Transformer: Power/Traction

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Maintenance means, “The planned activities help in maintaining the

assets trouble free”. In general maintenance may be defined as below:
“The combination of all technical and associated administrative actions
intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which it can
perform its required function/functions. This required function may be
defined as a stated condition.”
Maintenance ensures and controls the reliability and availability of a system.

Reliability is satisfactory performance (according to specification) when used.

Availability is presence of a reliable item at the given time and location, ready to
be, or being used for a specified purpose (thus, an item may be available,
although it is currently not used for a particular primary intended function,
(stored, or used for another purpose, but ready as a spare).
Preventive Maintenance
This represents a distinct improvement on Breakdown
In this approach the strict maintenance schedule is
established and the maintenance being practiced accordingly.
The intervals are decided using a combination of
manufacturers data and operational experiences. There are
specific checklists for each schedule and for every equipment.
For example Transformers have three schedules- Quarterly,
Half Yearly and Yearly, five yearly, POH etc. Each schedule
have different checklist.

Planned Unplanned

Preventive Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance Maintenance

Schedule Condition Based

Maintenance Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance or Breakdown Maintenance

Replacement of fittings, equipments while taking corrective actions in case

of failures etc.
Simplest of the strategies to adopt, as the plant allowed to run without any
vigorous supervision until it fails.
Breakdown often occurs at the most inconvenient time creating disruption
of operation. Also mobile application may result in considerable delay
until replacement components are found, transported to the site and
Unexpected breakdown may be a safety hazard.
Maintenance is not a magical wand to rid the equipment of all problems. It
requires sustained commitment and effort to change old policies and
habits. But the results will be lower failures, increased machine availability
and reliability, etc. Gradually, if the maintenance is consistently practiced,
breakdowns will tend towards zero. Activity involved in maintaining
something in good working order is key for the trouble free system.
Benefits of Maintenance
Significant drop in unplanned Maintenance, emergencies and chronic
If scheduled maintenance is practiced as per strict periodicity and as per
listed checklists there will be significant drop in unplanned maintenance,
breakdowns etc.
Un interrupted sustained services, punctuality.
Reduced catastrophic breakdowns, eventually tending towards zero
breakdown and, hence, 100% availability due to timely maintenance
Reliable and safe operation
Reduced downtime during repairs - because of timely maintenance, failure of
components is not that severe and can be fixed quickly
Low maintenance, inventory costs and operating costs
Reduced manpower requirement
Enhanced knowledge and understanding of the equipment for maintenance
Relaxed working conditions for maintenance staff. Reduced employee stress
and tension.
Quarterly Maintenance of Power transformer
S. Task Observation Action
No Taken
1. Clean externally the transformer tank,
conservator, radiator, gauges and bushing
using dry cloth.
2. Check bushing for any crack, chipping or
flashing mark and clean thoroughly with clean
dry cloth. Check the bushing oil level.
3. Record max. oil temp. & winding temp. &
reset the dial gauge. OTI 75 deg. Cel.- Alarm
& 85 deg. Cel. Trip
4. Check the oil level in the conservator tank, if it
is below ¼ level oil should be topped up.
5. Check for any oil leakage, if found attend the same.
6. Check the explosion vent diaphragm for any
damage and presence of oil.
7. Check the operation of OLTC mechanically, local
and remote.
Quarterly Maintenance of Power transformer
S. Task Observation Action
No Taken
8. Check electrically connections for its tightness, if
found loose tightened the same.
9. Check the mechanical connection for its tightness.
10. Check the silica gel condition in breathers if it is
turned pink in appearance, replace it or
reconditioned it. Checking /topping up of oil level
in the oil seal of breather.
11. Check the condition of earthing of t/f tank and tank
CT and tight the earthing of t/f.
12. Clean the Marshalling box and check the indicator ,
tap changer motor, wiring connections, heater,
illumination etc.
13. Check Buchlloz relay for any gas collection
14. Check PRD for any damage.
HALF YEARLY MAINTENACE of Power transformer
S. Task Observation Action
No Taken
1. Check all points of Quarterly schedule.
2. Measure and record the insulation resistance
of all windings to earth and primary winding
to secondary.
HV+E=2000M ohms, HV+=2500M ohms,
+E=400M ohms.
3. Take oil sample from tank bottom for BDV .
IF BDV is less than 50KV, oil should be
4. Record temp of winding along with ambient
5. Check all Alarm & trip device for its proper
6. Check gaskets for leakage and tighten the nut-
bolt if loose.
YEARLY MAINTENACE of Power transformer
S. Task Observation Action
No Taken
1. Check all points of Quarterly and Half Yearly schedule.
2. Take oil sample from t/f and sent for dissolve gas
analysis, acidity and also check BDV of oil . Minimum
BDV value should be -60KV.
3. Perform tan-delta and capacitance test of condenser
bushing and winding.
4. Check oil level in bushing it should not fall below oil level
and if found low it should be immediately topped up.
5. Check oil alarms and trip circuits for proper functioning
such of Buch. Relay, WTI, OTI, PRV and OLTC surge
6. Check tap changer for its normal operation. Move the Tap
setting up and down full range a few times so that by self-
wiping action good contact is assured. Set the tap finally at
the correct position making sure that tap indication
corresponds to position of main contacts.
7. Painting of t/f if required.
8. Check the OLTC driving mechanism for proper

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