristina Bueti Advisor Itu-T
I want to live in a
smart sustainable city
Cristina Bueti
Some city facts
Cities account
for about two-
thirds of global
Sources: (1) McKinsey Global Institute - Big Data Report, May 2011. (2) 2012E, Strategy Analytics , Global Social Network Market Forecast, Oct 2011. (3) United Nations, April 2010, (4) Youtube 2011
ITU-T Focus Group on Smart
Sustainable Cities
Established in February 2013 and concluded in May 2015
Over 150
platform for Liaison with
8 meetings participants/
Smart-city other SDOs
4 Working groups
WG1. WG3.
WG2. Standardizati WG4.
ICT role and
SSC on gaps, KPIs Policy and
roadmap for
infrastructure and metrics positioning
Guidelines and Global Smart
Singapore policies Sustainable
recommendations Cities Index
& other cities..
Information on national,
Impact of ICTs on water regional and international
5 meetings
conservation. smart water management
4 Technical Reports
eport on
Partnering for solutions: ICTs in Smart Water Management
ITU-T Study Group 20 (SG20) on
“Internet of Things and its applications, including smart cities and
2 Working Parties
Established in WP1: Internet of Things (IoT) 7 Questions
June 2015
WP2: Smart cities and Communities (SC&C)
Develop framework and roadmaps for the harmonized and coordinated development of IoT,
including M2M communications, ubiquitous sensor networks and smart cities and communities;
Assess how the use of IoT has an impact on the smartness of cities;
Study requirements and capabilities of IoT and its applications including SC&C;
Develop standards, guidelines, methodologies and best practices to help cities (including rural
areas and villages) deliver services using the IoT, with an initial view to address city challenges;
Cooperate with other regional and international standards-development organizations (SDO) and
industry forums.
WP2: Smart cities and Communities (SC&C)
Q5/20: SC&C requirements, applications and services
Topics to study:
SC&C related ecosystem, applications, services and use cases
Studies that are directly related to SC&C:
smart grids water mobility logistic waste
WP2: Smart cities and Communities (SC&C)
Q6/20: SC&C infrastructure and framework
Topics to study:
General reference models of SC&C
Spatio-temporal modeling for SC&C
Frameworks to identify the architectural and service compositions and views on SC&C
Identification of entities, their functions, and reference points required to provide
support to SC&C applications and services
ICT use for physical infrastructure
Metrics for
Empowering Exploring the
Measuring Paving the
SSC way for SSC
Transitions Infrastructure
Access here:
Forum on
“Shaping Smarter and More Sustainable Cities:
Striving for
Organizer: Co-organizers:
Joint UNECE/ITU Workshop on
Workshop on E-waste
Smart Sustainable Cities
Planned Events for 2016
Dates Title Venue
Joint side event UNECE/ITU/UN-Habitat Forum on “Shaping Smart
16 March 2016 Sustainable Cities for the new urban agenda” Prague, Czech Republic
21 April 2016 11th Symposium on ICT, Environment and Climate Change Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2 May 2016 Joint UNECE/ ITU Workshop on Smart Cities (WSIS) Geneva, Switzerland
2 May 2016 Joint Basel Convention/ ITU Workshop on Ewaste (WSIS) Geneva, Switzerland
Joint Huawei/ITU Forum on "Building a Better Connected World, Making
11 – 12 May 2016 Networks Greener" Madrid, Spain
18 – 19 May 2016 Joint ITU-UNECE-Tecnoborsa Forum on “Shaping smarter and more Rome, Italy
sustainable cities: striving for sustainable development goals”
13 July 2016 Joint ISO/IEC/ITU “World Smart City Forum” Singapore
25 July 2016 Joint UNECE/ ITU Forum on IoT and Smart Cities Geneva, Switzerland
31 August – 1 September Forum on IoT Buenos Aires, Argentina
5 – 9 September 2016 6th ITU Green Standards Week Montevideo, Uruguay
12-15 September 2016 Joint ITU/IEEE Workshop on Smart Cities Trento, Italy
13 September 2016 Symposium on E-waste Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thank you