Lesson No. 1 Lecture

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This course deals with system modelling; first and second

order systems; transfer functions; pole zero map; stability
analysis; root locus; bode plots; compensators; controllers and
state space techniques.

I. Introduction to Control Systems

II. System Modeling
III. Laplace transforms and applications
IV. Transfer functions, poles and zeros
V. Block Diagrams
VI. Signal Flow Graphs
VII. System stability and error
VIII. Time domain responses
XI. Root Locus, Bode plot and Nyquist
1.Control System Engineering, 6th ed, by Nise, 2000, Wiley & Sons
2. Modern Control Systems, 8 t h ed, by Dorf and Bishop
3. Linear Control Systems, 4 t h ed, by D”Azzo and Houpis, 1988,
4. Automatic control systems, 8 t h ed, by S.Hasan Saeed, 2014,Katson
5. Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 4 t h ed, Franklin, Gene,
2002, Prentice Hall
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Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson the
student should be able to
1.Know the basic elements of control systems.
2. Comprehend terminology and definitions used
in control systems
3. Understand the concept of feedback
4. Draw a simple block diagram of a system and identify
its parts
5. Familiarize with some types of sensors and controllers
Control systems are an integral part of modern
society. Numerous applications are all around us:
The rockets fire, and the space shuttle lifts off to
earth orbit; in splashing cooling water, a metallic part
is automatically machined; a self-guided vehicle
delivering material to workstations in an aerospace
assembly plant glides along the floor seeking its
destination. These are just a few examples of the
automatically controlled systems that we can create.
We are not the only creators of automatically
controlled systems; these systems also exist in nature.
Within our own bodies are numerous control systems,
such as the pancreas, which regulates our blood sugar. In
time of ‘‘fight or flight,’’ our adrenaline increases along
with our heart rate, causing more oxygen to be delivered
to our cells. Our eyes follow a moving object to keep it in
view; our hands grasp the object and place it precisely at
a predetermined location.
We build control systems for four primary reasons:
1. Power amplification
2. Remote control
3. Convenience of input form
4. Compensation for disturbances
A radar antenna, positioned by the low-power rotation
of a knob at the input, requires a large amount of
power for its output rotation. A control system can
produce the needed power amplification, or power
Robots designed by control system principles can
compensate for human disabilities. Control systems are
also useful in remote or dangerous locations. For
example, a remote-controlled robot arm can be used to
pick up material in a radioactive environment.
Control systems can also be used to provide convenience by changing
the form of the input. For example, in a temperature control system,
the input is a position on a thermostat. The output is heat. Thus, a
convenient position input yields a desired thermal output.

Another advantage of a control system is the ability to compensate

for disturbances. Typically, we control such variables as temperature
thermal systems, position and velocity in mechanical systems, and
voltage, current, or frequency in electrical systems. The system must
be able to yield the correct output even with a disturbance.
The system can be classified as
1.Linear and nonlinear system
2. Time invariant and time varying system
3. Continuous time and discrete time
4. Dynamic and static systems
5. Deterministic and stochastic system
Linear and non-linear system
- A system is known as linear if and only if it possess
both homogeneity and superposition properties.
Superposition implies that if an input r1 gives an output
of c2 and another input r2 gives an output of c2 and if
the two input are applied together will give the sum of
the two input.
- A system is said to be non-linear if it does not satisfy
the superposition and homogeneity. Common non-
linearities are friction, transistor, saturation, op-amps,
magnetic circuits.
Time invariant and time varying system
- If the output does not vary in time it is called time
invariant and if the output varies with time it is
known as time varying system. For example the
parameters of a circuit R, L and C does not vary
with the variation of time. The current, distance,
voltage varies with time therefore they are called
time varying variables
Continuous time and discrete time system
- If a function is defined for every instant of time
the values are changing at any instant it is called
continuous time. If the system is defined at only
specified instant of time it is called discrete time
Dynamic and static system
-if in any system, the input does not change with the
time, then the output will also not change with time
such system is known as static system. Electrical
circuit consist of resistances only are the example of
static system. If the output of the system is a
function of time even when the input is constant
such systems is called dynamic system. Inductance
and capacitance are energy storing elements
Deterministic and stochastic system
- In stochastic system for a given input, the output
is uncertain, only probability can be predicted. In
deterministic system, the output could be exactly
determined for a given input.
Other type of system:
What is a control system?

It is an arrangement of several elements that

performs particular task. These elements are
connected in proper sequence and facilitates signal
to flow.
Types and Basic Components

1. Open loop control systems. It has no feedback

elements. Hence the control action is independent
of the output. Its basic elements are the controller
and the controlled process. The controller may be
an amplifier, filter circuits, etc
The input (r) is applied to the controller where some
control actions are performed and a signal is
obtained from the controller. The controller is
connected to a controlled process which is
regulating the system. Signal obtained from the
controller is fed to the controlled process which
further process the signal and gives the desired
output (c). The direction of the signal is
1.Washing machine (the timer is set without
knowing the desired cleanliness of the cloths)
2. Armature control of a DC machines ( the rotation
of the armature is not sensed)
3. Immersion rod ( does not sense the increase of
4. Traffic lights ( the three lights are time fixed)
1.They are simple
2. They are economical
3. Maintenance is cheap and easy
4.Proper calibration is not a problem
5.They are inaccurate
6. They are not reliable and slow
7. Optimization is not possible.
2. Closed loop control
It is also known as feedback control systems. The
control action is dependent on the desired output.
The output is compared with the reference input
and therefore an error signal is produced. The error
signal is fed to the controller to reduce the error
and the desired output is obtained.
1. PLANT- a physical object to be controlled. The
plant G2(s), is the controlled system, of which a
particular quantity or condition is to be controlled.
CONTROL SYSTEMS - a system which
compares output to some reference input and
keeps output as close as possible to this reference
the system is not feed back to the input.
4.CONTROL ELEMENTS – G1(s) , also called controller, are
the components required to generate the appropriate
control signal M(s) applied to the plant
5. FEEDBACK ELEMENTS – H(s) – is the component
required to establish the functional relationship
between the primary feedback signal B(s) and the
controlled output C(s).
6.REFERENCE INPUT R(s) – is an external signal applied
to the feedback control system in order to command a
specified action of the plant.
7. CONTROLLED OUTPUT C(s) – is the quanity
or condition of the plant which is controlled.
8.PRIMARY FEEDBACK SIGNAL B(s) – is a signal which is
a function of the controlled output C(s), and which is
algebraically summed with the reference input R(s) to
obtain the actuating signal E(s).
9.ACTUATING SIGNAL E(s) – also called error or control
action, is the algebraic sum of the reference input R(s)
plus or minus (usually minus) the primary feedback
10.MANIPULATED VARIABLE M(s) – control signal is that
quantity or condition which the control elements G1(s)
apply to the plant G2(s).
11.DISTURBANCE U(s) – is an undesired input signal
which affects the value of the controlled output C(s).
It may enter the plant by summation with M(s) or via
an intermediate point.
12.FORWARD PATH – is the transmission path from the
actuating signal E(s) to the controlled output C(s).
13.FEEDBACK PATH –is the transmission path from the
controlled output C(s) to the primary feedback B(s).
14.SUMMING POINT – a circle with a cross that
indicates a summing point. The (+) or (-) sign at each
arrowhead indicates whether that signal is to be
added or subtracted.
15.BRANCH POINT – is a point from which the signal
from a block goes concurrently to the other blocks or
summing point.
2. Cloths dryer
3. Water level controller
4. Missile launch
5. Space telescopes with pointing accuracy of 10-
6 degrees

6. Airplane autopilot
1.They are more reliable and faster
2. A number of variables can be handled
3. Optimization is possible
4.Output can be maintained at desired level
5.Complex in construction
6. Expensive
7. Maintenance is difficult
8. Unstable under certain conditions
Typical applications
Ecological: control of plant chemical waste, air and
water pollution abatement, flood control via
Medical: artificial limbs
Home: home heating refrigeration and
air- conditioning
Appliances: humidity controller, temperature
control of ovens
Power and energy: solar panel, oil recovery
Transportation: traffic flow, speed control, elevators
and escalators
Manufacturing: sensor equip robots for cuttings and
drilling, chemical process control, torsion control
for textile mills, conveyor speed
Aerospace and military: missile guidance
control, automatic piloting, navigation,
tracking system
Example No. 1
Drebbel’s Egg Incubator
Rack &
Define the following and give
1.. Servomotor
2. Rate generator
3. Resolver
4. Modulator
5. Demodulator
6. Phase lead network
7. Phase lag network
8. Stepper motor
9. Seebeck effect
10. Peizoelectric

Transducer- It is a device that transform one form of

energy into another. It can change quantities such
as heat, light, motion, etc, into a form of electrical

Sensors – It converts the physical quantity to a signal

that can be recognized by other components such
as display, transmitter and etc.
Position Sensing

The potentiometer as a sensor has the

following advantages:
1.It is inexpensive
2.It can provide a high output voltage
Some Disadvantages are:
3.They become noisy with age
4. It wears out.
5. Friction loads the mechanical
6. The slider will bounce with fast
The potentiometer is the most common electrical
transducer. It consist of resistive elements and a
movable contact that can be positioned along
with the length of the element. This movable
contact is called by various names including tap,
wiper and slider.
Translational Position Sensing



1 2 3 -

Potentiometer Bridge


+ e -

Linear Variable Differential transformer
A linear variable differential transformer gives an AC
output voltage signal which is proportional to a
physical displacement. It is an electromechanical
sensor that converts rectilinear motion of an object to
which it is mechanically coupled into a corresponding
electrical signal
When the LVDT core is perfectly centered, the
output voltage equals to zero.
When the LVDT core moves up, the output voltage is
in phase with the input voltage.
When the LVDT core moves down, the output voltage
is out of phase with the input voltage.
Rotational Position Sensing


e ( t)

Velocity Sensor
The presiding figure shows a typical velocity
measuring transducer used for determining linear
velocity. It can also be used for rotational velocity
when used with the proper mechanical rotary to
linear motion conversion technique.
The sensor uses a photocell device that detects the
passage of light and dark spaced marks on a rotating
The photocell in turn produces either a voltage or no
voltage signal depending on the light level that it
senses and sends this pulsating voltage level to a
signal conditioning circuit. The circuit then
converts the frequency of the pulses into a
proportionally varying DC voltage level. Whose
magnitude represents the velocity amount.
vel =

freq to
voltage photo cell
output light source
Tachometer Bridge

+ +
e e
- 2

+ e 2
Pressure Sensor

The most commonly used method for sensing

pressure is thru the usage of strain gages. The
principle of operation rests in the fact that if one
wire is stretch its DC resistance would also increase
proportionally to the applied stress. Very small
changes in wire’s resistance can be detected by
arranging the wire in a wheatstone bridge.
R3 pressure


to signal conditioner
A voltage source, V, supplies voltage to the bridge. By design,
R3 is unstressed meaning no pressure is present on the
transducer’s pressure diaphragm. The opposing current
flowing thru the bridge’s central leg are equal and are
therefore nullified. Consequently, no current at all flows
under this condition. However, as soon as pressure
occurs at the transducer’s diaphragm, R3 becomes stressed.
Thereby upsetting the balanced
condition of the bridge and causing current to flow thru
the indicator in the bridge central leg.
The amount of current will be proportional to the amount of
pressure being applied. This resulting imbalance of
current is then transmitted thru a signal conditioning
circuit that converts the current into a designed signal form.
Another different approach to industrial pressure
measurement is the use of Bourdon tubes and
bellows. These devices detect the measured
pressure and convert it into a mechanical
movement. The mechanical movement is then
transduced into an electrical signal by either a
potentiometer or an LVDT
Flowrate Sensor

The flowrate sensor uses hot wire anemometer which has

a sensing gases. In this process, a heated wire is
allowed to be cooled by the flowing gas. The amount
of cooling is determined by the amount of decrease in
wire electrical resistance. Once this change in
resistance is known, this can be correlated to the
flowrate of the gas flowing past the sensor itself. Its
purpose is to regulate the flow of gas in the system.
Electromagnetic Sensor

Electromagnetic sensing covers very large range of

sensor types. This is due to the very broad nature
of the electromagnetic spectrum. In control
system, electromagnetic sensing is usually limited
to the radio communication frequencies.Basically,
a radio frequency sensing device or RF sensing is
nothing more than a radio receiver that has been
designed to tune to a desired range of radio
Light Sensor

They are photoelectric devices that converts light

energy (photons) whether visible or infrared light
into an electrical signals.
The two main categories are:
1. Photovoltaic or photoemissive – generate
electricity when illuminated
2. Photo-resistors or photo-conductors – change
the electrical properties when illuminated.
Temperature Sensor

A commonly used temperature sensing device is the

thermocouple. The device depends on the phenomenon
called Seebeck Effect. Two dissimilar wires are heated to
their ends where they are physically connected through
twisting or welding. This produce and EMF at the
wire’s opposite ends. The EMF is proportional to the
amount of heat being applied to the junction. Since
the generated voltage is very small, it can be amplified
to a larger value and can represent either DC or AC

A combination of components which utilizes the

error signal to determine the flow of power to the
final correcting devices which is usually a motor.
Types of Controllers
a. on-off controllers- this final correcting device has
only two positions or operating states. The
controlled variable oscillates about the desired
The simplest kind of on-off control mechanism is an
electromagnetic relay, whose contacts are either
open or closed, depending on the signal received
from the sensor. On-off controllers are widely used
in cases where the operation of equipment requires
some control within given limits but does not
require a high accuracy of control (for example, the
control of electric furnaces, refrigerators, or steam
heating and water heating).
A Supply

+ v o l ta g e


s o l e n o id
fu e l
When the coil of the solenoid is deenergized that is no
current flowing, fuel is supplied to the burner since the
valve is open as shown. Temperature rises until the level
reaches point A producing a closed circuit thereby
energizing the coil. Due to this, the switch moves
downward and also the valve closes. Fuel is therefore
cut- off. The process temperature will stop increasing
and will eventually go down until it reaches point B.
Solenoid is still energized at this point. When the level
goes below point B, coil is deenergized and the fuel is
again admitted. Process temperature will therefore
swing back and forth between TA and TB
b. PID controller
P – proportional – it produces a signal which is
proportional to the error, it increases the error by
a constant value
I – Integral – it helps in the elimination or reduction
of steady state errors and it degrades stability.
D- Derivative – it increases the speed of response
and improves stability
There are three basic modes on which the whole control
action takes place and these modes are written below. We
will use the combination of these modes in order to
have a desired and accurate output.
Proportional controllers.
Integral controllers.
Derivative controllers.
Combinations of these three controllers are written
below: Proportional and integral controllers.
Proportional and derivative controllers.
In proportional controller output is
directly proportional to error signal,
writing this mathematically we have,
u∞ e
Then u = KP e
Where, Kp is proportional constant also known
as controller gain.
It is recommended that Kp should be kept greater
than unity. If the value of Kp is greater than unity,
then it will amplify the error signal(actuating
signal) and thus the amplified error signal can be
detected easily.
Integral Controllers (reset controller)
As the name suggests in integral controllers the
output (also called the actuating signal) is directly
proportional to the integral of the error signal. an
integral controller output is directly proportional
to the integration of the error signal,
u ∞∫edt
u = K I ∫edt
In derivative controller the output (also called the
actuating signal) is directly proportional to the
derivative of the error signal. Now let us analyze
derivative controller mathematically. A
derivative controller output is directly
proportional to the derivative of the error signal,
u ∞de/dt
u = KD de/dt
1. Draw a component diagram for a water level controlled by
float and valve and indicate the location of the elements
listed below
a. The process
b. The process desired output
c. The sensor
d. The actuator
e. The actuator output signal
f. The controller
g. The controller output signal
h. The reference signal
i. The error signal
2. Identify the physical principles and describe the
operation of the thermostat in your home or
3. give an example of feedback systems use in
biological science.
4. A university wants to establish a control system model
that represents the student population as an output, with
the desired student population as an input. The
administration determines the rate of admissions by
comparing the current and desired student populations. The
admissions office then uses this rate to admit students. Draw
a functional block diagram showing the administration and
the admissions office as blocks of the system. Also show the
following signals: the desired student population, the actual
student population, the desired student rate as determined
by the administration, the actual student rate as generated
by the admissions office, the dropout rate, and the net rate
of influx.

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